xref: /linux/tools/testing/selftests/exec/execveat.c (revision eb01fe7abbe2d0b38824d2a93fdb4cc3eaf2ccc1)
1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
2 /*
3  * Copyright (c) 2014 Google, Inc.
4  *
5  * Selftests for execveat(2).
6  */
8 #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
9 #define _GNU_SOURCE  /* to get O_PATH, AT_EMPTY_PATH */
10 #endif
11 #include <sys/sendfile.h>
12 #include <sys/stat.h>
13 #include <sys/syscall.h>
14 #include <sys/types.h>
15 #include <sys/wait.h>
16 #include <errno.h>
17 #include <fcntl.h>
18 #include <limits.h>
19 #include <stdio.h>
20 #include <stdlib.h>
21 #include <string.h>
22 #include <unistd.h>
24 #include "../kselftest.h"
26 #define TESTS_EXPECTED 51
27 #define TEST_NAME_LEN (PATH_MAX * 4)
29 static char longpath[2 * PATH_MAX] = "";
30 static char *envp[] = { "IN_TEST=yes", NULL, NULL };
31 static char *argv[] = { "execveat", "99", NULL };
33 static int execveat_(int fd, const char *path, char **argv, char **envp,
34 		     int flags)
35 {
36 #ifdef __NR_execveat
37 	return syscall(__NR_execveat, fd, path, argv, envp, flags);
38 #else
39 	errno = ENOSYS;
40 	return -1;
41 #endif
42 }
44 #define check_execveat_fail(fd, path, flags, errno)	\
45 	_check_execveat_fail(fd, path, flags, errno, #errno)
46 static int _check_execveat_fail(int fd, const char *path, int flags,
47 				int expected_errno, const char *errno_str)
48 {
49 	char test_name[TEST_NAME_LEN];
50 	int rc;
52 	errno = 0;
53 	snprintf(test_name, sizeof(test_name),
54 		 "Check failure of execveat(%d, '%s', %d) with %s",
55 		 fd, path?:"(null)", flags, errno_str);
56 	rc = execveat_(fd, path, argv, envp, flags);
58 	if (rc > 0) {
59 		ksft_print_msg("unexpected success from execveat(2)\n");
60 		ksft_test_result_fail("%s\n", test_name);
61 		return 1;
62 	}
63 	if (errno != expected_errno) {
64 		ksft_print_msg("expected errno %d (%s) not %d (%s)\n",
65 			       expected_errno, strerror(expected_errno),
66 			       errno, strerror(errno));
67 		ksft_test_result_fail("%s\n", test_name);
68 		return 1;
69 	}
70 	ksft_test_result_pass("%s\n", test_name);
71 	return 0;
72 }
74 static int check_execveat_invoked_rc(int fd, const char *path, int flags,
75 				     int expected_rc, int expected_rc2)
76 {
77 	char test_name[TEST_NAME_LEN];
78 	int status;
79 	int rc;
80 	pid_t child;
81 	int pathlen = path ? strlen(path) : 0;
83 	if (pathlen > 40)
84 		snprintf(test_name, sizeof(test_name),
85 			 "Check success of execveat(%d, '%.20s...%s', %d)... ",
86 			 fd, path, (path + pathlen - 20), flags);
87 	else
88 		snprintf(test_name, sizeof(test_name),
89 			 "Check success of execveat(%d, '%s', %d)... ",
90 			 fd, path?:"(null)", flags);
92 	child = fork();
93 	if (child < 0) {
94 		ksft_perror("fork() failed");
95 		ksft_test_result_fail("%s\n", test_name);
96 		return 1;
97 	}
98 	if (child == 0) {
99 		/* Child: do execveat(). */
100 		rc = execveat_(fd, path, argv, envp, flags);
101 		ksft_print_msg("execveat() failed, rc=%d errno=%d (%s)\n",
102 			       rc, errno, strerror(errno));
103 		ksft_test_result_fail("%s\n", test_name);
104 		exit(1);  /* should not reach here */
105 	}
106 	/* Parent: wait for & check child's exit status. */
107 	rc = waitpid(child, &status, 0);
108 	if (rc != child) {
109 		ksft_print_msg("waitpid(%d,...) returned %d\n", child, rc);
110 		ksft_test_result_fail("%s\n", test_name);
111 		return 1;
112 	}
113 	if (!WIFEXITED(status)) {
114 		ksft_print_msg("child %d did not exit cleanly, status=%08x\n",
115 			       child, status);
116 		ksft_test_result_fail("%s\n", test_name);
117 		return 1;
118 	}
119 	if ((WEXITSTATUS(status) != expected_rc) &&
120 	    (WEXITSTATUS(status) != expected_rc2)) {
121 		ksft_print_msg("child %d exited with %d not %d nor %d\n",
122 			       child, WEXITSTATUS(status), expected_rc,
123 			       expected_rc2);
124 		ksft_test_result_fail("%s\n", test_name);
125 		return 1;
126 	}
127 	ksft_test_result_pass("%s\n", test_name);
128 	return 0;
129 }
131 static int check_execveat(int fd, const char *path, int flags)
132 {
133 	return check_execveat_invoked_rc(fd, path, flags, 99, 99);
134 }
136 static char *concat(const char *left, const char *right)
137 {
138 	char *result = malloc(strlen(left) + strlen(right) + 1);
140 	strcpy(result, left);
141 	strcat(result, right);
142 	return result;
143 }
145 static int open_or_die(const char *filename, int flags)
146 {
147 	int fd = open(filename, flags);
149 	if (fd < 0)
150 		ksft_exit_fail_msg("Failed to open '%s'; "
151 			"check prerequisites are available\n", filename);
152 	return fd;
153 }
155 static void exe_cp(const char *src, const char *dest)
156 {
157 	int in_fd = open_or_die(src, O_RDONLY);
158 	int out_fd = open(dest, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0755);
159 	struct stat info;
161 	fstat(in_fd, &info);
162 	sendfile(out_fd, in_fd, NULL, info.st_size);
163 	close(in_fd);
164 	close(out_fd);
165 }
167 #define XX_DIR_LEN 200
168 static int check_execveat_pathmax(int root_dfd, const char *src, int is_script)
169 {
170 	int fail = 0;
171 	int ii, count, len;
172 	char longname[XX_DIR_LEN + 1];
173 	int fd;
175 	if (*longpath == '\0') {
176 		/* Create a filename close to PATH_MAX in length */
177 		char *cwd = getcwd(NULL, 0);
179 		if (!cwd) {
180 			ksft_perror("Failed to getcwd()");
181 			return 2;
182 		}
183 		strcpy(longpath, cwd);
184 		strcat(longpath, "/");
185 		memset(longname, 'x', XX_DIR_LEN - 1);
186 		longname[XX_DIR_LEN - 1] = '/';
187 		longname[XX_DIR_LEN] = '\0';
188 		count = (PATH_MAX - 3 - strlen(cwd)) / XX_DIR_LEN;
189 		for (ii = 0; ii < count; ii++) {
190 			strcat(longpath, longname);
191 			mkdir(longpath, 0755);
192 		}
193 		len = (PATH_MAX - 3 - strlen(cwd)) - (count * XX_DIR_LEN);
194 		if (len <= 0)
195 			len = 1;
196 		memset(longname, 'y', len);
197 		longname[len] = '\0';
198 		strcat(longpath, longname);
199 		free(cwd);
200 	}
201 	exe_cp(src, longpath);
203 	/*
204 	 * Execute as a pre-opened file descriptor, which works whether this is
205 	 * a script or not (because the interpreter sees a filename like
206 	 * "/dev/fd/20").
207 	 */
208 	fd = open(longpath, O_RDONLY);
209 	if (fd > 0) {
210 		ksft_print_msg("Invoke copy of '%s' via filename of length %zu:\n",
211 			       src, strlen(longpath));
212 		fail += check_execveat(fd, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH);
213 	} else {
214 		ksft_print_msg("Failed to open length %zu filename, errno=%d (%s)\n",
215 			       strlen(longpath), errno, strerror(errno));
216 		fail++;
217 	}
219 	/*
220 	 * Execute as a long pathname relative to "/".  If this is a script,
221 	 * the interpreter will launch but fail to open the script because its
222 	 * name ("/dev/fd/5/xxx....") is bigger than PATH_MAX.
223 	 *
224 	 * The failure code is usually 127 (POSIX: "If a command is not found,
225 	 * the exit status shall be 127."), but some systems give 126 (POSIX:
226 	 * "If the command name is found, but it is not an executable utility,
227 	 * the exit status shall be 126."), so allow either.
228 	 */
229 	if (is_script)
230 		fail += check_execveat_invoked_rc(root_dfd, longpath + 1, 0,
231 						  127, 126);
232 	else
233 		fail += check_execveat(root_dfd, longpath + 1, 0);
235 	return fail;
236 }
238 static int run_tests(void)
239 {
240 	int fail = 0;
241 	char *fullname = realpath("execveat", NULL);
242 	char *fullname_script = realpath("script", NULL);
243 	char *fullname_symlink = concat(fullname, ".symlink");
244 	int subdir_dfd = open_or_die("subdir", O_DIRECTORY|O_RDONLY);
245 	int subdir_dfd_ephemeral = open_or_die("subdir.ephemeral",
246 					       O_DIRECTORY|O_RDONLY);
247 	int dot_dfd = open_or_die(".", O_DIRECTORY|O_RDONLY);
248 	int root_dfd = open_or_die("/", O_DIRECTORY|O_RDONLY);
249 	int dot_dfd_path = open_or_die(".", O_DIRECTORY|O_RDONLY|O_PATH);
250 	int dot_dfd_cloexec = open_or_die(".", O_DIRECTORY|O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC);
251 	int fd = open_or_die("execveat", O_RDONLY);
252 	int fd_path = open_or_die("execveat", O_RDONLY|O_PATH);
253 	int fd_symlink = open_or_die("execveat.symlink", O_RDONLY);
254 	int fd_denatured = open_or_die("execveat.denatured", O_RDONLY);
255 	int fd_denatured_path = open_or_die("execveat.denatured",
256 					    O_RDONLY|O_PATH);
257 	int fd_script = open_or_die("script", O_RDONLY);
258 	int fd_ephemeral = open_or_die("execveat.ephemeral", O_RDONLY);
259 	int fd_ephemeral_path = open_or_die("execveat.path.ephemeral",
260 					    O_RDONLY|O_PATH);
261 	int fd_script_ephemeral = open_or_die("script.ephemeral", O_RDONLY);
262 	int fd_cloexec = open_or_die("execveat", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC);
263 	int fd_script_cloexec = open_or_die("script", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC);
265 	/* Check if we have execveat at all, and bail early if not */
266 	errno = 0;
267 	execveat_(-1, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
268 	if (errno == ENOSYS) {
269 		ksft_exit_skip(
270 			"ENOSYS calling execveat - no kernel support?\n");
271 	}
273 	/* Change file position to confirm it doesn't affect anything */
274 	lseek(fd, 10, SEEK_SET);
276 	/* Normal executable file: */
277 	/*   dfd + path */
278 	fail += check_execveat(subdir_dfd, "../execveat", 0);
279 	fail += check_execveat(dot_dfd, "execveat", 0);
280 	fail += check_execveat(dot_dfd_path, "execveat", 0);
281 	/*   absolute path */
282 	fail += check_execveat(AT_FDCWD, fullname, 0);
283 	/*   absolute path with nonsense dfd */
284 	fail += check_execveat(99, fullname, 0);
285 	/*   fd + no path */
286 	fail += check_execveat(fd, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH);
287 	/*   O_CLOEXEC fd + no path */
288 	fail += check_execveat(fd_cloexec, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH);
289 	/*   O_PATH fd */
290 	fail += check_execveat(fd_path, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH);
292 	/* Mess with executable file that's already open: */
293 	/*   fd + no path to a file that's been renamed */
294 	rename("execveat.ephemeral", "execveat.moved");
295 	fail += check_execveat(fd_ephemeral, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH);
296 	/*   fd + no path to a file that's been deleted */
297 	unlink("execveat.moved"); /* remove the file now fd open */
298 	fail += check_execveat(fd_ephemeral, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH);
300 	/* Mess with executable file that's already open with O_PATH */
301 	/*   fd + no path to a file that's been deleted */
302 	unlink("execveat.path.ephemeral");
303 	fail += check_execveat(fd_ephemeral_path, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH);
305 	/* Invalid argument failures */
306 	fail += check_execveat_fail(fd, "", 0, ENOENT);
307 	fail += check_execveat_fail(fd, NULL, AT_EMPTY_PATH, EFAULT);
309 	/* Symlink to executable file: */
310 	/*   dfd + path */
311 	fail += check_execveat(dot_dfd, "execveat.symlink", 0);
312 	fail += check_execveat(dot_dfd_path, "execveat.symlink", 0);
313 	/*   absolute path */
314 	fail += check_execveat(AT_FDCWD, fullname_symlink, 0);
315 	/*   fd + no path, even with AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW (already followed) */
316 	fail += check_execveat(fd_symlink, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH);
317 	fail += check_execveat(fd_symlink, "",
320 	/* Symlink fails when AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW set: */
321 	/*   dfd + path */
322 	fail += check_execveat_fail(dot_dfd, "execveat.symlink",
324 	fail += check_execveat_fail(dot_dfd_path, "execveat.symlink",
326 	/*   absolute path */
327 	fail += check_execveat_fail(AT_FDCWD, fullname_symlink,
330 	/*  Non-regular file failure */
331 	fail += check_execveat_fail(dot_dfd, "pipe", 0, EACCES);
332 	unlink("pipe");
334 	/* Shell script wrapping executable file: */
335 	/*   dfd + path */
336 	fail += check_execveat(subdir_dfd, "../script", 0);
337 	fail += check_execveat(dot_dfd, "script", 0);
338 	fail += check_execveat(dot_dfd_path, "script", 0);
339 	/*   absolute path */
340 	fail += check_execveat(AT_FDCWD, fullname_script, 0);
341 	/*   fd + no path */
342 	fail += check_execveat(fd_script, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH);
343 	fail += check_execveat(fd_script, "",
345 	/*   O_CLOEXEC fd fails for a script (as script file inaccessible) */
346 	fail += check_execveat_fail(fd_script_cloexec, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH,
347 				    ENOENT);
348 	fail += check_execveat_fail(dot_dfd_cloexec, "script", 0, ENOENT);
350 	/* Mess with script file that's already open: */
351 	/*   fd + no path to a file that's been renamed */
352 	rename("script.ephemeral", "script.moved");
353 	fail += check_execveat(fd_script_ephemeral, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH);
354 	/*   fd + no path to a file that's been deleted */
355 	unlink("script.moved"); /* remove the file while fd open */
356 	fail += check_execveat(fd_script_ephemeral, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH);
358 	/* Rename a subdirectory in the path: */
359 	rename("subdir.ephemeral", "subdir.moved");
360 	fail += check_execveat(subdir_dfd_ephemeral, "../script", 0);
361 	fail += check_execveat(subdir_dfd_ephemeral, "script", 0);
362 	/* Remove the subdir and its contents */
363 	unlink("subdir.moved/script");
364 	unlink("subdir.moved");
365 	/* Shell loads via deleted subdir OK because name starts with .. */
366 	fail += check_execveat(subdir_dfd_ephemeral, "../script", 0);
367 	fail += check_execveat_fail(subdir_dfd_ephemeral, "script", 0, ENOENT);
369 	/* Flag values other than AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW => EINVAL */
370 	fail += check_execveat_fail(dot_dfd, "execveat", 0xFFFF, EINVAL);
371 	/* Invalid path => ENOENT */
372 	fail += check_execveat_fail(dot_dfd, "no-such-file", 0, ENOENT);
373 	fail += check_execveat_fail(dot_dfd_path, "no-such-file", 0, ENOENT);
374 	fail += check_execveat_fail(AT_FDCWD, "no-such-file", 0, ENOENT);
375 	/* Attempt to execute directory => EACCES */
376 	fail += check_execveat_fail(dot_dfd, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH, EACCES);
377 	/* Attempt to execute non-executable => EACCES */
378 	fail += check_execveat_fail(dot_dfd, "Makefile", 0, EACCES);
379 	fail += check_execveat_fail(fd_denatured, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH, EACCES);
380 	fail += check_execveat_fail(fd_denatured_path, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH,
381 				    EACCES);
382 	/* Attempt to execute nonsense FD => EBADF */
383 	fail += check_execveat_fail(99, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH, EBADF);
384 	fail += check_execveat_fail(99, "execveat", 0, EBADF);
385 	/* Attempt to execute relative to non-directory => ENOTDIR */
386 	fail += check_execveat_fail(fd, "execveat", 0, ENOTDIR);
388 	fail += check_execveat_pathmax(root_dfd, "execveat", 0);
389 	fail += check_execveat_pathmax(root_dfd, "script", 1);
390 	return fail;
391 }
393 static void prerequisites(void)
394 {
395 	int fd;
396 	const char *script = "#!/bin/bash\nexit $*\n";
398 	/* Create ephemeral copies of files */
399 	exe_cp("execveat", "execveat.ephemeral");
400 	exe_cp("execveat", "execveat.path.ephemeral");
401 	exe_cp("script", "script.ephemeral");
402 	mkdir("subdir.ephemeral", 0755);
404 	fd = open("subdir.ephemeral/script", O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0755);
405 	write(fd, script, strlen(script));
406 	close(fd);
408 	mkfifo("pipe", 0755);
409 }
411 int main(int argc, char **argv)
412 {
413 	int ii;
414 	int rc;
415 	const char *verbose = getenv("VERBOSE");
417 	if (argc >= 2) {
418 		/* If we are invoked with an argument, don't run tests. */
419 		const char *in_test = getenv("IN_TEST");
421 		if (verbose) {
422 			ksft_print_msg("invoked with:\n");
423 			for (ii = 0; ii < argc; ii++)
424 				ksft_print_msg("\t[%d]='%s\n'", ii, argv[ii]);
425 		}
427 		/* Check expected environment transferred. */
428 		if (!in_test || strcmp(in_test, "yes") != 0) {
429 			ksft_print_msg("no IN_TEST=yes in env\n");
430 			return 1;
431 		}
433 		/* Use the final argument as an exit code. */
434 		rc = atoi(argv[argc - 1]);
435 		exit(rc);
436 	} else {
437 		ksft_print_header();
438 		ksft_set_plan(TESTS_EXPECTED);
439 		prerequisites();
440 		if (verbose)
441 			envp[1] = "VERBOSE=1";
442 		rc = run_tests();
443 		if (rc > 0)
444 			printf("%d tests failed\n", rc);
445 		ksft_finished();
446 	}
448 	return rc;
449 }