6314073 Confusing message output following PCI UE error on USII system.
6256581 System got a hang or a panic with dtrace+kmdb6264573 unanchored dtrace_getpcstack is rather imprecise toward function end6289517 dtrace doesn't like fd_intr anymore 6291378 dtrace helpers
6256581 System got a hang or a panic with dtrace+kmdb6264573 unanchored dtrace_getpcstack is rather imprecise toward function end6289517 dtrace doesn't like fd_intr anymore 6291378 dtrace helpers can interfere with the use of kmdb 6295554 dtrace doesn't report errors in ERROR probes6311947 add umod()/ufunc()/usym(), mod()/func()/sym()6311952 buffered handler should be called after printing each tuple element6311956 drops induced by END are not recorded6311958 should indicate missing jstack() frames due to string table overflows6311960 allow some DTrace options to be set dynamically6311963 jstack() produces stacks packed with "StubRoutines"6311975 allow boolean DTrace options to be unset6315028 allow quantize()/lquantize() increments to be D expressions6315033 add dtrace_addr2str()/dtrace_uaddr2str() to libdtrace API6315034 add ucaller variable6315035 enablings containing USDT probes are not dynamically reevaluated6315037 cannot aggregate on the return value of some subroutines6315039 including <sys/kstat.h> in a D script induces compile-time error6315087 stack() not correctly printed for 32-bit consumers on amd64 kernel6315975 flowindent should operate on any probe ending in "-entry"/"-return"6317350 symbol tables should not be discarded for UNDEAD processes
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