Remove residual blank line at start of MakefileThis is a residual of the $FreeBSD$ removal.MFC After: 3 days (though I'll just run the command on the branches)Sponsored by: Netflix
sys: Remove $FreeBSD$: one-line sh patternRemove /^\s*#[#!]?\s*\$FreeBSD\$.*$\n/
sys/modules: normalize .CURDIR-relative paths to SRCTOPThis simplifies make output/logicTested with: `cd sys/modules; make ALL_MODULES=` on amd64MFC after: 1 monthSponsored by: Dell EMC Isilon
Add the Areca SATA RAID driver (arcmsr). This supports the ARC-11xx and 12xxseries of controllers. Areca provides a CLI and HTTP management tool forFreeBSD/i386 and FreeBSD/amd64 on their website
Add the Areca SATA RAID driver (arcmsr). This supports the ARC-11xx and 12xxseries of controllers. Areca provides a CLI and HTTP management tool forFreeBSD/i386 and FreeBSD/amd64 on their website. Many thanks to Areca fortheir support of FreeBSD. Thanks also to Mike Tansca and Sentex Communicationsfor donating hardware.Obtained from: Erich Chen <erich at areca com tw>
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