6864230 hiho, hiho, it'ch chtime for CH to goPortions contributed by Rich Lowe
6790907 piclenvd's get_fan_speed divides by zero
6335746 Safe limits in 'Front_panel' sensor temperature are incorrect (248...65)
6368078 disable chicago disk temperature monitoring
6333857 picl needs to monitor psu temperature
6324149 picl needs to track obp pathname changes for Chicago R0B2
6307457 picl needs to monitor thermal status of SATA drives on Chicago
6274184 chicago environmental SW should not hard code WARNING/SHUTDOWN limits
6281099 prtfru on chicago doesn't show disk frus6282831 SAS-BP and IOFB reported as FRU's instead of containers6284996 chicago didn't shutdown or warn when front panel threshold was exceeded629361
6281099 prtfru on chicago doesn't show disk frus6282831 SAS-BP and IOFB reported as FRU's instead of containers6284996 chicago didn't shutdown or warn when front panel threshold was exceeded6293610 Chicago P0.1/Fire 2.0 - "prtdiag -v" reports "Fan Status" failed6293882 chicago picl plugin code needs cleanup
show more ...
6284763 diskomizer fails on Chicago: unable to open disk device in exclusive mode
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