kyua: Add FreeBSD Jail execution environment supportA new Kyua concept is added -- "execution environment". A test can beconfigured to be run within a specific environment. The test caselifecycle
kyua: Add FreeBSD Jail execution environment supportA new Kyua concept is added -- "execution environment". A test can beconfigured to be run within a specific environment. The test caselifecycle is extended respectively:- execenv init (creates a jail or does nothing for default execenv="host")- test exec- cleanup exec (optional)- execenv cleanup (removes a jail or does nothing for default execenv="host")The following new functionality is provided, from bottom to top:1 ATF based tests- The new "execenv" metadata property can be set to explicitly ask for an execution environment: "host" or "jail". If it's not defined, as all existing tests do, then it implicitly means "host".- The new "execenv.jail.params" metadata property can be optionally defined to ask Kyua to use specific jail(8) parameters during creation of a temporary jail. An example is "vnet allow.raw_sockets". Kyua implicitly adds "children.max" to "execenv_jail_params" parameters with the maximum possible value. A test case can override it.2 Kyuafile- The same new metadata properties can be defined on Kyuafile level: "execenv" and "execenv_jail_params".- Note that historically ATF uses dotted style of metadata naming, while Kyua uses underscore style. Hence "execenv.jail.params" vs. "execenv_jail_params".3 kyua.conf, kyua CLI- The new "execenvs" engine configuration variable can be set to a list of execution environments to run only tests designed for. Tests of not listed environments are skipped.- By default, this variable lists all execution environments supported by a Kyua binary, e.g. execenvs="host jail".- This variable can be changed via "kyua.conf" or via kyua CLI's "-v" parameter. For example, "kyua -v execenvs=host test" will run only host-based tests and skip jail-based ones.- Current value of this variable can be examined with "kyua config".[markj] This feature has not landed upstream yet.See the discussion in .Having the ability to automatically jail tests allows many network teststo run in parallel, giving a drastic speedup. So, let's import thefeature and start using it in main.Signed-off-by: Igor Ostapenko <>Reviewed by: markj, kpTested by: markj, kpMFC after: 3 monthsDifferential Revision:
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