4864945 spelling error in usage message6299947 ustack() needs to ignore the top 32 bits for 32-bit processes6305794 libdtrace misses rtld notifications6309681 USDT headergen6349088 dtrace command
4864945 spelling error in usage message6299947 ustack() needs to ignore the top 32 bits for 32-bit processes6305794 libdtrace misses rtld notifications6309681 USDT headergen6349088 dtrace command, Assertion failed: dpr->dpr_refs != 0, file ../common/dt_proc.c, line 9766375841 USDT providers shouldn't be allowed to end in a digit--HG--rename : usr/src/cmd/abi/apptrace/amd64/Makefile => deleted_files/usr/src/cmd/abi/apptrace/amd64/Makefile
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6267522 gcc and cmd/abi don't get along
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