Address module reproducibility issuesUse .PATH & bare filename. This prevents the real source path frombeing included in the built object, which improves reproducibility.Signed-off-by: Dan McGre
Address module reproducibility issuesUse .PATH & bare filename. This prevents the real source path frombeing included in the built object, which improves reproducibility.Signed-off-by: Dan McGregor <>Reviewed by: impPull Request:
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sys: Remove $FreeBSD$: one-line sh patternRemove /^\s*#[#!]?\s*\$FreeBSD\$.*$\n/
qat: Add Intel® 4xxx Series platform supportOverview:Intel(R) QuickAssist Technology (Intel(R) QAT) provides hardwareacceleration for offloading security, authentication and compressionservices
qat: Add Intel® 4xxx Series platform supportOverview:Intel(R) QuickAssist Technology (Intel(R) QAT) provides hardwareacceleration for offloading security, authentication and compressionservices from the CPU, thus significantly increasing the performance andefficiency of standard platform solutions.This commit introduces:- Intel® 4xxx Series platform support.- QuickAssist kernel API implementation update for Generation 4 device. Enabled services: symmetric cryptography and data compression.- Increased default number of crypto instances in static configuration for performance purposes.OCF backend changes:- changed GCM/CCM MAC validation policy to generate MAC by HW and validate by SW due to the QAT HW limitations.Patch co-authored by: Krzysztof Zdziarski <>Patch co-authored by: Michal Jaraczewski <>Patch co-authored by: Michal Gulbicki <>Patch co-authored by: Julian Grajkowski <>Patch co-authored by: Piotr Kasierski <>Patch co-authored by: Adam Czupryna <>Patch co-authored by: Konrad Zelazny <>Patch co-authored by: Katarzyna Rucinska <>Patch co-authored by: Lukasz Kolodzinski <>Patch co-authored by: Zbigniew Jedlinski <>Sponsored by: Intel CorporationReviewed by: markj, jhbDifferential Revision: