Update Makefile.depend filesAfter building packages we have a number of newand updated Makefile.depend filesReviewed by: stevek
Remove residual blank line at start of MakefileThis is a residual of the $FreeBSD$ removal.MFC After: 3 days (though I'll just run the command on the branches)Sponsored by: Netflix
awk: Fix the testsI'd forgotten that we have to adjust the stderr tests fromupstream. Remove the OK files. Also remove system-status.*. Theserestore the fixes I made in 517e52b6c21c which were l
awk: Fix the testsI'd forgotten that we have to adjust the stderr tests fromupstream. Remove the OK files. Also remove system-status.*. Theserestore the fixes I made in 517e52b6c21c which were lost when I importedthe last version of awk.Also, force LANG to be C.UTF-8 when testing to ensure that stray langsettings don't fail tests.Sponsored by: Netflix
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Remove $FreeBSD$: one-line sh patternRemove /^\s*#[#!]?\s*\$FreeBSD\$.*$\n/
Update/fix Makefile.depend for userland
awk: Move to using two sets of testsUpstream one-true-awk has two sets of tests. These are in addition toNetBSD's tests we're using. The 'bugs-fixed' tests from upstream areready to use as-is (mo
awk: Move to using two sets of testsUpstream one-true-awk has two sets of tests. These are in addition toNetBSD's tests we're using. The 'bugs-fixed' tests from upstream areready to use as-is (more or less). However, the 'tests' from upstreamare not, so for now we'll just use the netbsd and bugs-fixed tests.They provide an OK workout and are better than nothing, though the teststhemselves are for specific esoteric things.The upstream bugs-fixed tests are *ALMOST* a drop in. However, 3 testfor errors and the upstream test jig mashes stdout and stderr together,which atf doesn't do, so make a tiny tweak to the upstream tests that Ihope to upstream. Plus upstream has ../a.out: instead of awk: in theoutput. Not sure how to deal with this yet, so I've not proposedanything upstream and have changed the test locally.In addition, the system-status.awk test is not suitable to run in ATF.It wants to force sh to dump core, but kyua doesn't seem to allow thatsometimes so the test will fail or pass based on whether or not a coredump can be created. Since it's unstable, remove it.This required moving the netbsd tests to a new direcotry, so updatemtree files as well. The change is useless for 'make check' without it.Sponsored by: NetflixDifferential Revision: https://reviews.freebsd.org/D31376
awk(1): Add necessary bits for connecting tests, but leave disconnectedThe NetBSD test suite has 24 tests for awk, and we pass exactly 4 of them.Add the necessary pieces for interested parties to
awk(1): Add necessary bits for connecting tests, but leave disconnectedThe NetBSD test suite has 24 tests for awk, and we pass exactly 4 of them.Add the necessary pieces for interested parties to easily connect thetests and run them, but leave them disconnected for the time being.Some of these tests outright segfault in our awk, others just exhibit thewrong behavior.