xref: /freebsd/contrib/ofed/librdmacm/man/rping.1 (revision 031beb4e239bfce798af17f5fe8dba8bcaf13d99)
Licensed under the OpenIB.org BSD license (FreeBSD Variant) - See COPYING.md
"RPING" 1 "2007-05-15" "librdmacm" "librdmacm" librdmacm
rping - RDMA CM connection and RDMA ping-pong test.
rping -s [-v] [-V] [-d] [-P] [-a address] [-p port]
 [-C message_count] [-S message_size]
rping -c [-v] [-V] [-d] [-I address] -a address [-p port]
 [-C message_count] [-S message_size]
Establishes a reliable RDMA connection between two nodes using the librdmacm, optionally performs RDMA transfers between the nodes, then disconnects.

-s Run as the server.

-c Run as the client.

-a address On the server, specifies the network address to bind the connection to. To bind to any address with IPv6 use -a ::0 . On the client, specifies the server address to connect to.

-I address The address to bind to as the source IP address to use. This is useful if you have multiple addresses on the same network or complex routing.

-p Port number for listening server.

-v Display ping data.

-V Validate ping data.

-d Display debug information.

-C message_count The number of messages to transfer over each connection. (default infinite)

-S message_size The size of each message transferred, in bytes. (default 100)

-P Run the server in persistent mode. This allows multiple rping clients to connect to a single server instance. The server will run until killed.

Because this test maps RDMA resources to userspace, users must ensure that they have available system resources and permissions. See the libibverbs README file for additional details.
rdma_cm(7), ucmatose(1), udaddy(1), mckey(1)