tools: Automated cleanup of cdefs and other formattingApply the following automated changes to try to eliminateno-longer-needed sys/cdefs.h includes as well as now-emptyblank lines in a row.Rem
tools: Automated cleanup of cdefs and other formattingApply the following automated changes to try to eliminateno-longer-needed sys/cdefs.h includes as well as now-emptyblank lines in a row.Remove /^#if.*\n#endif.*\n#include\s+<sys/cdefs.h>.*\n/Remove /\n+#include\s+<sys/cdefs.h>.*\n+#if.*\n#endif.*\n+/Remove /\n+#if.*\n#endif.*\n+/Remove /^#if.*\n#endif.*\n/Remove /\n+#include\s+<sys/cdefs.h>\n#include\s+<sys/types.h>/Remove /\n+#include\s+<sys/cdefs.h>\n#include\s+<sys/param.h>/Remove /\n+#include\s+<sys/cdefs.h>\n#include\s+<sys/capsicum.h>/Sponsored by: Netflix
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Remove $FreeBSD$: one-line sh patternRemove /^\s*#[#!]?\s*\$FreeBSD\$.*$\n/
Remove $FreeBSD$: one-line .c patternRemove /^[\s*]*__FBSDID\("\$FreeBSD\$"\);?\s*\n/
Remove $FreeBSD$: two-line .h patternRemove /^\s*\*\n \*\s+\$FreeBSD\$$\n/
NO_MAN= has been deprecated in favor of MAN= for some time, go aheadand finish the job. ncurses is now the only Makefile in the tree thatuses it since it wasn't a simple mechanical change, and will
NO_MAN= has been deprecated in favor of MAN= for some time, go aheadand finish the job. ncurses is now the only Makefile in the tree thatuses it since it wasn't a simple mechanical change, and will beaddressed in a future commit.
Remove extra comment that snuck in in last commit.
Add a simple ICMPv6 filter test for IPv6 raw sockets: determine thatthe default ICMPv6 filter is pass all, test that we can set it to blockall and restore to pass all. No attempt is made to test t
Add a simple ICMPv6 filter test for IPv6 raw sockets: determine thatthe default ICMPv6 filter is pass all, test that we can set it to blockall and restore to pass all. No attempt is made to test that thefiltering works, just that we can get and set it.
Regression tests for recent changes to inet6_rth_* family of functionsregarding RFC3542 compliance.
Add a test case for closing a UDPv6 socket that has been connected tothe IPv6 loopback address.Warns ?= 2.
Add very basic regression test for netinet6: create and close raw,UDP, and TCP IPv6 sockets.