6970313 remove unused ereport.chassis.io.i2c.poweron-fail6973500 enhancements for storage FMA knowledge articles6973508 add ereport/fault for missing fantray to storage FMA
6901369 eversholt rules for storage enclosure hw/fw diagnosis
6935604 io-retire should prevent attach of faulty persistent devices6930157 Remove fmadm's reliance on taking topo snapshots6881991 SMART faults could preserve asc/ascq in fault payload6955664 eve
6935604 io-retire should prevent attach of faulty persistent devices6930157 Remove fmadm's reliance on taking topo snapshots6881991 SMART faults could preserve asc/ascq in fault payload6955664 eversholt matching should not be performed for scsi-device nodes6958085 defect.sunos.fmd.module not visible via fmadm faulty6958856 fmd performance issue if "fmstat -m" called while disgnosis going on
show more ...
6811760 X4250, X4150 fma faults cpu after uncorrected error reported on bank 0 in snv_109
6909888 Solaris FMA must be a good citizen on OEM Nehalem EX systems6935617 fmri_nvl2str should return correct error code and not return error if there is no hc_root
6935779 Fabric xlate should look for correct RP from both BDF and Address6937136 TRU errors (568-572) resulting in 2 diagnosis'.
6850096 Error reports should include identification for x8 ECC Symbolsize in syndrome-typeContributed by Hans.Rosenfeld@amd.com
6914859 fma reports hardware error fault.cpu.intel.nb.dma
6773920 improvements for sun4v PI c2c and membuf diagnosis
6908560 Nodiag for ereport.cpu.intel.quickpath.mem_redundant
FWARC 2008/613 KT IOS Performance Counters APIFWARC 2008/615 KT Perf Reg HV APIFWARC 2009/434 KT IOS Performance Counters API UpdateFWARC 2009/567 Parallel Boot HV APIsPSARC 2009/177 Solaris supp
FWARC 2008/613 KT IOS Performance Counters APIFWARC 2008/615 KT Perf Reg HV APIFWARC 2009/434 KT IOS Performance Counters API UpdateFWARC 2009/567 Parallel Boot HV APIsPSARC 2009/177 Solaris support for Rainbow Falls platformsPSARC 2009/389 Sun4v faulted SP events extensionPSARC 2009/533 CRYPTO_HMAC_NO_UPDATE - A new KCF SPI flagPSARC 2009/605 more sun4v platform-independent cpu/mem FMA eventsPSARC 2009/649 Generic PCIe root complex FMA events6704999 extend xaui enum to work in platform independent world6773223 RFE: guest epkt for faulted SP6773225 RFE: Diagnosis of a faulted SP6797776 Solaris support for Rainbow Falls platforms
6891395 libfmd_agent does not scale to large numbers of cpu's6898698 Add timer constrain to discard_fatal fault prop statement
6891338 eversholt should allow strings to be concatenated6897161 pathfunc functions should allow function as first argument6895968 fmdump hangs when low on memory and malloc fails6898017 problems
6891338 eversholt should allow strings to be concatenated6897161 pathfunc functions should allow function as first argument6895968 fmdump hangs when low on memory and malloc fails6898017 problems with adding serial numbers in fmd_case_add_suspect()6900161 ur-u, ca-u and badreq-u propagation errors missing where faulty device is beneath pcie-pci bridge6900163 need to handle ereport.io.pciex.pl.sd6900189 should allow drivers to override serd parameters for pciex correctable errors6900146 fmd is core dumping on snv_1276895743 fmadm faulty hangs in door call to deadlocked fmd6900624 If too many open files, shouldn't just blame the fmd module that discovers it6879476 syseventd core dumps during S3 suspend/resume
6878294 FMA is too aggressive in marking the disk as faulty for zfs relocated the fatal read media error6895028 libtopo does not work on Netra-X4200-M2 platform6892864 setserdsuffix() should work w
6878294 FMA is too aggressive in marking the disk as faulty for zfs relocated the fatal read media error6895028 libtopo does not work on Netra-X4200-M2 platform6892864 setserdsuffix() should work with integer type
PSARC/2009/490 x86 Generic FMA Topology Enumerator6785310 Implement SMBIOS contained elements/handles6841286 Need x86 generic FMA topo enumerator6853537 x86gentopo needs OEM-Specific SMBIOS struct
PSARC/2009/490 x86 Generic FMA Topology Enumerator6785310 Implement SMBIOS contained elements/handles6841286 Need x86 generic FMA topo enumerator6853537 x86gentopo needs OEM-Specific SMBIOS structures6865771 Topology relationships should be derived from contained handles & elements of SMBIOS6865814 Chip enumerator should derive serials & labels using libsmbios, if SMBIOS is FM aware6865845 /dev/fm should export the Initial APICID, SMBIOS based ID/instance to the chip enumerator6866456 Generic Topology FMRI ereport
PSARC 2009/543 FMA for Nehalem_EX6814342 FMA for Intel Nehalem EX6874673 ereport.cpu.intel.l1tlb produces wrong fault
6891784 STATUS_UC is used in intel.esc but not defined
6734814 Intel address translation Phase II
6852933 Intel 5000p chipset can set unused bits in FERR_NF_FBD and cause fma to report unknown error
6726478 non-relative horizontal expansions don't always work
6858736 Add genleaf support for "firmware mismatch" and "firmware corrupt"
6848640 The de rules need to treat the payloadprop constraints as "may" propagation
6764337 CP3250 needs level 2 FMA compliance for MCU diagnosis
6768098 system panics with PCIe fabric.(0x0)(0x43) due to masked errors.6814026 PLX disable RO algorithm is incorrect6813298 Legacy PCI Express Endpoint is not used correctly in pcie module6841301
6768098 system panics with PCIe fabric.(0x0)(0x43) due to masked errors.6814026 PLX disable RO algorithm is incorrect6813298 Legacy PCI Express Endpoint is not used correctly in pcie module6841301 PCI ECS accesses with pcitool don't work on AMD processors6813766 faulty EPKT FMA rules need to expect ereports coming from hostbridge6841816 PCIe Error Handling's scan_fabric doesn't handle failed IO Addresses well6798264 PCIe error handling doesn't handle zero bdf well6802636 fault address may not be decoded correctly during PCIe error handling6843716 suspicious definition of PCIE_REQ_ID_DEV_MASK6831766 coredump in pci_bridge_declare()
6778345 need better error message if "fmadm replaced" finds the original fru is still present.6826123 Inconsitancy of chassis-id and product-id in fmris6826128 Allow separate serd n/t parameters fo
6778345 need better error message if "fmadm replaced" finds the original fru is still present.6826123 Inconsitancy of chassis-id and product-id in fmris6826128 Allow separate serd n/t parameters for different types of pciex CEs6579970 eversholt constraints can't access conf properties for path other than "to" or "from" path6839481 fmd_repair_fru not changed to use fmd_asru_rep_arg_t argument6839469 checks for replacement of faulty dimm not working on intel systems6726394 fmd_fmri_replaced should be properly supported for hc-scheme6844214 typo in pciex.esc can cause eversholt to run slow6847899 unknown libtopo error when a topo builtin fails to initialise6847905 memory leak in zfs builtin when injecting repeated DR events6847910 FMD_XPRT_HC_PRESENT_ONLY not working correctly