6863498 The "standard input" doesn't get printed to "Title:" even if the data is given to lp via its stdin
6854837 job id is different between `lpstat -o` and banner page's Job number when lpd protocol is used
6864230 hiho, hiho, it'ch chtime for CH to goPortions contributed by Rich Lowe
6826028 remove cstyle errors from "usr/src/cmd/lp/cmd/lpsched/disp1.c"
6790752 Array overrun in lpsched
6827166 A request submitted from client to server using "ipp" service cannot be canceled using "lpd" service
6739383 print commands accept, reject, disable enable don't report status after execution.
6763764 Support for FTDI USB Serial adapters6798921 usbser mishandles some ioctls4696628 USB serial needs properties to ignore CD6821751 Add support for 921600 baud
6815222 lpstat -o reports incorrect job# for general user
6808025 Incomplete fix for 6699255
6752372 lpstat -o output is incorrect
6799615 return from stat() should be checked when looking for zero byte files
6789790 'lpstat -o' doesnot display the host-info along with the owner of the request with ipp service
6759604 general user on the lp client can cancel root user's print job
6761070 PSARC 2008/580 Solaris host-based firewall6236609 svc.startd resets auxiliary state on svcadm mark maintenance6762307 SMF - expressing a service's maintenance state by request of another se
6761070 PSARC 2008/580 Solaris host-based firewall6236609 svc.startd resets auxiliary state on svcadm mark maintenance6762307 SMF - expressing a service's maintenance state by request of another service
show more ...
6798660 Cadmium .NOT file processing problem with CWD relative file pathsContributed by Richard Lowe6785284 Mapfile versioning rules need to be more visible to gatelings6800164 Standard file exclu
6798660 Cadmium .NOT file processing problem with CWD relative file pathsContributed by Richard Lowe6785284 Mapfile versioning rules need to be more visible to gatelings6800164 Standard file exclusion mechanism needed for Cadmium tools
6757330 discard zero byte size printjob to remote queue6792042 several printing source files are not cstyle clean
6737146 S10u5: (127127/127128-11) breaks -H hold for non-priveledge user.
6752577 lpmove dumps core after moving the job since applying 127128-11
6740759 S10u5: lpstat always reports "Forms allowed: (none)" after making form available to printer.
6720586 "nobanner" entry gets added when using "-i" with lp
6723334 memory leak in papi
6591929 lp prints postscript source from standard input6720404 libprint contains a bunch of dead code6723892 lpstat cores with the queues created with the "-s ipp://" or "-s lpd://" options6724379
6591929 lp prints postscript source from standard input6720404 libprint contains a bunch of dead code6723892 lpstat cores with the queues created with the "-s ipp://" or "-s lpd://" options6724379 Crash when printing use firefox 3 in papiJobStreamOpen6727979 printing fails due memory corruption in psm-lpsched.so6729885 many lpd-port processes let remote printing nearly hang6731181 pmodes complains about /var/cache/cups in sfw build6732289 print-service(1m) should know when it's launched from the desktop.--HG--rename : usr/src/lib/print/libprint/common/job.c => deleted_files/usr/src/lib/print/libprint/common/job.crename : usr/src/lib/print/libprint/common/job.h => deleted_files/usr/src/lib/print/libprint/common/job.hrename : usr/src/lib/print/libprint/common/misc.c => deleted_files/usr/src/lib/print/libprint/common/misc.crename : usr/src/lib/print/libprint/common/misc.h => deleted_files/usr/src/lib/print/libprint/common/misc.hrename : usr/src/lib/print/libprint/common/network.c => deleted_files/usr/src/lib/print/libprint/common/network.crename : usr/src/lib/print/libprint/common/network.h => deleted_files/usr/src/lib/print/libprint/common/network.h
6599099 fix for 4383387 should reuse existing memory6599100 libpapi should be more picky about the uri schemes it allows.6599950 print localhost checking should be shared