Remove residual blank line at start of MakefileThis is a residual of the $FreeBSD$ removal.MFC After: 3 days (though I'll just run the command on the branches)Sponsored by: Netflix
sys: Remove $FreeBSD$: one-line sh patternRemove /^\s*#[#!]?\s*\$FreeBSD\$.*$\n/
Create a new GEOM utility, gunion(8).The gunion(8) utility is used to track changes to a read-only disk ona writable disk. Logically, a writable disk is placed over a read-onlydisk. Write request
Create a new GEOM utility, gunion(8).The gunion(8) utility is used to track changes to a read-only disk ona writable disk. Logically, a writable disk is placed over a read-onlydisk. Write requests are intercepted and stored on the writabledisk. Read requests are first checked to see if they have beenwritten on the top (writable disk) and if found are returned. Ifthey have not been written on the top disk, then they are read fromthe lower disk.The gunion(8) utility can be especially useful if you have a largedisk with a corrupted filesystem that you are unsure of how torepair. You can use gunion(8) to place another disk over the corrupteddisk and then attempt to repair the filesystem. If the repair fails,you can revert all the changes in the upper disk and be back to theunchanged state of the lower disk thus allowing you to try anotherapproach to repairing it. If the repair is successful you can commitall the writes recorded on the top disk to the lower disk.Another use of the gunion(8) utility is to try out upgrades to yoursystem. Place the upper disk over the disk holding your filesystemthat is to be upgraded and then run the upgrade on it. If it works,commit it; if it fails, revert the upgrade.Further details can be found in the gunion(8) manual page.Reviewed by: Chuck Silvers, kib (earlier version)tested by: Peter HolmDifferential Revision:
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