6861238 N2L: ypserv doesn't store hostnames in lowercase in the key-column in hosts.byname
6644450 nis2ldap gateway creating Gigs of of dbm files
6390117 N2L: ypserv removes all entries from NIS maps if DS is unreacable
PSARC 2007/285 robust locks revisited6296770 process robust mutexes should be much faster
6457569 N2L: rpc.yppasswdd does ont use keyword nisLDAPyppasswddDomains
6468254 minor memory leak introduced by fix for 6316946
6316946 N2L: ypserv sporadically doesn't refresh NIS maps from LDAP after their TTL has expired
6267517 gcc/g++ and cmd/ldap don't get along6269029 cmd/ypcmd and gcc don't get along6271235 gcc and cmd/ldapcachemgr don't get along6274678 gcc and libnisdb don't get along
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