dpaa: Fix warnings in dtsec(4) found by clangThese are all trivial warnings that have no real functional change.
Rename a couple files to not conflict with ZFS filenamesNow a kernel can be built with both ZFS and DPAA compiled in.
Make DPAA work in 64-bit modeRework the dTSEC and FMan drivers to be more like a full bus relationship,so that dtsec can use bus_alloc_resource() instead of trying to handle theoffset from the dt
Make DPAA work in 64-bit modeRework the dTSEC and FMan drivers to be more like a full bus relationship,so that dtsec can use bus_alloc_resource() instead of trying to handle theoffset from the dts. This required taking some code from the sparc64 ebusdriver to allow subdividing the fman region for the dTSEC devices.
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Update DPAA SDK to SDK 2.0This adds some support for ARM as well as 64-bit. 64-bit on PowerPC iscurrently not working, and ARM support has not been completed or tested on theFreeBSD side.As th
Update DPAA SDK to SDK 2.0This adds some support for ARM as well as 64-bit. 64-bit on PowerPC iscurrently not working, and ARM support has not been completed or tested on theFreeBSD side.As this was imported from a Linux tree, it includes some Linux-isms(ioread/iowrite), so compile with the LinuxKPI for now. This may change in thefuture.
Add support for the Freescale dTSEC DPAA-based ethernet controller.Freescale's QorIQ line includes a new ethernet controller, based on theirDatapath Acceleration Architecture (DPAA). This uses a
Add support for the Freescale dTSEC DPAA-based ethernet controller.Freescale's QorIQ line includes a new ethernet controller, based on theirDatapath Acceleration Architecture (DPAA). This uses a combination of a Framemanager, Buffer manager, and Queue manager to improve performance across allinterfaces by being able to pass data directly between hardware accelerationinterfaces.As part of this import, Freescale's Netcomm Software (ncsw) driver is imported.This was an attempt by Freescale to create an OS-agnostic sub-driver formanaging the hardware, using shims to interface to the OS-specific APIs. Thiswork was abandoned, and Freescale's primary work is in the Linux driver (dualBSD/GPL license). Hence, this was imported directly to sys/contrib, rather thangoing through the vendor area. Going forward, FreeBSD-specific changes may bemade to the ncsw code, diverging from the upstream in potentially incompatibleways. An alternative could be to import the Linux driver itself, using thelinuxKPI layer, as that would maintain parity with the vendor-maintained driver.However, the Linux driver has not been evaluated for reliability yet, and mayhave issues with the import, whereas the ncsw-based driver in this commit wascompleted by Semihalf 4 years ago, and is very stable.Other SoC modules based on DPAA, which could be added in the future:* Security and Encryption engine (SEC4.x, SEC5.x)* RAID engineAdditional work to be done:* Implement polling mode* Test vlan support* Add support for the Pattern Matching Engine, which can do regular expression matching on packets.This driver has been tested on the P5020 QorIQ SoC. Others listed in thedtsec(4) manual page are expected to work as the same DPAA engine is included inall.Obtained from: SemihalfRelnotes: YesSponsored by: Alex Perez/Inertial Computing