16150 scsi_vhci probing doesn't respect device block sizeReviewed by: Toomas Soome <tsoome@me.com>Reviewed by: Dan Cross <cross@oxidecomputer.com>Approved by: Robert Mustacchi <rm@fingolfin.org>
10329 Remove scsi_vhci_f_asym_sun (StorEdge T3 support)Reviewed by: Andrew Stormont <andyjstormont@gmail.com>Reviewed by: Toomas Soome <tsoome@me.com>Approved by: Dan McDonald <danmcd@joyent.com>
6896190 "Failover completed successfully" is printed a few times while failover is actually failed on a TPG6940470 mdi_failover() with async flag won't return the failover status to target driver69
6896190 "Failover completed successfully" is printed a few times while failover is actually failed on a TPG6940470 mdi_failover() with async flag won't return the failover status to target driver6941020 mpxio failover on 7410 may take more than 3 mintues
show more ...
6903174 18GB Zeus SAS SSDs are not recognized by scsi_vhci as a multipath device
6739984 Solaris failed to do any failover for any volume with TPGS.
backout 6739984: does not build
6865431 scsi_vhci loses path state awareness under failover/load
6820412 Hang on close with TPGS tape drives in MPxIO configuration
6783286 STMS: Host loses access to data on >1TB volumes when there's an external failover on asymm arrays
PSARC/2009/114 mdi_is_dev_supported6818075 Need an way to find out if a device would be supported under mdi without trial and error
PSARC 2008/673 scsi_inquiry(9S) update6321430 scsi_inquiry(9S) should be updated
6758620 enable MPxIO for SATA drives with valid GUID
6560807 common drivers should not use SCCS keywords in user-visible strings
6733918 Teamware has retired, please welcome your new manager, Mercurial4758439 some files use "current date" sccs keywords6560843 asm sources should not rely on .file "%M%" for naming STT_FILE sym
6733918 Teamware has retired, please welcome your new manager, Mercurial4758439 some files use "current date" sccs keywords6560843 asm sources should not rely on .file "%M%" for naming STT_FILE symbols6560958 Solaris:: perl modules should not use SCCS keywords in version information6729074 webrev doesn't deal well with remote ssh hg parents
6459247 scsi_vhci does not return correct value for dma-max property6475502 device specific load-balance setting not displayed by mpathadm6621014 Support multipathing to tape devices6646241 Error
6459247 scsi_vhci does not return correct value for dma-max property6475502 device specific load-balance setting not displayed by mpathadm6621014 Support multipathing to tape devices6646241 Error in MTFSR using MTIOCLTOP to space 5000000010 blocks6683730 st is not warlock clean6684754 scsi_vhci pgr out getting 4B 90 FCP_DL field not sufficient to complete the transfer6693116 st when reading to EOD where there is no filemark at EOD system asserts as blkno > lgclblkno6693591 Recovery of write command is issuing Read Position with invalid bit set6695072 st uscsi write of zero bytes hits assert nblks != 06695099 st uscsi read/write that gets error returned asserts new_lastop != ST_OP_NIL6695128 st_recov_cb does not handle TRAN_ERR status.6698800 Driver does not recover jammed load command6704414 read errors encountered during fault test
6664095 remove header information that states confidentiality of an open solaris file
6634757 add support for the HDS midrange array subsystem
5096789 Implement command level error recovery
PSARC 2006/708 ddi-forceloadPSARC 2006/710 scsi_get_device_type_stringPSARC 2007/379 MPXIO/scsi_vhci failover-ops configuration - revisited6504975 ddi_modopen should allow open in subdirectory654
PSARC 2006/708 ddi-forceloadPSARC 2006/710 scsi_get_device_type_stringPSARC 2007/379 MPXIO/scsi_vhci failover-ops configuration - revisited6504975 ddi_modopen should allow open in subdirectory6542649 step0: opensource mpxio