Import libucl snapshot 20160604It replaces xxhash with mumhashIt fixes issues with msgpack on non x86
Update libucl to git version 8d3b186
Update libucl to the 2014-07-16 snapshotThis update brings streamlined ucl emitter support
Import libucl into headUCL is heavily infused by nginx configuration as the example of a convenientconfiguration system. However, UCL is fully compatible with JSON format and isable to parse json
Import libucl into headUCL is heavily infused by nginx configuration as the example of a convenientconfiguration system. However, UCL is fully compatible with JSON format and isable to parse json files.UCL is used by pkg(8) for its configuration file as well for the manifest formatin packages, it will be used in base for the pkg boostrap (signature checkingand configuration file parsing.)libucl has been developped and is maintained by vsevolod@
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