Remove residual blank line at start of MakefileThis is a residual of the $FreeBSD$ removal.MFC After: 3 days (though I'll just run the command on the branches)Sponsored by: Netflix
sys: Remove $FreeBSD$: one-line sh patternRemove /^\s*#[#!]?\s*\$FreeBSD\$.*$\n/
sys/modules: normalize .CURDIR-relative paths to SRCTOPThis simplifies make output/logicTested with: `cd sys/modules; make ALL_MODULES=` on amd64MFC after: 1 monthSponsored by: Dell EMC Isilon
Import ACPICA 20090521.
Dike out WARNS from kernel module makefiles. Kernels and modulesuse a different mechanism for setting warning flags, and usingWARNS here only has null or negative effects.Submitted by: bde (I th
Dike out WARNS from kernel module makefiles. Kernels and modulesuse a different mechanism for setting warning flags, and usingWARNS here only has null or negative effects.Submitted by: bde (I think it means "submitted")
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Remove the addition of ACPI_DEBUG that was accidentally added in the lastcommit.
Make sure that opt_ddb.h exists so that this will compile with ACPI_DEBUG
After discussions with Nate, repo copy the acpi assist drivers fromi386 to dev/acpi_support. In theory, these devices could be foundother than in i386 machines only as amd64 becomes more popular.
After discussions with Nate, repo copy the acpi assist drivers fromi386 to dev/acpi_support. In theory, these devices could be foundother than in i386 machines only as amd64 becomes more popular. Thesedrivers don't appear to do anything i386 specific, so move them todev/acpi_support. Move config lines to files so that thosearchitectures that don't support kernel modules can build them intothe kernel. At the same time, rename acpi_snc to acpi_sony to followthe lead of all the other specialty devices.
Bump WARNS to 2 for all other ACPI drivers and minor cleanup.
Add acpi_if.h dependencies to module build.
Enable the led-toggling magic. Compiling files which are in the kernel intomodules is a very nice way to produce hard-to-find panics. Who would look fora bug in a Makefile anyway?Has anyone see
Enable the led-toggling magic. Compiling files which are in the kernel intomodules is a very nice way to produce hard-to-find panics. Who would look fora bug in a Makefile anyway?Has anyone seen the pointy hat? :-oApproved by: njl (mentor)
Missed this out in my last commit. Makefile for the acpi_asus driver.