Remove residual blank line at start of MakefileThis is a residual of the $FreeBSD$ removal.MFC After: 3 days (though I'll just run the command on the branches)Sponsored by: Netflix
sys: Remove $FreeBSD$: one-line sh patternRemove /^\s*#[#!]?\s*\$FreeBSD\$.*$\n/
sys/modules: normalize .CURDIR-relative paths to SRCTOPThis simplifies make output/logicTested with: `cd sys/modules; make ALL_MODULES=` on amd64MFC after: 1 monthSponsored by: Dell EMC Isilon
- Add cpuctl(4) pseudo-device driver to provide access to some low-level features of CPUs like reading/writing machine-specific registers, retrieving cpuid data, and updating microcode.- Add cpu
- Add cpuctl(4) pseudo-device driver to provide access to some low-level features of CPUs like reading/writing machine-specific registers, retrieving cpuid data, and updating microcode.- Add cpucontrol(8) utility, that provides userland access to the features of cpuctl(4).- Add subsequent manpages.The cpuctl(4) device operates as follows. The pseudo-device node cpuctlXis created for each cpu present in the systems. The pseudo-device minornumber corresponds to the cpu number in the system. The cpuctl(4) pseudo-device allows a number of ioctl to be preformed, namely RDMSR/WRMSR/CPUIDand UPDATE. The first pair alows the caller to read/write machine-specificregisters from the correspondent CPU. cpuid data could be retrieved usingthe CPUID call, and microcode updates are applied via UPDATE.The permissions are inforced based on the pseudo-device file permissions.RDMSR/CPUID will be allowed when the caller has read access to the devicenode, while WRMSR/UPDATE will be granted only when the node is openedfor writing. There're also a number of priv(9) checks.The cpucontrol(8) utility is intened to provide userland access tothe cpuctl(4) device features. The utility also allows one to applycpu microcode updates.Currently only Intel and AMD cpus are supported and were tested.Approved by: kibReviewed by: rpaulo, cokane, Peter JeremyMFC after: 1 month
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