6970313 remove unused ereport.chassis.io.i2c.poweron-fail6973500 enhancements for storage FMA knowledge articles6973508 add ereport/fault for missing fantray to storage FMA
6901369 eversholt rules for storage enclosure hw/fw diagnosis
6935604 io-retire should prevent attach of faulty persistent devices6930157 Remove fmadm's reliance on taking topo snapshots6881991 SMART faults could preserve asc/ascq in fault payload6955664 eve
6935604 io-retire should prevent attach of faulty persistent devices6930157 Remove fmadm's reliance on taking topo snapshots6881991 SMART faults could preserve asc/ascq in fault payload6955664 eversholt matching should not be performed for scsi-device nodes6958085 defect.sunos.fmd.module not visible via fmadm faulty6958856 fmd performance issue if "fmstat -m" called while disgnosis going on
show more ...
6935779 Fabric xlate should look for correct RP from both BDF and Address6937136 TRU errors (568-572) resulting in 2 diagnosis'.
FWARC 2008/613 KT IOS Performance Counters APIFWARC 2008/615 KT Perf Reg HV APIFWARC 2009/434 KT IOS Performance Counters API UpdateFWARC 2009/567 Parallel Boot HV APIsPSARC 2009/177 Solaris supp
FWARC 2008/613 KT IOS Performance Counters APIFWARC 2008/615 KT Perf Reg HV APIFWARC 2009/434 KT IOS Performance Counters API UpdateFWARC 2009/567 Parallel Boot HV APIsPSARC 2009/177 Solaris support for Rainbow Falls platformsPSARC 2009/389 Sun4v faulted SP events extensionPSARC 2009/533 CRYPTO_HMAC_NO_UPDATE - A new KCF SPI flagPSARC 2009/605 more sun4v platform-independent cpu/mem FMA eventsPSARC 2009/649 Generic PCIe root complex FMA events6704999 extend xaui enum to work in platform independent world6773223 RFE: guest epkt for faulted SP6773225 RFE: Diagnosis of a faulted SP6797776 Solaris support for Rainbow Falls platforms
6891338 eversholt should allow strings to be concatenated6897161 pathfunc functions should allow function as first argument6895968 fmdump hangs when low on memory and malloc fails6898017 problems
6891338 eversholt should allow strings to be concatenated6897161 pathfunc functions should allow function as first argument6895968 fmdump hangs when low on memory and malloc fails6898017 problems with adding serial numbers in fmd_case_add_suspect()6900161 ur-u, ca-u and badreq-u propagation errors missing where faulty device is beneath pcie-pci bridge6900163 need to handle ereport.io.pciex.pl.sd6900189 should allow drivers to override serd parameters for pciex correctable errors6900146 fmd is core dumping on snv_1276895743 fmadm faulty hangs in door call to deadlocked fmd6900624 If too many open files, shouldn't just blame the fmd module that discovers it6879476 syseventd core dumps during S3 suspend/resume
6878294 FMA is too aggressive in marking the disk as faulty for zfs relocated the fatal read media error6895028 libtopo does not work on Netra-X4200-M2 platform6892864 setserdsuffix() should work w
6878294 FMA is too aggressive in marking the disk as faulty for zfs relocated the fatal read media error6895028 libtopo does not work on Netra-X4200-M2 platform6892864 setserdsuffix() should work with integer type
6726478 non-relative horizontal expansions don't always work
6858736 Add genleaf support for "firmware mismatch" and "firmware corrupt"
6778345 need better error message if "fmadm replaced" finds the original fru is still present.6826123 Inconsitancy of chassis-id and product-id in fmris6826128 Allow separate serd n/t parameters fo
6778345 need better error message if "fmadm replaced" finds the original fru is still present.6826123 Inconsitancy of chassis-id and product-id in fmris6826128 Allow separate serd n/t parameters for different types of pciex CEs6579970 eversholt constraints can't access conf properties for path other than "to" or "from" path6839481 fmd_repair_fru not changed to use fmd_asru_rep_arg_t argument6839469 checks for replacement of faulty dimm not working on intel systems6726394 fmd_fmri_replaced should be properly supported for hc-scheme6844214 typo in pciex.esc can cause eversholt to run slow6847899 unknown libtopo error when a topo builtin fails to initialise6847905 memory leak in zfs builtin when injecting repeated DR events6847910 FMD_XPRT_HC_PRESENT_ONLY not working correctly
6803279 bofi_intercept_intr() shouild work with MSI (X) interrupt6802143 "must" propagations with payloadprop constraints are treated like "may" propagations6803816 setserd* and setpayloadprop comm
6803279 bofi_intercept_intr() shouild work with MSI (X) interrupt6802143 "must" propagations with payloadprop constraints are treated like "may" propagations6803816 setserd* and setpayloadprop commands only allowed on direct fault->ereport propagations6786891 serd_io_device_nonfatal_n/t properties not working for pciex devices6778452 diagnosis fails if service state changes from "unaffected" to "lost" or "degraded"
PSARC 2008/753 Reflecting Fan/Power Supply Diagnosis in Solaris6641745 diagnosis of power supply and fan failures via IPMI6768720 disk-monitor: small leak in dm_process_sysevent() when handling ESC
PSARC 2008/753 Reflecting Fan/Power Supply Diagnosis in Solaris6641745 diagnosis of power supply and fan failures via IPMI6768720 disk-monitor: small leak in dm_process_sysevent() when handling ESC_PLATFORM_SP_RESET6769133 libtopo: hc_is_replaced() can leak memory6765830 libtopo: need to enumerate sensors/indicators on fan/psu nodes on X46006773926 libipmi: ipmi_sdr_get sometimes bites off more than it can chew6780080 libtopo: should optimize lookups for propmethod-backed properties if propvals are non-volatile6781654 libtopo: completely bogus, but harmless logic in topo_snap_hold could be removed
PSARC 2008/558 SCSI Disk Device-as-Detector Diagnosis (phase3)6660663 SD driver need to be hardened for serial SCSI interface6701036 FMA telemetry in SD target drivers6627579 sd: USCSI_SILENT duri
PSARC 2008/558 SCSI Disk Device-as-Detector Diagnosis (phase3)6660663 SD driver need to be hardened for serial SCSI interface6701036 FMA telemetry in SD target drivers6627579 sd: USCSI_SILENT during attach/open filters all device failure information
6180027 umatched list entry elides entire prop statement, rather than producing shorter list6559372 can simplify pci.esc and pciex.esc rules now that is_under works corrently6610980 get ereport.fm.
6180027 umatched list entry elides entire prop statement, rather than producing shorter list6559372 can simplify pci.esc and pciex.esc rules now that is_under works corrently6610980 get ereport.fm.fmd.asru_fmri replaying a fault who's asru is in fmd scheme6639248 RFE: Eversholt should allow dynamic SERD engine names6639255 RFE: Eversholt should allow bumping SERD by an arbitrary value6663677 can sometimes fail to retire asrus if resource-to-asru mapping changes over reboot6663874 all scheme nvl2str functionality should be moved into topo_fmri_nvl2str()6672125 fmd should fill in asru/fru in a fault event from topo if not supplied by the DE6690744 remove need for spurious asru() or fru() function in confprop calls6698777 eversholt needs easier-to-use serd engine handling6698783 could have default valuse for FITrate and method in eversholt6712783 should have separate faults where there is no service impact or impact is degraded rather than lost6714865 add retire=0 and response=0 flags to faults
PSARC 2008/157 PCIe Fabric portfolio for SPARC and x866510830 SPARC and x86 PCIe IO error handling should be merged--HG--rename : usr/src/uts/intel/io/pciex/pcie_error.c => deleted_files/usr/src/
PSARC 2008/157 PCIe Fabric portfolio for SPARC and x866510830 SPARC and x86 PCIe IO error handling should be merged--HG--rename : usr/src/uts/intel/io/pciex/pcie_error.c => deleted_files/usr/src/uts/intel/io/pciex/pcie_error.crename : usr/src/uts/intel/io/pciex/pcie_error.h => deleted_files/usr/src/uts/intel/io/pciex/pcie_error.hrename : deleted_files/usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/fabric-xlate/Makefile => usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/fabric-xlate/Makefilerename : deleted_files/usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/fabric-xlate/fabric-xlate.c => usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/fabric-xlate/fabric-xlate.crename : deleted_files/usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/fabric-xlate/fabric-xlate.conf => usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/fabric-xlate/fabric-xlate.conf
backout 6510830: needs more work--HG--rename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/fabric-xlate/Makefile => deleted_files/usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/fabric-xlate/Makefilerename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modu
backout 6510830: needs more work--HG--rename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/fabric-xlate/Makefile => deleted_files/usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/fabric-xlate/Makefilerename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/fabric-xlate/fabric-xlate.c => deleted_files/usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/fabric-xlate/fabric-xlate.crename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/fabric-xlate/fabric-xlate.conf => deleted_files/usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/fabric-xlate/fabric-xlate.confrename : deleted_files/usr/src/uts/intel/io/pciex/pcie_error.c => usr/src/uts/intel/io/pciex/pcie_error.crename : deleted_files/usr/src/uts/intel/io/pciex/pcie_error.h => usr/src/uts/intel/io/pciex/pcie_error.h
PSARC 2008/157 PCIe Fabric portfolio for SPARC and x866510830 SPARC and x86 PCIe IO error handling should be merged--HG--rename : usr/src/uts/intel/io/pciex/pcie_error.c => deleted_files/usr/src/uts/intel/io/pciex/pcie_error.crename : usr/src/uts/intel/io/pciex/pcie_error.h => deleted_files/usr/src/uts/intel/io/pciex/pcie_error.h
6564633 The original ereports should be attached to all new FMEs created by serd engines triggering6633446 Memory leak whenever "fmadm reset eft"
6616982 ereport.io.device.(un)corr should be ereport.io.device.intern_(un)corr
6497055 pcibus faults for bus immediately below hostbridge still have the ASRU set to the pcibus6532588 need to be able to override N/T values for SERD engines6566457 need consistant hc scheme for
6497055 pcibus faults for bus immediately below hostbridge still have the ASRU set to the pcibus6532588 need to be able to override N/T values for SERD engines6566457 need consistant hc scheme for pci frus on x86 and sparc6570231 should clear stats/serd engines whenever resource becomes "not present", but just on repair6573375 setpayloadprop doesn't work if there are multiple propagations for the same fault6585189 typo in upset.memory.discard36585659 constraint returns true if it contains a payloadprop and the propert doesn't exist6587791 memory leaks in eft serd engine handling6596320 th_define -a log does not generate DMA test scripts in some cases6596325 need to increase number of access/dma handles that bofi can log concurrently6606619 pciex.esc rules should do payloadprop_defined() on source-valid6606627 mem_nvl2str() doesn't do the same escaping of spaces as mem scheme's fmd_fmri_nvl2str()
6479452 fm ereports are not dumped in some cases6530678 The error dump queue (eq_dump) may get overwritten when new ereport generated after panic.6601498 NorthStar 4-port on Solaris 10u4 12b has FM
6479452 fm ereports are not dumped in some cases6530678 The error dump queue (eq_dump) may get overwritten when new ereport generated after panic.6601498 NorthStar 4-port on Solaris 10u4 12b has FMA error
6505251 NIU FMA needs to diagnose XAUI and XFP faults6558331 Should add detailed error info to ddi_fm_ereport_post6559504 nxge_ipp_eccue_valid_check causes FMA errors6562470 fm capabilities passed
6505251 NIU FMA needs to diagnose XAUI and XFP faults6558331 Should add detailed error info to ddi_fm_ereport_post6559504 nxge_ipp_eccue_valid_check causes FMA errors6562470 fm capabilities passed to ddi_fm_init should be set properly6564290 Unused function nxge_fm_npi_error_handler should be deleted6579032 When jumbo frame is enabled, nxge driver does not set the size of the incoming frame correctly.6597303 XFP in the topology should be common instead of sun4v only6597306 Fail to enumerate xaui and xfp when the the NIU is not nxge instance 0 or 16600077 _topo_init of xfp.c should return int intead of void--HG--rename : usr/src/lib/fm/topo/modules/sun4v/xfp/Makefile => deleted_files/usr/src/lib/fm/topo/modules/sun4v/xfp/Makefilerename : usr/src/lib/fm/topo/modules/sun4v/xfp/xfp.c => deleted_files/usr/src/lib/fm/topo/modules/sun4v/xfp/xfp.c
5076574 eft needs to go on a memory usage diet5076585 matching horizontal iterators should behave as expected6337408 is_under() function needs to handle case where parent and child are of the same
5076574 eft needs to go on a memory usage diet5076585 matching horizontal iterators should behave as expected6337408 is_under() function needs to handle case where parent and child are of the same address type6396043 eft: close cases pending resolution on hardware removal6494805 fmd takes excessive time to process ereports during system start-up.6533810 Provide run-time profiling of eft.so to help diagnose performance issues6544956 if eval_expr() fails, eft treats it as a true constraint6555243 eft should check drgen each time in platform_getpath()6555258 After a restart, eft autocloses solved-but-not-closed cases6555261 eft memory leak for cases that are undiagnosable6556989 payloadprop_contains() should return 0 if payload not found6557005 amd64 rules need within constraint on page_sb_trip and page_ck_trip6557158 amd64.esc misuses payloadprop/setpayloadprop6562946 not all properties are auto-converted to integers in eversholt constraints6566354 eft can only handle integer topo properties that are uint64s
PSARC 2007/202 FMA Generic Disk Monitoring Events6521578 fmd dev scheme should leverage libtopo6521579 libtopo dev enumerator should support TOPO_METH_PRESENT6521582 dev scheme should respect FM_F
PSARC 2007/202 FMA Generic Disk Monitoring Events6521578 fmd dev scheme should leverage libtopo6521579 libtopo dev enumerator should support TOPO_METH_PRESENT6521582 dev scheme should respect FM_FMRI_DEV_ID6521586 need generic disk status monitoring and diagnosis6521591 fmd should provide a method for generating ENAs6521600 sata libtopo module should generate dev:// ASRUs6529061 fmd should provide an entry point for topology changes6532208 fmd resource cache should be updated in response to EC_DEVFS sysevents6537251 fmd dumped core while trying to print an error6537305 ::topo_node is broken6537762 fmd should not automatically mark faults as repaired on removal6544740 fmd should reference count topo handles6544741 dev scheme should support unusable method6545681 libtopo should prevent invalid serial numbers in authority6551464 topo_fmri_fru() is broken6551466 hc_is_present() is broken--HG--rename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/fault_analyze.c => deleted_files/usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/fault_analyze.crename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/fault_analyze.h => deleted_files/usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/fault_analyze.hrename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/fault_mgr.c => deleted_files/usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/fault_mgr.crename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/fault_mgr.h => deleted_files/usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/fault_mgr.hrename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/fm_disk_events.h => deleted_files/usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/fm_disk_events.hrename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/scsi_util.c => deleted_files/usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/scsi_util.crename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/scsi_util.h => deleted_files/usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/scsi_util.h
6527547 need to add corr and uncorr genleaf ereport support to .esc files for neptune