6804431 Add Dtrace probes to SRPT
6847237 The iscsit.d DTrace translator should include iscsi.d for the definition of iscsiinfo_t
6809997 COMSTAR iscsi target DTrace Provider needed
6840354 "/usr/lib/dtrace/fc.d", line 59: syntax error near "fct_local_port_t"
6809580 fct DTrace providers needed for qlt
6730130 dtrace missing printf handler for stdev6733214 stddev() needs more test casesContributed by Chad Mynhier <cmynhier@gmail.com>
6812050 dtrace should translate curpsinfo->pr_contract6824221 Memory leak in brandz in lx_pid_init on module load
6813909 generalize eh_frame support to non-amd64 platforms--HG--rename : usr/src/cmd/sgs/libld/common/unwind.amd.c => usr/src/cmd/sgs/libld/common/unwind.c
PSARC 2008/480 DTrace CPC Provider6486156 DTrace cpc provider
6798660 Cadmium .NOT file processing problem with CWD relative file pathsContributed by Richard Lowe6785284 Mapfile versioning rules need to be more visible to gatelings6800164 Standard file exclu
6798660 Cadmium .NOT file processing problem with CWD relative file pathsContributed by Richard Lowe6785284 Mapfile versioning rules need to be more visible to gatelings6800164 Standard file exclusion mechanism needed for Cadmium tools
show more ...
6750659 drti.o crashes app due to corrupt environmentContributed by Mike Gerdts <mgerdts@gmail.com>
6738982 Representative thread after DTrace stop() action is incorrect6737974 DTrace probe module globbing doesn't work6730287 tst/common/printf/tst.str.d needs to be updated for ZFS bootContribute
6738982 Representative thread after DTrace stop() action is incorrect6737974 DTrace probe module globbing doesn't work6730287 tst/common/printf/tst.str.d needs to be updated for ZFS bootContributed by Chad Mynhier <cmynhier@gmail.com>
6696397 NFS v3 provider reports all UDP clients as
PSARC 2008/302 DTrace IP Provider6640019 DTrace IP Provider6655707 sdt arguments are off-by-one past the 5th6667364 /usr/demo/dtrace/index.html: URLs to dtrace guide chapters wrong--HG--rename
PSARC 2008/302 DTrace IP Provider6640019 DTrace IP Provider6655707 sdt arguments are off-by-one past the 5th6667364 /usr/demo/dtrace/index.html: URLs to dtrace guide chapters wrong--HG--rename : usr/src/lib/libdtrace/common/net.d => deleted_files/usr/src/lib/libdtrace/common/net.d
6677812 race between dtrace activities in non-local zones6684076 is_enabled at -xO2 and greater causes a functions return value to be over-written
6583726 race between program and process destruction6642281 substr() doesn't properly null-terminate6642734 substr() can do the wrong thing for invalid index values6642972 substr() is broken with
6583726 race between program and process destruction6642281 substr() doesn't properly null-terminate6642734 substr() can do the wrong thing for invalid index values6642972 substr() is broken with a negative third argument6646597 library load failures aren't properly propagated to dependents6654396 new pid probes aren't attached to retained enablings6654402 user provider clean up needs some work6663020 fasttrap_pid_probe() wasn't fully updated for amd646672627 Code optimizer cause problems for dtrace -G
6325485 A stddev() aggregator would be a nice adjunct to avg()6618705 p*d123 doesn't cause pid probes to be created6624541 dtrace aggregations should assume signed argumentsContributed by Chad Myn
6325485 A stddev() aggregator would be a nice adjunct to avg()6618705 p*d123 doesn't cause pid probes to be created6624541 dtrace aggregations should assume signed argumentsContributed by Chad Mynhier <cmynhier@gmail.com>.
PSARC 2008/050 DTrace NFS v3 Provider6660173 PSARC 2008/050 DTrace NFS v3 Provider6660179 fix stability of NFS v4 provider
PSARC/2007/663 DTrace NFS v4 Provider6635086 DTrace NFS v4 Provider
6630135 symbols created for dtrace -G should be removed in the final link
6600430 library dependencies for DTrace6602183 names of all non USDT based providers should be able to end with a digit
6546290 /opt/SUNWdtrt/tst/common/predicates/tst.predcache.ksh : could not unload dtrace6573659 removing a USDT provider can undermine pid probes6576041 ERROR: /opt/SUNWdtrt/tst/common/usdt/tst.dlcl
6546290 /opt/SUNWdtrt/tst/common/predicates/tst.predcache.ksh : could not unload dtrace6573659 removing a USDT provider can undermine pid probes6576041 ERROR: /opt/SUNWdtrt/tst/common/usdt/tst.dlclose1.ksh stdout mismatch6581257 dtrace_lookup_by_type() can fail spuriously6582425 tst/common/usdt/tst.forker.ksh can hang
6576371 Tail-call USDT probes can use wrong argument values
PSARC 2007/153 iSCSI target provider6498786 the iSCSI target's SMF stop method takes too long6573073 usdt args[] are incorrectly translated6573074 PSARC 2007/153 iSCSI target provider6573077 iscs
PSARC 2007/153 iSCSI target provider6498786 the iSCSI target's SMF stop method takes too long6573073 usdt args[] are incorrectly translated6573074 PSARC 2007/153 iSCSI target provider6573077 iscsitgtd should be compiled with CTF data6574850 dt_idhash_iter() needs to cache the array length