6880460 some root-build bits were missed by 68642306414832 SUNWonbld gk account should be removed6536468 date in Nevada motd should be changed6855668 webrev mangles dates in non-Romanised locales
6880460 some root-build bits were missed by 68642306414832 SUNWonbld gk account should be removed6536468 date in Nevada motd should be changed6855668 webrev mangles dates in non-Romanised locales6866716 estimation of max-jobs for /.make.machines is incorrect6589104 make POUND_SIGN less of a drag6750554 build rule for mcs gives shell+date a real workout6885068 no need for racinessPortions contributed by Rich Lowe
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6289535 build_cscope complains a bit on x866303550 xencrypt, xdecrypt no longer mangled6316770 split the tree into open and closed trees6321333 Install.sh is over-zealous looking for kmods
6237094 perl build should honor $(CC)6272179 relocation processing should be bypassed when building libgenunix et al6307198 Need to pass in -save_args option when the new gcc is available6310495 g
6237094 perl build should honor $(CC)6272179 relocation processing should be bypassed when building libgenunix et al6307198 Need to pass in -save_args option when the new gcc is available6310495 gcc and sun4 rootnex don't get along6310534 new gcc options should be used to build ON6319181 cw needs -xbuiltin support
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