xref: /linux/tools/perf/util/expr.y (revision 3339b99ef6fe38dac43b534cba3a8a0e29fb2eff)
1 /* Simple expression parser */
2 %{
3 #ifndef NDEBUG
4 #define YYDEBUG 1
5 #endif
6 #include <assert.h>
7 #include <math.h>
8 #include <stdlib.h>
9 #include "util/debug.h"
10 #define IN_EXPR_Y 1
11 #include "expr.h"
12 #include "expr-bison.h"
13 int expr_lex(YYSTYPE * yylval_param , void *yyscanner);
14 %}
16 %define api.pure full
18 %parse-param { double *final_val }
19 %parse-param { struct expr_parse_ctx *ctx }
20 %parse-param { bool compute_ids }
21 %parse-param {void *scanner}
22 %lex-param {void* scanner}
24 %union {
25 	double	 num;
26 	char	*str;
27 	struct ids {
28 		/*
29 		 * When creating ids, holds the working set of event ids. NULL
30 		 * implies the set is empty.
31 		 */
32 		struct hashmap *ids;
33 		/*
34 		 * The metric value. When not creating ids this is the value
35 		 * read from a counter, a constant or some computed value. When
36 		 * creating ids the value is either a constant or BOTTOM. NAN is
37 		 * used as the special BOTTOM value, representing a "set of all
38 		 * values" case.
39 		 */
40 		double val;
41 	} ids;
42 }
45 %left MIN MAX IF
46 %left '|'
47 %left '^'
48 %left '&'
49 %left '<' '>'
50 %left '-' '+'
51 %left '*' '/' '%'
52 %left NEG NOT
53 %type <num> NUMBER LITERAL
54 %type <str> ID
55 %destructor { free ($$); } <str>
56 %type <ids> expr if_expr
57 %destructor { ids__free($$.ids); } <ids>
59 %{
60 static void expr_error(double *final_val __maybe_unused,
61 		       struct expr_parse_ctx *ctx __maybe_unused,
62 		       bool compute_ids __maybe_unused,
63 		       void *scanner __maybe_unused,
64 		       const char *s)
65 {
66 	pr_debug("%s\n", s);
67 }
69 /*
70  * During compute ids, the special "bottom" value uses NAN to represent the set
71  * of all values. NAN is selected as it isn't a useful constant value.
72  */
73 #define BOTTOM NAN
75 /* During computing ids, does val represent a constant (non-BOTTOM) value? */
76 static bool is_const(double val)
77 {
78 	return isfinite(val);
79 }
81 static struct ids union_expr(struct ids ids1, struct ids ids2)
82 {
83 	struct ids result = {
84 		.val = BOTTOM,
85 		.ids = ids__union(ids1.ids, ids2.ids),
86 	};
87 	return result;
88 }
90 static struct ids handle_id(struct expr_parse_ctx *ctx, char *id,
91 			    bool compute_ids, bool source_count)
92 {
93 	struct ids result;
95 	if (!compute_ids) {
96 		/*
97 		 * Compute the event's value from ID. If the ID isn't known then
98 		 * it isn't used to compute the formula so set to NAN.
99 		 */
100 		struct expr_id_data *data;
102 		result.val = NAN;
103 		if (expr__resolve_id(ctx, id, &data) == 0) {
104 			result.val = source_count
105 				? expr_id_data__source_count(data)
106 				: expr_id_data__value(data);
107 		}
108 		result.ids = NULL;
109 		free(id);
110 	} else {
111 		/*
112 		 * Set the value to BOTTOM to show that any value is possible
113 		 * when the event is computed. Create a set of just the ID.
114 		 */
115 		result.val = BOTTOM;
116 		result.ids = ids__new();
117 		if (!result.ids || ids__insert(result.ids, id)) {
118 			pr_err("Error creating IDs for '%s'", id);
119 			free(id);
120 		}
121 	}
122 	return result;
123 }
125 /*
126  * If we're not computing ids or $1 and $3 are constants, compute the new
127  * constant value using OP. Its invariant that there are no ids.  If computing
128  * ids for non-constants union the set of IDs that must be computed.
129  */
130 #define BINARY_OP(RESULT, OP, LHS, RHS)					\
131 	if (!compute_ids || (is_const(LHS.val) && is_const(RHS.val))) { \
132 		assert(LHS.ids == NULL);				\
133 		assert(RHS.ids == NULL);				\
134 		if (isnan(LHS.val) || isnan(RHS.val)) {			\
135 			RESULT.val = NAN;				\
136 		} else {						\
137 			RESULT.val = LHS.val OP RHS.val;		\
138 		}							\
139 		RESULT.ids = NULL;					\
140 	} else {							\
141 	        RESULT = union_expr(LHS, RHS);				\
142 	}
144 %}
145 %%
147 start: if_expr
148 {
149 	if (compute_ids)
150 		ctx->ids = ids__union($1.ids, ctx->ids);
152 	if (final_val)
153 		*final_val = $1.val;
154 }
155 ;
157 if_expr: expr IF expr ELSE if_expr
158 {
159 	if (fpclassify($3.val) == FP_ZERO) {
160 		/*
161 		 * The IF expression evaluated to 0 so treat as false, take the
162 		 * ELSE and discard everything else.
163 		 */
164 		$$.val = $5.val;
165 		$$.ids = $5.ids;
166 		ids__free($1.ids);
167 		ids__free($3.ids);
168 	} else if (!compute_ids || is_const($3.val)) {
169 		/*
170 		 * If ids aren't computed then treat the expression as true. If
171 		 * ids are being computed and the IF expr is a non-zero
172 		 * constant, then also evaluate the true case.
173 		 */
174 		$$.val = $1.val;
175 		$$.ids = $1.ids;
176 		ids__free($3.ids);
177 		ids__free($5.ids);
178 	} else if ($1.val == $5.val) {
179 		/*
180 		 * LHS == RHS, so both are an identical constant. No need to
181 		 * evaluate any events.
182 		 */
183 		$$.val = $1.val;
184 		$$.ids = NULL;
185 		ids__free($1.ids);
186 		ids__free($3.ids);
187 		ids__free($5.ids);
188 	} else {
189 		/*
190 		 * Value is either the LHS or RHS and we need the IF expression
191 		 * to compute it.
192 		 */
193 		$$ = union_expr($1, union_expr($3, $5));
194 	}
195 }
196 | expr
197 ;
199 expr: NUMBER
200 {
201 	$$.val = $1;
202 	$$.ids = NULL;
203 }
204 | ID				{ $$ = handle_id(ctx, $1, compute_ids, /*source_count=*/false); }
205 | SOURCE_COUNT '(' ID ')'	{ $$ = handle_id(ctx, $3, compute_ids, /*source_count=*/true); }
206 | HAS_EVENT '(' ID ')'
207 {
208 	$$.val = expr__has_event(ctx, compute_ids, $3);
209 	$$.ids = NULL;
210 	free($3);
211 }
212 | STRCMP_CPUID_STR '(' ID ')'
213 {
214 	$$.val = expr__strcmp_cpuid_str(ctx, compute_ids, $3);
215 	$$.ids = NULL;
216 	free($3);
217 }
218 | expr '|' expr
219 {
220 	if (is_const($1.val) && is_const($3.val)) {
221 		assert($1.ids == NULL);
222 		assert($3.ids == NULL);
223 		$$.ids = NULL;
224 		$$.val = (fpclassify($1.val) == FP_ZERO && fpclassify($3.val) == FP_ZERO) ? 0 : 1;
225 	} else if (is_const($1.val)) {
226 		assert($1.ids == NULL);
227 		if (fpclassify($1.val) == FP_ZERO) {
228 			$$ = $3;
229 		} else {
230 			$$.val = 1;
231 			$$.ids = NULL;
232 			ids__free($3.ids);
233 		}
234 	} else if (is_const($3.val)) {
235 		assert($3.ids == NULL);
236 		if (fpclassify($3.val) == FP_ZERO) {
237 			$$ = $1;
238 		} else {
239 			$$.val = 1;
240 			$$.ids = NULL;
241 			ids__free($1.ids);
242 		}
243 	} else {
244 		$$ = union_expr($1, $3);
245 	}
246 }
247 | expr '&' expr
248 {
249 	if (is_const($1.val) && is_const($3.val)) {
250 		assert($1.ids == NULL);
251 		assert($3.ids == NULL);
252 		$$.val = (fpclassify($1.val) != FP_ZERO && fpclassify($3.val) != FP_ZERO) ? 1 : 0;
253 		$$.ids = NULL;
254 	} else if (is_const($1.val)) {
255 		assert($1.ids == NULL);
256 		if (fpclassify($1.val) != FP_ZERO) {
257 			$$ = $3;
258 		} else {
259 			$$.val = 0;
260 			$$.ids = NULL;
261 			ids__free($3.ids);
262 		}
263 	} else if (is_const($3.val)) {
264 		assert($3.ids == NULL);
265 		if (fpclassify($3.val) != FP_ZERO) {
266 			$$ = $1;
267 		} else {
268 			$$.val = 0;
269 			$$.ids = NULL;
270 			ids__free($1.ids);
271 		}
272 	} else {
273 		$$ = union_expr($1, $3);
274 	}
275 }
276 | expr '^' expr
277 {
278 	if (is_const($1.val) && is_const($3.val)) {
279 		assert($1.ids == NULL);
280 		assert($3.ids == NULL);
281 		$$.val = (fpclassify($1.val) == FP_ZERO) != (fpclassify($3.val) == FP_ZERO) ? 1 : 0;
282 		$$.ids = NULL;
283 	} else {
284 		$$ = union_expr($1, $3);
285 	}
286 }
287 | expr '<' expr { BINARY_OP($$, <, $1, $3); }
288 | expr '>' expr { BINARY_OP($$, >, $1, $3); }
289 | expr '+' expr { BINARY_OP($$, +, $1, $3); }
290 | expr '-' expr { BINARY_OP($$, -, $1, $3); }
291 | expr '*' expr { BINARY_OP($$, *, $1, $3); }
292 | expr '/' expr
293 {
294 	if (fpclassify($3.val) == FP_ZERO) {
295 		pr_debug("division by zero\n");
296 		assert($3.ids == NULL);
297 		if (compute_ids)
298 			ids__free($1.ids);
299 		$$.val = NAN;
300 		$$.ids = NULL;
301 	} else if (!compute_ids || (is_const($1.val) && is_const($3.val))) {
302 		assert($1.ids == NULL);
303 		assert($3.ids == NULL);
304 		$$.val = $1.val / $3.val;
305 		$$.ids = NULL;
306 	} else {
307 		/* LHS and/or RHS need computing from event IDs so union. */
308 		$$ = union_expr($1, $3);
309 	}
310 }
311 | expr '%' expr
312 {
313 	if (fpclassify($3.val) == FP_ZERO) {
314 		pr_debug("division by zero\n");
315 		YYABORT;
316 	} else if (!compute_ids || (is_const($1.val) && is_const($3.val))) {
317 		assert($1.ids == NULL);
318 		assert($3.ids == NULL);
319 		$$.val = (long)$1.val % (long)$3.val;
320 		$$.ids = NULL;
321 	} else {
322 		/* LHS and/or RHS need computing from event IDs so union. */
323 		$$ = union_expr($1, $3);
324 	}
325 }
326 | D_RATIO '(' expr ',' expr ')'
327 {
328 	if (fpclassify($5.val) == FP_ZERO) {
329 		/*
330 		 * Division by constant zero always yields zero and no events
331 		 * are necessary.
332 		 */
333 		assert($5.ids == NULL);
334 		$$.val = 0.0;
335 		$$.ids = NULL;
336 		ids__free($3.ids);
337 	} else if (!compute_ids || (is_const($3.val) && is_const($5.val))) {
338 		assert($3.ids == NULL);
339 		assert($5.ids == NULL);
340 		$$.val = $3.val / $5.val;
341 		$$.ids = NULL;
342 	} else {
343 		/* LHS and/or RHS need computing from event IDs so union. */
344 		$$ = union_expr($3, $5);
345 	}
346 }
347 | '-' expr %prec NEG
348 {
349 	$$.val = -$2.val;
350 	$$.ids = $2.ids;
351 }
352 | '(' if_expr ')'
353 {
354 	$$ = $2;
355 }
356 | MIN '(' expr ',' expr ')'
357 {
358 	if (!compute_ids) {
359 		$$.val = $3.val < $5.val ? $3.val : $5.val;
360 		$$.ids = NULL;
361 	} else {
362 		$$ = union_expr($3, $5);
363 	}
364 }
365 | MAX '(' expr ',' expr ')'
366 {
367 	if (!compute_ids) {
368 		$$.val = $3.val > $5.val ? $3.val : $5.val;
369 		$$.ids = NULL;
370 	} else {
371 		$$ = union_expr($3, $5);
372 	}
373 }
375 {
376 	$$.val = $1;
377 	$$.ids = NULL;
378 }
379 ;
381 %%