6603942 fmtopo -v should show NAC names pciex slots instead of other strings
6603899 Turgo platform support needs to lose its platform-specific prtdiag overlay--HG--rename : usr/src/lib/libprtdiag_psr/sparc/ontario/common/turgo.c => deleted_files/usr/src/lib/libprtdiag_psr
6603899 Turgo platform support needs to lose its platform-specific prtdiag overlay--HG--rename : usr/src/lib/libprtdiag_psr/sparc/ontario/common/turgo.c => deleted_files/usr/src/lib/libprtdiag_psr/sparc/ontario/common/turgo.crename : usr/src/lib/libprtdiag_psr/sparc/ontario/common/turgo.h => deleted_files/usr/src/lib/libprtdiag_psr/sparc/ontario/common/turgo.hrename : usr/src/lib/fm/topo/maps/SUNW,Sun-Fire-T200/Netra-T5220-hc-topology.xml => usr/src/lib/fm/topo/maps/SUNW,Netra-T5220/Netra-T5220-hc-topology.xml
show more ...
PSARC 2007/455 /etc/{init,utmp}pipe to /var/run6437243 initpipe and utmppipe fifos prevent efficient searching of /etc/*6590291 libtopo's Makefile.plugin has a broken lint target6590293 ipmi_close
PSARC 2007/455 /etc/{init,utmp}pipe to /var/run6437243 initpipe and utmppipe fifos prevent efficient searching of /etc/*6590291 libtopo's Makefile.plugin has a broken lint target6590293 ipmi_close() doesn't free SDR repository
6550889 The cpumem de does not include the chassis-id in the FRU FMRI6593315 sun4v motherboard enumerator needs different PRI access criteria for chassis serial number
PSARC 2007/290 Retire Agent for I/O Devices6464720 Deliver a FMA I/O retire agent--HG--rename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/io-retire/ior_main.c => deleted_files/usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/i
PSARC 2007/290 Retire Agent for I/O Devices6464720 Deliver a FMA I/O retire agent--HG--rename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/io-retire/ior_main.c => deleted_files/usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/io-retire/ior_main.c
PSARC/2007/126 Turgo Platform SW Support6538562 Need Turgo platform support in ON
PSARC/2007/110 Monza Platform Support6528233 Solaris support for Monza platform
6501667 ncp/n2cp drivers should not assume a static number of crypto units6558981 Allow Errata 175 workaround to be fully enabled/disabled6519970 Niagara crypto providers should recognize maramba s
6501667 ncp/n2cp drivers should not assume a static number of crypto units6558981 Allow Errata 175 workaround to be fully enabled/disabled6519970 Niagara crypto providers should recognize maramba specific device compatibility propertiesPSARC 2007/306 Victoria Falls IO FMA6539545 Support new VF PIU errors6556056 DE should consume ereport.io.n2.pec.lwcPSARC 2007/117 Maramba 1u/2u Platform Support6531673 ON support for vf processor6491129 psrinfo -pv doesn't report correct chip info on sun4v6530592 Topo maps for maramba6551884 Add nxge driver support for Maramba platforms6560113 nxge driver should send message to console & /var/adm/messages when onboard port0 or 1 is disabled6569931 Enhance sun4v trapstat to support at least 256 CPUsFWARC 2007/237 Victoria Falls Perf Regs HV API6562095 Maramba system panics with send_mondo_set timeout while booting6437543 sun4v NCPU update to 256
6555540 picl PRI plug-in needs to handle hot-plug and PRI updates6559552 libprtdiag should not assume that "IOBD" is the home for wayward IO devices6561393 Huron platform support needs to lose its
6555540 picl PRI plug-in needs to handle hot-plug and PRI updates6559552 libprtdiag should not assume that "IOBD" is the home for wayward IO devices6561393 Huron platform support needs to lose its platform-specific prtdiag overlay6563508 prtdiag/prtpicl broken on guest domains on s10u4_08 and snv_62 onwards6566442 prtdiag memory configuration formating needed ...--HG--rename : usr/src/lib/fm/topo/maps/SUNW,Sun-Fire-T200/SPARC-Enterprise-T5120-hc-topology.xml => usr/src/lib/fm/topo/maps/SUNW,SPARC-Enterprise-T5120/SPARC-Enterprise-T5120-hc-topology.xmlrename : usr/src/lib/fm/topo/maps/SUNW,Sun-Fire-T200/SPARC-Enterprise-T5220-hc-topology.xml => usr/src/lib/fm/topo/maps/SUNW,SPARC-Enterprise-T5120/SPARC-Enterprise-T5220-hc-topology.xml
6549251 CPU topology enumerato returns false for topo_fmri_present()6573680 ereport.fm.fmd.fmri_scheme when retiring a kernel page6574573 fmd dumps core in the chip.so enumerator
PSARC 2007/329 SCSI inquiry property enhancementPSARC 2007/339 Device Size PropertiesPSARC 2007/388 Generic Topology for Internal Disks6572672 Generic Topology for Internal Disks--HG--rename :
PSARC 2007/329 SCSI inquiry property enhancementPSARC 2007/339 Device Size PropertiesPSARC 2007/388 Generic Topology for Internal Disks6572672 Generic Topology for Internal Disks--HG--rename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/Makefile => deleted_files/usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/Makefilerename : usr/src/lib/fm/topo/maps/i86pc/storage-hc-topology.xml => deleted_files/usr/src/lib/fm/topo/maps/i86pc/storage-hc-topology.xmlrename : usr/src/lib/fm/topo/modules/i86pc/sata/Makefile => deleted_files/usr/src/lib/fm/topo/modules/i86pc/sata/Makefilerename : usr/src/lib/fm/topo/modules/i86pc/sata/sata.c => deleted_files/usr/src/lib/fm/topo/modules/i86pc/sata/sata.crename : usr/src/lib/fm/topo/modules/i86pc/sata/sata.h => deleted_files/usr/src/lib/fm/topo/modules/i86pc/sata/sata.hrename : usr/src/lib/fm/topo/modules/i86pc/sata/sfx4500_props.c => deleted_files/usr/src/lib/fm/topo/modules/i86pc/sata/sfx4500_props.crename : usr/src/lib/fm/topo/modules/i86pc/sata/sfx4500_props.h => deleted_files/usr/src/lib/fm/topo/modules/i86pc/sata/sfx4500_props.hrename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/Makefile => usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/disk-monitor/Makefilerename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/sfx4500-disk.conf => usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/disk-monitor/disk-monitor.confrename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/sfx4500-disk.c => usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/disk-monitor/disk_monitor.crename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/sfx4500-disk.h => usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/disk-monitor/disk_monitor.hrename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/diskmon_conf.c => usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/disk-monitor/diskmon_conf.crename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/diskmon_conf.h => usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/disk-monitor/diskmon_conf.hrename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/dm_platform.c => usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/disk-monitor/dm_platform.crename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/dm_platform.h => usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/disk-monitor/dm_platform.hrename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/dm_types.h => usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/disk-monitor/dm_types.hrename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/hotplug_mgr.c => usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/disk-monitor/hotplug_mgr.crename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/hotplug_mgr.h => usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/disk-monitor/hotplug_mgr.hrename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/schg_mgr.c => usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/disk-monitor/schg_mgr.crename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/schg_mgr.h => usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/disk-monitor/schg_mgr.hrename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/topo_gather.c => usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/disk-monitor/topo_gather.crename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/topo_gather.h => usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/disk-monitor/topo_gather.hrename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/util.c => usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/disk-monitor/util.crename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/util.h => usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/common/disk-monitor/util.h
PSARC 2007/067 Glendale Platform Software Support6494799 Solaris support for Sun-Blade-T6320 Platform6521580 Topo file needed for T6320
6524100 Extend niu.so to enumerate XAUIs and XFPs
6568015 libtopo sets wrong return value for dev scheme's unusable method6568016 libdevinfo should export devinfo node's flags field6568017 libdevinfo should check snapshot version
6566710 hc walker broken when multiple components are defined just below the root node
6547176 libtopo leaks memory on failure6550982 topo_open sets null topo_hdl_t.th_product on some non-Sun x86 platforms6554353 libtopo dumps core in prop_create() on allocation failure6554450 libto
6547176 libtopo leaks memory on failure6550982 topo_open sets null topo_hdl_t.th_product on some non-Sun x86 platforms6554353 libtopo dumps core in prop_create() on allocation failure6554450 libtopo hang due to locked node6554471 topo_prop_set() has a bogus return value check6554499 libtopo blew an assertion in topo_snapshot_destroy()6554648 topo_prop_set_* don't set err = ETOPO_PROP_NOENT when pgroup doesn't exist6556794 topo_mod_hcfmri() leaks memory on failure6556795 maybe_di_chars_copy segfaults on allocation failure6557332 hc_compare is broken6558936 libtopo stress tests reveals failures6558942 fmtopo does not close its topo handle on exit6558947 topo_mod_walk_init() needs to be added to mapfile-vers6560219 sata topo enumerator is not very robust with memory alloc failures
PSARC 2007/202 FMA Generic Disk Monitoring Events6521578 fmd dev scheme should leverage libtopo6521579 libtopo dev enumerator should support TOPO_METH_PRESENT6521582 dev scheme should respect FM_F
PSARC 2007/202 FMA Generic Disk Monitoring Events6521578 fmd dev scheme should leverage libtopo6521579 libtopo dev enumerator should support TOPO_METH_PRESENT6521582 dev scheme should respect FM_FMRI_DEV_ID6521586 need generic disk status monitoring and diagnosis6521591 fmd should provide a method for generating ENAs6521600 sata libtopo module should generate dev:// ASRUs6529061 fmd should provide an entry point for topology changes6532208 fmd resource cache should be updated in response to EC_DEVFS sysevents6537251 fmd dumped core while trying to print an error6537305 ::topo_node is broken6537762 fmd should not automatically mark faults as repaired on removal6544740 fmd should reference count topo handles6544741 dev scheme should support unusable method6545681 libtopo should prevent invalid serial numbers in authority6551464 topo_fmri_fru() is broken6551466 hc_is_present() is broken--HG--rename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/fault_analyze.c => deleted_files/usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/fault_analyze.crename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/fault_analyze.h => deleted_files/usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/fault_analyze.hrename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/fault_mgr.c => deleted_files/usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/fault_mgr.crename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/fault_mgr.h => deleted_files/usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/fault_mgr.hrename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/fm_disk_events.h => deleted_files/usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/fm_disk_events.hrename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/scsi_util.c => deleted_files/usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/scsi_util.crename : usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/scsi_util.h => deleted_files/usr/src/cmd/fm/modules/i86pc/sfx4500-disk/scsi_util.h
6548279 fmtopo -x dumps core with UMEM_DEBUG6551035 fmtopo -x doesn't print property values correctly
6550646 Calling topo_strerror causes core dump6550695 double free in tf_rdata_free() causes fmd to dump core
6521594 fmtopo '[-Cdev]' usage doesn't make sense6534608 libtopo walkers could be smarter6534610 libtopo: need mechanism to call plugin methods to get/set properties6537307 fmri_prop() is broken f
6521594 fmtopo '[-Cdev]' usage doesn't make sense6534608 libtopo walkers could be smarter6534610 libtopo: need mechanism to call plugin methods to get/set properties6537307 fmri_prop() is broken for anything but ASRU/FRU6537759 fmtopo should have a way to execute is_present/is_unusable methods6542241 fmtopo should support per-FMRI command line options6545662 libtopo needs to be robust in the face of memory allocation failure6547235 bad argument used to call TOPO_METH_CONTAINS in topo_fmri_contains6547427 hc.c topo enumerator is riddled with potential SEGVs6548245 Mucho memory leaks in XML parser error code paths
6518672 pci enumerator shouldn't assume the platform name in "SUNW,xxx" format
6513538 Need to update ON dictionaries for faults that go from SP to Solaris6536564 Oberon bus addresses seem to have changed from decimal to hex, breaks IO FMA
6529553 FRU FMRI incorrect in topo output on x86
6536452 Change the numbering of the PCIE slots in pci_sun4v.h to start with zero "0" instead of one "1"
6509343 PCI enumerator has memory leak