xref: /linux/tools/perf/scripts/python/gecko.py (revision c43888e739bbf184eb95018188215a5487cc0b15)
1# firefox-gecko-converter.py - Convert perf record output to Firefox's gecko profile format
2# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
4# The script converts perf.data to Gecko Profile Format,
5# which can be read by https://profiler.firefox.com/.
7# Usage:
9#     perf record -a -g -F 99 sleep 60
10#     perf script report gecko > output.json
12import os
13import sys
14import json
15import argparse
16from functools import reduce
17from dataclasses import dataclass, field
18from typing import List, Dict, Optional, NamedTuple, Set, Tuple, Any
20# Add the Perf-Trace-Util library to the Python path
21sys.path.append(os.environ['PERF_EXEC_PATH'] + \
22	'/scripts/python/Perf-Trace-Util/lib/Perf/Trace')
24from perf_trace_context import *
25from Core import *
27StringID = int
28StackID = int
29FrameID = int
30CategoryID = int
31Milliseconds = float
33# start_time is intialiazed only once for the all event traces.
34start_time = None
36# https://github.com/firefox-devtools/profiler/blob/53970305b51b9b472e26d7457fee1d66cd4e2737/src/types/profile.js#L425
37# Follow Brendan Gregg's Flamegraph convention: orange for kernel and yellow for user space by default.
40# The product name is used by the profiler UI to show the Operating system and Processor.
41PRODUCT = os.popen('uname -op').read().strip()
43# Here key = tid, value = Thread
44tid_to_thread = dict()
46# The category index is used by the profiler UI to show the color of the flame graph.
50# https://github.com/firefox-devtools/profiler/blob/53970305b51b9b472e26d7457fee1d66cd4e2737/src/types/gecko-profile.js#L156
51class Frame(NamedTuple):
52	string_id: StringID
53	relevantForJS: bool
54	innerWindowID: int
55	implementation: None
56	optimizations: None
57	line: None
58	column: None
59	category: CategoryID
60	subcategory: int
62# https://github.com/firefox-devtools/profiler/blob/53970305b51b9b472e26d7457fee1d66cd4e2737/src/types/gecko-profile.js#L216
63class Stack(NamedTuple):
64	prefix_id: Optional[StackID]
65	frame_id: FrameID
67# https://github.com/firefox-devtools/profiler/blob/53970305b51b9b472e26d7457fee1d66cd4e2737/src/types/gecko-profile.js#L90
68class Sample(NamedTuple):
69	stack_id: Optional[StackID]
70	time_ms: Milliseconds
71	responsiveness: int
74class Thread:
75	"""A builder for a profile of the thread.
77	Attributes:
78		comm: Thread command-line (name).
79		pid: process ID of containing process.
80		tid: thread ID.
81		samples: Timeline of profile samples.
82		frameTable: interned stack frame ID -> stack frame.
83		stringTable: interned string ID -> string.
84		stringMap: interned string -> string ID.
85		stackTable: interned stack ID -> stack.
86		stackMap: (stack prefix ID, leaf stack frame ID) -> interned Stack ID.
87		frameMap: Stack Frame string -> interned Frame ID.
88		comm: str
89		pid: int
90		tid: int
91		samples: List[Sample] = field(default_factory=list)
92		frameTable: List[Frame] = field(default_factory=list)
93		stringTable: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
94		stringMap: Dict[str, int] = field(default_factory=dict)
95		stackTable: List[Stack] = field(default_factory=list)
96		stackMap: Dict[Tuple[Optional[int], int], int] = field(default_factory=dict)
97		frameMap: Dict[str, int] = field(default_factory=dict)
98	"""
99	comm: str
100	pid: int
101	tid: int
102	samples: List[Sample] = field(default_factory=list)
103	frameTable: List[Frame] = field(default_factory=list)
104	stringTable: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
105	stringMap: Dict[str, int] = field(default_factory=dict)
106	stackTable: List[Stack] = field(default_factory=list)
107	stackMap: Dict[Tuple[Optional[int], int], int] = field(default_factory=dict)
108	frameMap: Dict[str, int] = field(default_factory=dict)
110	def _intern_stack(self, frame_id: int, prefix_id: Optional[int]) -> int:
111		"""Gets a matching stack, or saves the new stack. Returns a Stack ID."""
112		key = f"{frame_id}" if prefix_id is None else f"{frame_id},{prefix_id}"
113		# key = (prefix_id, frame_id)
114		stack_id = self.stackMap.get(key)
115		if stack_id is None:
116			# return stack_id
117			stack_id = len(self.stackTable)
118			self.stackTable.append(Stack(prefix_id=prefix_id, frame_id=frame_id))
119			self.stackMap[key] = stack_id
120		return stack_id
122	def _intern_string(self, string: str) -> int:
123		"""Gets a matching string, or saves the new string. Returns a String ID."""
124		string_id = self.stringMap.get(string)
125		if string_id is not None:
126			return string_id
127		string_id = len(self.stringTable)
128		self.stringTable.append(string)
129		self.stringMap[string] = string_id
130		return string_id
132	def _intern_frame(self, frame_str: str) -> int:
133		"""Gets a matching stack frame, or saves the new frame. Returns a Frame ID."""
134		frame_id = self.frameMap.get(frame_str)
135		if frame_id is not None:
136			return frame_id
137		frame_id = len(self.frameTable)
138		self.frameMap[frame_str] = frame_id
139		string_id = self._intern_string(frame_str)
141		symbol_name_to_category = KERNEL_CATEGORY_INDEX if frame_str.find('kallsyms') != -1 \
142		or frame_str.find('/vmlinux') != -1 \
143		or frame_str.endswith('.ko)') \
146		self.frameTable.append(Frame(
147			string_id=string_id,
148			relevantForJS=False,
149			innerWindowID=0,
150			implementation=None,
151			optimizations=None,
152			line=None,
153			column=None,
154			category=symbol_name_to_category,
155			subcategory=None,
156		))
157		return frame_id
159	def _add_sample(self, comm: str, stack: List[str], time_ms: Milliseconds) -> None:
160		"""Add a timestamped stack trace sample to the thread builder.
161		Args:
162			comm: command-line (name) of the thread at this sample
163			stack: sampled stack frames. Root first, leaf last.
164			time_ms: timestamp of sample in milliseconds.
165		"""
166		# Ihreads may not set their names right after they are created.
167		# Instead, they might do it later. In such situations, to use the latest name they have set.
168		if self.comm != comm:
169			self.comm = comm
171		prefix_stack_id = reduce(lambda prefix_id, frame: self._intern_stack
172						(self._intern_frame(frame), prefix_id), stack, None)
173		if prefix_stack_id is not None:
174			self.samples.append(Sample(stack_id=prefix_stack_id,
175									time_ms=time_ms,
176									responsiveness=0))
178	def _to_json_dict(self) -> Dict:
179		"""Converts current Thread to GeckoThread JSON format."""
180		# Gecko profile format is row-oriented data as List[List],
181		# And a schema for interpreting each index.
182		# Schema:
183		# https://github.com/firefox-devtools/profiler/blob/main/docs-developer/gecko-profile-format.md
184		# https://github.com/firefox-devtools/profiler/blob/53970305b51b9b472e26d7457fee1d66cd4e2737/src/types/gecko-profile.js#L230
185		return {
186			"tid": self.tid,
187			"pid": self.pid,
188			"name": self.comm,
189			# https://github.com/firefox-devtools/profiler/blob/53970305b51b9b472e26d7457fee1d66cd4e2737/src/types/gecko-profile.js#L51
190			"markers": {
191				"schema": {
192					"name": 0,
193					"startTime": 1,
194					"endTime": 2,
195					"phase": 3,
196					"category": 4,
197					"data": 5,
198				},
199				"data": [],
200			},
202			# https://github.com/firefox-devtools/profiler/blob/53970305b51b9b472e26d7457fee1d66cd4e2737/src/types/gecko-profile.js#L90
203			"samples": {
204				"schema": {
205					"stack": 0,
206					"time": 1,
207					"responsiveness": 2,
208				},
209				"data": self.samples
210			},
212			# https://github.com/firefox-devtools/profiler/blob/53970305b51b9b472e26d7457fee1d66cd4e2737/src/types/gecko-profile.js#L156
213			"frameTable": {
214				"schema": {
215					"location": 0,
216					"relevantForJS": 1,
217					"innerWindowID": 2,
218					"implementation": 3,
219					"optimizations": 4,
220					"line": 5,
221					"column": 6,
222					"category": 7,
223					"subcategory": 8,
224				},
225				"data": self.frameTable,
226			},
228			# https://github.com/firefox-devtools/profiler/blob/53970305b51b9b472e26d7457fee1d66cd4e2737/src/types/gecko-profile.js#L216
229			"stackTable": {
230				"schema": {
231					"prefix": 0,
232					"frame": 1,
233				},
234				"data": self.stackTable,
235			},
236			"stringTable": self.stringTable,
237			"registerTime": 0,
238			"unregisterTime": None,
239			"processType": "default",
240		}
242# Uses perf script python interface to parse each
243# event and store the data in the thread builder.
244def process_event(param_dict: Dict) -> None:
245	global start_time
246	global tid_to_thread
247	time_stamp = (param_dict['sample']['time'] // 1000) / 1000
248	pid = param_dict['sample']['pid']
249	tid = param_dict['sample']['tid']
250	comm = param_dict['comm']
252	# Start time is the time of the first sample
253	if not start_time:
254		start_time = time_stamp
256	# Parse and append the callchain of the current sample into a stack.
257	stack = []
258	if param_dict['callchain']:
259		for call in param_dict['callchain']:
260			if 'sym' not in call:
261				continue
262			stack.append(f'{call["sym"]["name"]} (in {call["dso"]})')
263		if len(stack) != 0:
264			# Reverse the stack, as root come first and the leaf at the end.
265			stack = stack[::-1]
267	# During perf record if -g is not used, the callchain is not available.
268	# In that case, the symbol and dso are available in the event parameters.
269	else:
270		func = param_dict['symbol'] if 'symbol' in param_dict else '[unknown]'
271		dso = param_dict['dso'] if 'dso' in param_dict else '[unknown]'
272		stack.append(f'{func} (in {dso})')
274	# Add sample to the specific thread.
275	thread = tid_to_thread.get(tid)
276	if thread is None:
277		thread = Thread(comm=comm, pid=pid, tid=tid)
278		tid_to_thread[tid] = thread
279	thread._add_sample(comm=comm, stack=stack, time_ms=time_stamp)
281# Trace_end runs at the end and will be used to aggregate
282# the data into the final json object and print it out to stdout.
283def trace_end() -> None:
284	threads = [thread._to_json_dict() for thread in tid_to_thread.values()]
286	# Schema: https://github.com/firefox-devtools/profiler/blob/53970305b51b9b472e26d7457fee1d66cd4e2737/src/types/gecko-profile.js#L305
287	gecko_profile_with_meta = {
288		"meta": {
289			"interval": 1,
290			"processType": 0,
291			"product": PRODUCT,
292			"stackwalk": 1,
293			"debug": 0,
294			"gcpoison": 0,
295			"asyncstack": 1,
296			"startTime": start_time,
297			"shutdownTime": None,
298			"version": 24,
299			"presymbolicated": True,
300			"categories": CATEGORIES,
301			"markerSchema": [],
302			},
303		"libs": [],
304		"threads": threads,
305		"processes": [],
306		"pausedRanges": [],
307	}
308	json.dump(gecko_profile_with_meta, sys.stdout, indent=2)
310def main() -> None:
311	global CATEGORIES
312	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Convert perf.data to Firefox\'s Gecko Profile format")
314	# Add the command-line options
315	# Colors must be defined according to this:
316	# https://github.com/firefox-devtools/profiler/blob/50124adbfa488adba6e2674a8f2618cf34b59cd2/res/css/categories.css
317	parser.add_argument('--user-color', default='yellow', help='Color for the User category')
318	parser.add_argument('--kernel-color', default='orange', help='Color for the Kernel category')
319	# Parse the command-line arguments
320	args = parser.parse_args()
321	# Access the values provided by the user
322	user_color = args.user_color
323	kernel_color = args.kernel_color
326		{
327			"name": 'User',
328			"color": user_color,
329			"subcategories": ['Other']
330		},
331		{
332			"name": 'Kernel',
333			"color": kernel_color,
334			"subcategories": ['Other']
335		},
336	]
338if __name__ == '__main__':
339    main()