xref: /titanic_51/usr/src/contrib/ast/src/lib/libcmd/RELEASE (revision b4dd7d09880f14016feece03929a224eca1cf39a)
112-06-25 getconf.c: don't defer to native getconf if we are it -- doh
212-06-19 tail.c: be nice and use sh_sigcheck() and tvsleep() to verify interrupts
312-05-31 cat,head,tee: use errno==EPIPE => ERROR_PIPE(errno)
412-05-25 vmstate.c: #include <sfdisc.h> for sfkeyprintf() prototype
512-04-20 chgrp.c,chmod.c,cksum.c,cp.c: default fts_flags()|FTS_META (to disable pure FTS_PHYSICAL)
612-03-26 cp.c: fix --interactive astquery() logic that ignored no&quit!
712-02-14 rm.c: --force ignores no file operands specified
812-01-10 b_* (int, char**, void*) => (int, char**, Shbltin_t*)
911-08-27 pids.c: add getsid() iffe test
1010-08-16 chmod.c: add -l alias for { -h --symlink }
1111-08-16 chgrp.c: change lchmod() ref to lchown()
1211-05-03 cp.c: do not delete src if mv to dest fails -- doh
1311-03-28 chmod.c,chgrp.c: fix --symlink logic
1411-03-26 rm.c: don't eaccess() check symlinks!
1511-01-27 date: add { -R, --rfc-2822, -T, --rfc-3339=type }
1611-01-03 chgrp.c: --symlink => --physical
1710-12-10 rm.c: fix not-writable logic
1810-12-01 tee.c: add iterrupt logic for slow open(1) -- needs to be generalized
1910-11-30 chgrp.c: add -N,--numeric to bypass name lookup
2010-10-20 cp: add --timestamps (preserv timestamps and permissions)
2110-10-20 ln: fix 'cannot replace existing file' logic
2210-10-10 cp,mv: add --remove-destination
2310-08-11 cp.c,expr.c: use conformance("standard",0) test
2410-08-11 cut.c: use mbnsize() instead of mblen() (for ast C.UTF-8)
2510-07-28 chgrp.c,chmod.c,cksum.c: fts_path for diagnostics, not fts_accpath!
2610-06-14 rm.c: fix -rfu logic
2710-06-12 paste.c: repeat after me: do not modify argv[i]
2810-06-01 sync with ast api 20100601
2910-05-09 tail.c: fix -0f bug that inially listed the entire file
3010-05-06 basename.c: add { -a,--all -s,--suffux=suffix } from BSD
3110-04-12 cat.c: fix -v bug that dumped core and make consistent with cmp --print-chars
3210-04-11 cmp.c: add --print-bytes, --count=n, --differences=n
3310-04-08 vmstate.c: add { method flags } vars for Vmstat_t.mode
3410-04-08 mkdir.c: fix check for { S_ISUID S_ISGID S_ISVTX } after successful mkdir(2)
3510-04-01 stty.c: add --fd=fd option
3610-03-23 tail.c: fix -f large initial offset bug that didn't copy all data
3710-03-07 tail.c: sfsync(sfstdout) after all -f done, fix -f partial line
3810-03-05 mktemp.c: add --regress=seed for testing
3910-03-05 vmstate.c: add
4010-01-26 tail.c: -f sleep(1) only if no progress from last round of checks
4110-01-20 fts_fix.[ch]: use <fts_fix.h> instead of <fts.h> (see fts_fix.c)
4210-01-20 cp.c: free(state) if called from old shell
4309-12-10 join.c: <wctype.h> for iswspace()!
4409-12-04 cmd.h: fix CMD_DYNAMIC logic
4509-12-04 cut.c: handle -d mb
4609-12-03 mkdir.c: add --verbose
4709-11-30 cat.c,date.c,cksum.c: drop setlocale() call already done by optget()
4809-11-30 join.c: handle -t mb
4909-11-28 wclib.c: { -w -L } mb independent of -m
5009-11-28 paste.c: handle -d mb
5109-11-28 uniq.c: handle -s mb
5209-11-28 cksum.c: FTS_SEEDOTDIR by default
5309-09-09 fds.c: add --unit=fd
5409-08-25 tail.c: initialize Tail_t.fifo=0 !!
5509-08-15 tail.c: fix fifo logic
5609-08-11 wc.c: add setlocale(LC_CTYPE,"C") cleanup, add utf8 optimzations
5709-08-10 uniq.c: replace -c 1..9999 sfsprintf() with inline conversion
5809-08-01 join.c: fix empty field null pointer deref
5909-07-23 pathchk.c: add -P,--path and -a,--all
6009-07-02 chgrp.c,chmod.c,cksum.c: fts_flags() default only if not --recursive
6109-06-19 cmd.h,cmdinit.c: add ERROR_CALLBACK for ERROR_NOTIFY main() callback
6209-06-19 mktemp.c: --unsafe now checks and prints path but does create
6309-06-19 tee.c: add ERROR_CALLBACK for tee_cleanup() sfio discipline pop
6409-06-18 rm.c: handle interrupts during interactive query
6509-06-18 cp.c: handle interrupts during interactive query
6609-05-25 tail.c: fix old style option logic to handle --invalid-long-option
6709-05-24 tail.c: -r == +1r
6809-05-01 mktemp.c: handle foo/prefix, add -p dir and -u
6909-03-31 cat.c: handle --no* options
7009-03-15 tail.c: fix --timeout termination logic
7109-03-03 tee.c: clean up sfio disciplines on error
7209-03-03 cat.c: fix -v|-e|-n|-B interaction bugs
7309-02-14 tail.c: fix VSC failures
7409-02-14 join.c: fix VSC failure
7509-02-02 uniq.c: document -number == -fnumber, +number == -snumber
7609-02-02 tail.c: fix usage[] for negative offsets, add sun -b
7709-02-02 mktemp.c: add
7809-02-02 features/utsname: UWIN _UNAME_os_DEFAULT => UWIN
7909-01-31 dirname.c: add experimental { -f -r -x } for pathpath(3)
8009-01-05 cmp.c: fix EOF diagnostic to conform to posix
8109-01-03 mkfifo.c: fix --mode=mode logic
8208-12-07 date.c: add %[_][EO]K for [space pad] [full|long] iso docs
8308-11-10 stty.c: check for -t grouping so -tostop != -t -ostop
8408-10-15 rm.c: handle 'rm -f x x' => exit 0
8508-09-08 stty.c: #ifdef guard TAB[012] -- freebsd: damn the posix, full speed ahead
8608-06-17 shcmd.h: move to libast
8708-04-24 uniq.c: add optget() 'n' option for -1 => -f1
8808-04-24 getconf.c: clarify diffs between "name - value" and "name = value"
8908-04-01 cut.c: add write error check
9008-04-01 paste.c: fix --noserial stream vector access bug
9108-04-01 pids.c: add ls/ps style --format=format
9208-04-01 stty.c: fix off2 unitialized reference
9308-03-28 chgrp.c: add --before=file
9408-03-14 pids.c: add
9508-03-11 chgrp.c: fix -m to use uid:gid as lookup key
9608-02-11 Makefile: add -lmd possibly required by sumlib.o -- hack alert
9708-01-30 expr.c: fix <=0 type that broke substr * 1 * -- wow
9807-12-13 cp.c: fix builtin state reinitialization
9907-11-29 rev.c: honor multibyte locales
10007-11-27 cp.c: open non-existent destination with O_EXCL
10107-11-27 stty.c: add -t,--terminal-group to list tty pgrp
10207-11-27 cksum.c: --silent -s => -S, -s == -x sys5 for gnu compatibility
10307-11-11 tee.c: drop ancient bsd compatibility "-" operand => SIGINT
10407-10-29 cksum.c: add SUM_LEGACY for -r
10507-10-12 cp.c: plug usage string memory leak by using per-builtin state
10607-09-21 cksum.c: add sumprint() default scale arg, --scale, --bsd for solaris
10707-09-10 chmod.c: add --show,-n
10807-07-27 wclib.c: bias <wchar.h> checks for modern unix
10907-07-17 cat.c: fix --squeeze-blank to reduce multiple blank lines to *one*
11007-05-20 cmd.h: handle msvc's balk at if(0)0=0;
11107-05-20 cksum.c: #include <modex.h>
11207-05-11 cmd.h: add _CMD_CONTEXT_OK() to verify >= 20070511 context
11307-05-09 fds.c: handle ipv6 sockets
11407-05-09 cmd.h: <shbltin.h> : cmdquit() => sh_checksig(context)
11507-04-25 mkdir.c: force (S_ISVTX|S_ISUID|S_ISGID) after mkdir(2)
11607-04-24 procrun.c: add -last intercept => sh_run() and whence -q
11707-04-19 uname.c: name operands first checked for CS_NAME, then NAME
11807-03-28 date.c: add --unelapsed=scale, -U: fmtelapsed() => strelapsed()
11907-03-25 wclib.h: iswspace() requires <wctype.h>!
12007-03-11 tty.c: add sysV --line-number, -l
12107-02-26 Makefile: sumlib.o: direct extract from +lsum (vcodex someday)
12207-02-24 Makefile: tweak cmdext.h action for --mam bootstrap
12307-02-09 Makefile: { cmdext.h cmdlist.h } depend on *.c list!
12407-02-09 Makefile: +lsum to bring in static -lsum (no dynamic right now)
12507-02-07 cksum.c: move from src/cmd/std with ftwalk => fts
12607-02-07 getconf.c: handle /bin == /usr/bin in defer logic
12707-01-26 chmod.c: don't FTS_FOLLOW if !FTS_PHYSICAL
12807-01-23 cut.c: Cut_t variable dimension list[] must be last member
12907-01-22 uname.c: fix -h typo that clobbered astconf() state -- ouch
13007-01-02 fmt.c: fix buffer splice off by one bug -- what else
13106-11-23 cmd.h: because of proto cmdinit cannot be a function like macro
13206-11-21 cp.c: fix 06-10-31 const dot[] readonly assignment
13306-11-15 cp.c: fix 06-10-31 ln -s enoent bug
13406-11-11 getconf.c: let astconf() handle "undefined" vs. ""
13506-11-11 getconf.c: fix deferred getconf path search
13606-11-11 fmt.c: handle two char { \t \n } in --usage ouput
13706-10-31 global edit to eliminate most non-const static data0
13806-10-31 use <cmd.h> for all b_*() implementations; drop <cmdlib.h>
13906-10-31 cmd.h: add CMD_ prefix to { BUILTIN DYNAMIC STANDALONE }
14006-10-31 join.c: tone down /tmp usage vi SFSK_DISCARD
14106-10-31 cp.c,rm.c: update to <fts.h> to accomodate non-static data
14206-10-29 date.c: "...%H%..." => "...%H" "%..." to avoid SCCS conflict
14306-10-26 fds.c: handle sctp
14406-10-18 tail.c: fix invalid suffix infinite loop
14506-10-11 chgrp.c,cp.c: add sfstruse() error checks
14606-10-10 tee.c: add --linebuffer, -l
14706-10-06 getconf.c: preserve native getconf(1) known variable behavior
14806-10-04 sync.c: add (thanks to Roland Mainz)
14906-10-04 getconf.c: add -v specification => run native getconf(1)
15006-09-28 stty.c: static setmode() => set() for darwin.i386
15106-09-27 head.c: handle -1c => -c1
15206-09-19 pathchk.c: pathconf() => astconf()
15306-09-11 tail.c: handle compatibility corner cases
15406-09-08 date.c: add output write error diagnostic
15506-09-04 tail.c: fix initial position for -n0, no args => no -f
15606-08-28 uniq.c: add -D,--all-repeated
15706-08-25 wc.c,wclib.c: add -L,--longest-line,WC_LONGEST
15806-08-24 wc.c,wclib.c: implement -m and WC_MBYTE
15906-08-24 rmdir.c: -sp applies to every message, add gnu -e
16006-08-23 rmdir.c: add solaris --suppress, -s
16106-08-23 mkdir.c: don't add 0300 to -p final dir mode
16206-07-17 cut.c: handle last line with no newline
16306-07-17 cut.c: --output-delimiter == --line-delimiter
16406-06-25 chmod.c: mask -c output with S_IPERM
16506-05-09 uname.c: add -o; change -a to match linux
16606-05-03 date.c: add --last -L to list last of multiple time args
16706-02-14 tail.c: fix -f bug that lost fast stream data
16806-02-11 getconf.c: exit 1 if name invalid -- duh
16906-01-28 cp.c,rm.c: fix astquery() 'q' to return and not exit()
17005-08-11 fmt.c: fix -o to handle raw --usage strings
17105-05-17 cat.c,head.c: disable EPIPE error messages
17205-04-14 chgrp.c: -f means all non-syntax error messages
17305-04-11 fds.c: add from old internal open(1)
17405-04-09 cmdext.h,cmdlist.h: generate from source -- about time
17505-03-24 features/symlink: verify { lchmod lchown } implementations
17605-03-07 date.c: add --listzones to list the time zone table
17705-02-14 chmod.c: add --reference=file
17805-01-11 cat.c: restore output stream to binary mode on exit
17904-12-15 cp.c: add --preserve high resolution time support
18004-12-08 date.c: add high resolution time support
18104-12-01 cmp.c: fix %6I*ld => %6I*d -- doh
182	 fmt.c: handle "\n\n operands \n\n"
183	 head.c: handle -cN -nN, N > 4Gb
18404-11-22 cmp.c: handle >2G chars/lines
18504-11-18 fold.c: add --prepend=text, --append=text
18604-10-31 tail.c: use SF_LOCKR macro
18704-10-28 tail.c: use strtol() for old stype [+-]number[suffix] -- doh
18804-10-22 cp.c: check rename() errno==ENOENT to retain destination
18904-10-11 fmt.c: fix -o,--optget sublist bugs
190	 tail.c: use strton() for number conversion
19104-10-08 pathchk.c: add empty path and -p - first component char
19204-10-01 fmt.c: add -o,--optget concatenated usage string format
193	 stty.c: context is ERROR_INTERCATIVE
194	 rm.c: restore 3d before exit
19504-09-24 pathchk.c: fix docs
19604-09-14 date.c: add %| and %& --parse docs
19704-08-27 cp.c: add FTW_DC check -- duh
19804-08-01 fmt.c: handle last char != '\n'
19904-07-22 date.c,uname.c: access() => eaccess()
20004-07-01 fmt.c: handle large input lines -- ouch
20104-06-11 id.c: fix -r to output something!
20204-05-27 expr.c: fix `:' op subexpression output
20304-04-15 chmod.c: follow symlink for relative mode
20404-04-12 Makefile: add STDCHMOD (for osf.alpha)
20504-03-19 tail.c: handle -f sfreserve() large chunk failure
20604-02-29 cp.c: decouple -f and -i for standard CONFORMANCE
207	 cp.c: mv now attempts rename() before remove()+rename()
208	 date.c: -f format or +format disables system clock set
20904-02-14 cp.c: add -F --fsync to call fsync(2) for each copied file
21004-01-05 head.c: -s now uses opt_info.number for >2Gb skip
21103-09-18 tail.c: add --log
21203-09-11 rm.c: add --unconditional
21303-08-11 fold.c: add --delimiter=c to break at c
21403-07-28 features/time: change settimeofday() test to 2nd arg of (void*)0
215	 expr.c: add {match,substr,index,length,quote}
21603-07-15 fmt.c: fix trailing space bug
21703-06-20 uname.c: fix -p constant string overwrite
21803-06-04 stty.c: add undef to control assignment docs
21903-05-31 uname.c: add -f and sysinfo()/confstr() compatibility via astconf()
22003-05-27 rm.c: fix inappropriate "/.." append path overflow
221	 cut.c: snarf from dgk
22203-05-18 rm.c: check st_nlink to verify progress w.r.t. ftwalk/fts
22303-05-15 join.c: fix stealth -v2 bug (thanks ahs)
22403-05-04 wc.c: drop trailing space for `wc -l < file'
22503-03-21 date.c: add %Q/recent/distant/ docs
22603-02-19 date.c: fix %+|!flag docs
22702-11-14 update for cmdinit() 4th arg and ERROR_NOTIFY for interrupt cleanup
22802-10-02 date.c: tmform() => tmfmt()
22902-09-30 date.c,uname.c: change execv() calls to procrun(): exec|exit => bad
23002-09-06 wclib.c: fix 1 char-at-a-time miscount bug
23102-08-19 chgrp.c: convert to use <cdt.h>
23202-07-23 join.c: fix comm snarf typo
23302-04-05 date.c: add %u
23402-01-24 stty.c: ifdef a few more macros for uts (yes, its still running)
23501-12-14 date.c: clarify %z doc
23601-10-31 mkdir.c: mkdir() on existing dir could fail with errno!=EEXIST
237	 uname.c: add execve() loop check for unknown options
23801-10-29 tail.c: SF_SHARE on only if not reading through EOF
23901-10-11 getconf.c: fix usage typos
24001-09-11 cp.c,cmd.h: handle . in argv[0]
241	 cp.c: add O_BINARY to all open() calls
24201-09-06 tail: input streams must be SF_SHARE -- duh
24301-07-16 stty: fix cntl() macro for CC_NATIVE!=CC_ASCII
24401-05-31 date: fix /bin/date fallback logic
245	 stty: fix a few mismatched flags, -a and -g option logic
246	 stty: tone down sane to modify current settings rather than from zero
24701-05-01 uname: -i => -h, add sol.sun4 -i, add sgi -R, punt to /usr/bin/uname
24801-04-17 date,rm: add
24901-03-07 cp: fix readonly string mod on "."
25001-01-23 cp: `cp foo' => `cp foo .' only for CONFORMANCE!=standard
25100-12-01 cut: multibyte support
25200-10-31 mkdir: handle races by checking EEXIST
25300-09-20 cp: copy argv to stack before modifying in place
25400-05-18 add setlocale(LC_ALL,"")
25500-04-30 join: drop weird opt_info.argv reference
25600-03-17 expr: add == operator -- duh
257	 cp,ln,mv: delay pathcanon() on destination to verify `cp a b/.'
258	 getconf: use astgetconf for proper message control
259	 ERROR_translate: dictionary update
26000-03-08 tail: handle multiple -f files
26100-03-07 fmt: add
26200-03-07 dirname: handle PATH_LEADING_SLASHES as documented
263	 tail: accept + options
26400-02-14 chmod: --ignore-umask to ignore umask(2) in symbolic expressions
265	 chmod,chgrp,cp: use FTS_NOSEEDOTDIR for correct path construction
266	 cat: fix -n (was ignored, wow)
26700-01-27 getconf: add "-a" and "-v spec" for sol7.* compatibility
26899-09-09 join: fix -j1 vs. -j 1, add --ignorecase
26999-06-22 paste: defualt delim in writable string
27099-06-16 cat: fix --dos-ouput typo
27199-06-11 cp: tighten chown() diagnostics
27299-06-08 expr: nothing for NULL string bug fix
27399-05-21 paste: fix missing newline columnize bug
27499-05-20 mv: do not check for `mv foo foo' since rename() handles it
27599-05-01 cmp,comm,cp/mv/ln,expr,fold,getconf,head: long options
276	 join,logname,paste,pathchk,tail,tee: long options
27799-04-10 uname: long options, stdize -a
278	 chmod,head,tail,rev: long options
279	 cut: long options, pass regression test 02
28099-04-07 cat: long options, fix O_TEXT modes
28199-01-11 tail: fix +n
282	 join: another ggs/psm bug
283	 join: all 1 and/or 2 to be unseekable
28499-01-01 cp: fix -p
285	 chmod: drop -l option because of clash with l (lock) mode
28698-12-25 cat: add -T to sfopen(,,"rt")
28798-11-11 chgrp,chmod: cannot open file stream => not found
288	 join: fix another ggs/psm bug; thanks guys
28998-10-20 cp: fix cp -rp to update dir times too
29098-09-22 join: fix ggs null field bug
29198-08-11 join: fix last regression test bug
29298-05-29 join: add jp->common to handle boundary conditions
29398-03-11 cat,cp,rev,tee: fix sfmove() error checks
29498-03-01 join: fix bug that emitted records more than once after eof
295	 cp: fix sfmove() error check
29698-02-14 cp: -R physical, -[HLP], -r getconf(PATH_RESOLVE)
29798-01-11 cp: check sfclose() return value
29898-01-07 chown,chgrp,chmod: use fts for -R
299	 mkdir: fix -p default mode
30097-12-07 mkdir: fix umask() reset
30197-11-11 chown,chgrp: proper interpretation of -h,-l for lchown()
302	 chown,chgrp: only chown() if uid or gid change
30397-10-31 mkdir: do umask right
30497-08-11 cmdinit: clear opt_info.index to allow multiple calls
305	 cp,ln,mv: add
30697-07-17 join: fix a few more -a bugs
30797-05-31 expr: optget() only if CONFORMANCE==standard
30897-04-01 join: fix a few bugs that make it work!
30996-12-25 head: sfset(sfstdin,SF_SHARE,1)
310	 Makefile: add -last to cmd lib list
311	 drop function __IMPORT__
31296-08-11 tail: check for truncated file and rewind for -f
31396-04-08 update <cmd.h>
31496-02-29 uname: -a like std, -l for everything
315	 id: add -a (default)
31696-02-14 wc: speed up inner loop newline breakout
31796-01-30 unused var cleanup
31896-01-01 AT&T Research now
319	 pathchk: handle getcwd(0,0) error
320	 expr: switch to <regex.h>
32195-11-11 add expr.c
322	 fix cut exit code and -s optimization
32395-10-11 add extern b_* to cmd.h
324	 add void* context 3rd arg to b_main()
32595-05-09 add getconf
326	 cat -u avoids mmap
327	 add chown|chgrp -m uid|gid map file
328	 add chown|chgrp -P for systems with lchown(2)
329	 chown|chgrp -P => lstat() too!
330	 chmod|chown|chgrp -HLP
33195-04-01 version 1.2
332	 add rmdir
33395-02-14 fix mkdir -p symlink bug
334	 fix mkdir '/' skip bug that went one too far