Remove residual blank line at start of MakefileThis is a residual of the $FreeBSD$ removal.MFC After: 3 days (though I'll just run the command on the branches)Sponsored by: Netflix
sys: Remove $FreeBSD$: one-line sh patternRemove /^\s*#[#!]?\s*\$FreeBSD\$.*$\n/
imcsmb(4): Intel integrated Memory Controller (iMC) SMBus controller driverimcsmb(4) provides smbus(4) support for the SMBus controller functionalityin the integrated Memory Controllers (iMCs) emb
imcsmb(4): Intel integrated Memory Controller (iMC) SMBus controller driverimcsmb(4) provides smbus(4) support for the SMBus controller functionalityin the integrated Memory Controllers (iMCs) embedded in Intel Sandybridge-Xeon, Ivybridge-Xeon, Haswell-Xeon, and Broadwell-Xeon CPUs. Each CPUimplements one or more iMCs, depending on the number of cores; each iMCimplements two SMBus controllers (iMC-SMBs).*** IMPORTANT NOTE ***Because motherboard firmware or the BMC might try to use the iMC-SMBs formonitoring DIMM temperatures and/or managing an NVDIMM, the driver mightneed to temporarily disable those functions, or take a hardware interlock,before using the iMC-SMBs. Details on how to do this may vary from board toboard, and the procedure may be proprietary. It is strongly suggested thatanyone wishing to use this driver contact their motherboard vendor, andmodify the driver as described in the manual page and in the driver itself.(For what it's worth, the driver as-is has been tested on various SuperMicromotherboards.)Reviewed by: avg, jhbMFC after: 1 weekRelnotes: yesSponsored by: PanasasDifferential Revision: with: avg, ian, jhbTested by: allanjude (previous version), Panasas
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