6749323 s10u5: 'lpstat -o' doesnot display the host info along with the owner of the request
6752568 S10u5: lpstat -o reports "Failed to contact service for <printer>: not-found"
6740759 S10u5: lpstat always reports "Forms allowed: (none)" after making form available to printer.
6699689 lpadmin: adding description (-D) corrupts /etc/printers.conf and leads lpstat to core dump
6768195 SUNWipplu is missing dependency6724857 tooltip/name of "Print Monitor" entry in Preferences menu should be updated
6724477 cancel segfaults when running cancel <printer>
6735837 PRINTMGR 'Description' not displayed in overview
6718897 lpstat regression
6741554 move desktop print tools integration to print packages
6712446 OpenSolaris 2008.05 guest PPD-cache builder consumes 100% host CPU in VirtualBox on WinXP6742184 printmgr fails using some foomatic PPD files
6591929 lp prints postscript source from standard input6720404 libprint contains a bunch of dead code6723892 lpstat cores with the queues created with the "-s ipp://" or "-s lpd://" options6724379
6591929 lp prints postscript source from standard input6720404 libprint contains a bunch of dead code6723892 lpstat cores with the queues created with the "-s ipp://" or "-s lpd://" options6724379 Crash when printing use firefox 3 in papiJobStreamOpen6727979 printing fails due memory corruption in psm-lpsched.so6729885 many lpd-port processes let remote printing nearly hang6731181 pmodes complains about /var/cache/cups in sfw build6732289 print-service(1m) should know when it's launched from the desktop.--HG--rename : usr/src/lib/print/libprint/common/job.c => deleted_files/usr/src/lib/print/libprint/common/job.crename : usr/src/lib/print/libprint/common/job.h => deleted_files/usr/src/lib/print/libprint/common/job.hrename : usr/src/lib/print/libprint/common/misc.c => deleted_files/usr/src/lib/print/libprint/common/misc.crename : usr/src/lib/print/libprint/common/misc.h => deleted_files/usr/src/lib/print/libprint/common/misc.hrename : usr/src/lib/print/libprint/common/network.c => deleted_files/usr/src/lib/print/libprint/common/network.crename : usr/src/lib/print/libprint/common/network.h => deleted_files/usr/src/lib/print/libprint/common/network.h
show more ...
6599099 fix for 4383387 should reuse existing memory6599100 libpapi should be more picky about the uri schemes it allows.6599950 print localhost checking should be shared
6724904 lpr -r -s no longer an accepted combination of options
6699182 127127/127128-11 break cancel -u
6699255 127127/127128-11 break lp operation if the prinit server and client have different kernel version6707436 print-service should save/restore /etc/printers.conf configuration6707986 lpset/ldap
6699255 127127/127128-11 break lp operation if the prinit server and client have different kernel version6707436 print-service should save/restore /etc/printers.conf configuration6707986 lpset/ldap/printer-uri/libpapi incompatibilities cause printing problems
6698648 127127/127128-11 break lp -P (fix cstyle)6698649 127127/127128-11 break lp -H hold (fix cstyle)6698650 127127/127128-11 break lp -q (fix cstyle)
6698648 127127/127128-11 break lp -P6698649 127127/127128-11 break lp -H hold6698650 127127/127128-11 break lp -q6704910 S10_u5 printing not properly parsing options6705311 Can not give privilege
6698648 127127/127128-11 break lp -P6698649 127127/127128-11 break lp -H hold6698650 127127/127128-11 break lp -q6704910 S10_u5 printing not properly parsing options6705311 Can not give privilege to change properties for snmp
6689188 modify queue display values in printmgr incorrect for filecontents, notification, and printer type. (fix cstyle)
6180823 S10 BETA 6: printmgr(1M) say banner "always" when it's "never"6667354 printmgr fails to add/modify printer6689188 modify queue display values in printmgr incorrect for filecontents, notifi
6180823 S10 BETA 6: printmgr(1M) say banner "always" when it's "never"6667354 printmgr fails to add/modify printer6689188 modify queue display values in printmgr incorrect for filecontents, notification, and printer type.
6664617 Print services should be more selectable
6527515 lpstat -lp queuename behaviour appears to be broken in Nevada
4170577 lpadmin does not take a printer name which ahs a period in it.4231043 Require printer names / queues to be greater than 14 characters6555971 lpd-port should use less risky interfaces
6526418 netpr dumps core when protocol is tcp and port number is missing6530757 creating print queue with lexmarks print driver
6222297 lpsched and lpshut should be corrected/removed from exec_attr6454630 print subsystem enable and disable commands not RBAC capable6538881 lpadmin cannot create queue even with Print Manageme
6222297 lpsched and lpshut should be corrected/removed from exec_attr6454630 print subsystem enable and disable commands not RBAC capable6538881 lpadmin cannot create queue even with Print Management profile6539897 uri interface script should handle common device-uri forms
6536532 *ppdmgr* usage statement has one too many "ppdmgr:"