6543061 /opt/SUNWdtrt/tst/common/mib/tst.tcp.ksh can hang if fingerd is disabled6581091 some DTrace test suite tests are not dstyle clean6581196 many ksh scripts in the DTrace test suite use incorr
6543061 /opt/SUNWdtrt/tst/common/mib/tst.tcp.ksh can hang if fingerd is disabled6581091 some DTrace test suite tests are not dstyle clean6581196 many ksh scripts in the DTrace test suite use incorrect SCCS ID string6581228 some DTrace test suite scripts need to specify a unit for cleanrate6593038 some D scripts in the test suite contain multiple identical SCCS ident strings
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6465302 integrate Java DTrace API tests with DTrace test suite6467526 test suite: sched/tst.stackdepth.d fails in empty stack case
6464285 integrate the DTrace test suite