PSARC/2010/234 IBTF 2010.Q2 Enhancements6538821 add Base Memory Management to ibtl and hermon6893126 Add OFED ib_get_dma_mr() equivalent memory registration interface to IBTF6937574 move FMANOTE m
PSARC/2010/234 IBTF 2010.Q2 Enhancements6538821 add Base Memory Management to ibtl and hermon6893126 Add OFED ib_get_dma_mr() equivalent memory registration interface to IBTF6937574 move FMANOTE messages to msgbuf or ibtf buf only6954821 Expose IB interrupt handles and device info for perf optimization6955695 IBTF V4 interfaces
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6946555 Hot lock in ibt_map_mem_iov / ibt_unmap_mem_iov6950116 Need to optimize hermon_ci_unmap_mem_iov() for RDS performance
PSARC 2010/085 IPoIB Administration Enhancement6837574 IPoIB Administration Enhancement - PSARC 2010/0856864899 IB datalink names need to be consistent between cluster controllers6855737 cfgadm st
PSARC 2010/085 IPoIB Administration Enhancement6837574 IPoIB Administration Enhancement - PSARC 2010/0856864899 IB datalink names need to be consistent between cluster controllers6855737 cfgadm status for ibd attachment points gets to inconsistent state6883212 ibd: add Brussels framework support6927048 IBD driver should be hardened to handle late HCA port initialization issue6827237 Fix warlock errors in ibnex--HG--rename : usr/src/uts/common/io/ib/clients/ibd/ibd.conf => usr/src/uts/common/io/ib/clients/ibd/ibp.confrename : usr/src/uts/intel/ibd/Makefile => usr/src/uts/intel/ibp/Makefilerename : usr/src/uts/sparc/ibd/Makefile => usr/src/uts/sparc/ibp/Makefile
6919694 ibt_free_qp() fails for QP assosiated with connection not yet initiated
6932984 IBTF and HCA drivers need to more completely support FMR and ibt_map_mem_area()
6860702 ibt_cm_ud_proceed(9f) does not populate SIDR response with private data6879853 ibt_free_qp() should return ERROR when called when async open_rc_channel has not completed6879858 Need mechani
6860702 ibt_cm_ud_proceed(9f) does not populate SIDR response with private data6879853 ibt_free_qp() should return ERROR when called when async open_rc_channel has not completed6879858 Need mechanism to skip FLUSH QP when DREQ is recieved for OFUV clients6901968 ibcm needs fixes for PSN and RNR retry count
6857725 Add device path to IBNEX_CTL_QUERY_HCA return data
6818976 fwflash: hermon plugin does not support MHQH29-XTC6680837 IBCM Needs ULP reference counts for MCG Join/Leave6783183 OFUV require new project private interfaces for CM event handling
6583365 add PortChange event4981612 IBTF support for re-registration handler6839683 Add support for port change event
6832231 new info ioctls for ibnex6832234 new performance kstats6839158 assertion failed: status != IBT_HCA_IN_USE, file: ../../common/io/ib/mgt/ibmf/ibmf_impl.c
6837893 add new fields to ibt_hca_portinto_t
6791308 IBTF IP addr interface does not work with IPv6 addrs (use ip2mac ipv6 part)6822132 ibt_ip_addr_t needs scope_id reserved space
6618742 ibt_get_paths() needs to show SA timeouts
6778626 Lack of the error check in ibmf_i_mad_completions() can lead to a panic or an inconsistent condition
6805058 Add IBT_DMA to IBTF framework to support IB Device Mgmt Agent
PSARC/2008/726 New HCA CapabilitiesPSARC/2008/762 IB Support for Relaxed OrderingPSARC/2008/630 IBTF IO Memory6771256 IBTF V3 - InfiniBand APIs/ABI needs enhancements to be competitive6747341 Add
PSARC/2008/726 New HCA CapabilitiesPSARC/2008/762 IB Support for Relaxed OrderingPSARC/2008/630 IBTF IO Memory6771256 IBTF V3 - InfiniBand APIs/ABI needs enhancements to be competitive6747341 Add FMA to hermon driver6711885 add IB support for Relaxed Ordering6323328 tavor panic seen in event handler for catastrophic error6770100 Mask b23 of the QPNs generated by hermon6662251 add Reserved L_Key6764786 Array overrun in libdat6769108 HCA driver: Enable OpenMPI implementation to coexist with Solaris UDAPL6769107 protocol: Enable OpenMPI implementation to coexist with Solaris UDAPL6608903 Need a new ibt_alloc_io_mem() function6763805 Add support for ibc_alloc_io_mem() API6737797 Add support for ibc_alloc_io_mem()6764643 Enable IOMMU Bypass feature by default
6566278 Panic when ibd is configured after HCA is unconfigured and configured6727497 IB nexus should create one pathinfo node per HCA per IB nexus child6726179 ls -l /devices/ib shows zero devices
6566278 Panic when ibd is configured after HCA is unconfigured and configured6727497 IB nexus should create one pathinfo node per HCA per IB nexus child6726179 ls -l /devices/ib shows zero devices nodes after doing rem_drv and add_drv of HCA driver6368026 IOC enumeration issues in multi HCA system6745259 Calling ddi_remove_minor_node in async thread causes deadlock6500304 RDS: Support HCA DR6739584 The 'cfgadm -x list_clients' command has a display problem6739581 The output of 'cfgadm -x unconfig_clients' command doesn't display the HCA ap_id correctly6759972 ibmf_unregister() returned busy during HCA unconfigure operation6754808 IB Stack should recover from HCA unconfigure failures6725241 ibdm_handle_hca_detach() should update ibdm.ibdm_hca_list_tail pointer6751608 panic when configuring an IB HCA child6607950 raise IB port settling time
PSARC 2007/575 Generic HCA Support for uDAPL6570293 udapl/HCA private interfaces need to be revised to support new HCAs
PSARC 2007/323 IBTF IP Addressing6400920 Add IP addressing ability to IBTF interfaces--HG--rename : usr/src/uts/common/io/ib/clients/rds/rdsib_arp.c => deleted_files/usr/src/uts/common/io/ib/clie
PSARC 2007/323 IBTF IP Addressing6400920 Add IP addressing ability to IBTF interfaces--HG--rename : usr/src/uts/common/io/ib/clients/rds/rdsib_arp.c => deleted_files/usr/src/uts/common/io/ib/clients/rds/rdsib_arp.crename : usr/src/uts/common/io/ib/clients/rds/rdsib_arp_link.c => deleted_files/usr/src/uts/common/io/ib/clients/rds/rdsib_arp_link.crename : usr/src/uts/common/sys/ib/clients/rds/rdsib_arp.h => deleted_files/usr/src/uts/common/sys/ib/clients/rds/rdsib_arp.h
PSARC 2007/318 IBTF DDR-QDR Update6541615 ibt_srate_t enum needs to expanded to include new Srate's value.6544737 tavor driver should support DDR for tavor-compat DDR HCAs
PSARC 2006/026 IBTF FMR buf addition6377680 ibt_map_mem_area() needs ability to map mem attributes via buf(9s)
PSARC 2005/546 FMR Update for IBTF6227237 IBCM blames the client for SM's fault6281147 ibtl does not support fast memory registration (FMR)6334921 tavor needs to support fast memory registration6
PSARC 2005/546 FMR Update for IBTF6227237 IBCM blames the client for SM's fault6281147 ibtl does not support fast memory registration (FMR)6334921 tavor needs to support fast memory registration6337636 tavor should use MSIs when possible
4928000 Remove out of date header comments6290542 customer application reports back channel creation failure6299894 ibt_get_paths need to work correctly on Dual HCA system.
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