6180027 umatched list entry elides entire prop statement, rather than producing shorter list6559372 can simplify pci.esc and pciex.esc rules now that is_under works corrently6610980 get ereport.fm.
6180027 umatched list entry elides entire prop statement, rather than producing shorter list6559372 can simplify pci.esc and pciex.esc rules now that is_under works corrently6610980 get ereport.fm.fmd.asru_fmri replaying a fault who's asru is in fmd scheme6639248 RFE: Eversholt should allow dynamic SERD engine names6639255 RFE: Eversholt should allow bumping SERD by an arbitrary value6663677 can sometimes fail to retire asrus if resource-to-asru mapping changes over reboot6663874 all scheme nvl2str functionality should be moved into topo_fmri_nvl2str()6672125 fmd should fill in asru/fru in a fault event from topo if not supplied by the DE6690744 remove need for spurious asru() or fru() function in confprop calls6698777 eversholt needs easier-to-use serd engine handling6698783 could have default valuse for FITrate and method in eversholt6712783 should have separate faults where there is no service impact or impact is degraded rather than lost6714865 add retire=0 and response=0 flags to faults
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PSARC 2005/754 FMA SNMP Agent6365742 fault management data needs an SNMP interface6365743 need 64-bit fmd scheme plugins