b8d4dc6c | 01-Dec-2000 |
Ruslan Ermilov <ru@FreeBSD.org> |
Follow POLA and bind the <End> key to the `$' command.
This is committed to the vendor (BOSTIC) branch because it was accepted (committed) by ``nvi'' maintainers:
On Fri, Dec 01, 2000 at 03:51:14PM
Follow POLA and bind the <End> key to the `$' command.
This is committed to the vendor (BOSTIC) branch because it was accepted (committed) by ``nvi'' maintainers:
On Fri, Dec 01, 2000 at 03:51:14PM +0100, Sven Verdoolaege wrote: [...] > RCS file: /b/CVSROOT/vi/cl/cl_bsd.c,v > Working file: cl_bsd.c > head: 8.32 > branch: > locks: strict > access list: > symbolic names: > nvi1-81-1: 8.31 > nvi1-81-0: 8.30 > nvi1-80: > keyword substitution: kv > total revisions: 32; selected revisions: 1 > description: > ---------------------------- > revision 8.32 > date: 2000/12/01 13:56:17; author: skimo; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 > allow use of <End> key on AT-compatible keyboards (Ruslan Ermilov <ru@FreeBSD.org>) > ============================================================================= > > RCS file: /b/CVSROOT/vi/cl/cl_term.c,v > Working file: cl_term.c > head: 10.28 > branch: > locks: strict > access list: > symbolic names: > nvi1-81-1: 10.27 > nvi1-81-0: 10.23 > nvi1-80: > keyword substitution: kv > total revisions: 47; selected revisions: 1 > description: > ---------------------------- > revision 10.28 > date: 2000/12/01 13:56:18; author: skimo; state: Exp; lines: +2 -1 > allow use of <End> key on AT-compatible keyboards (Ruslan Ermilov <ru@FreeBSD.org>)
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