xref: /linux/tools/perf/scripts/python/gecko.py (revision 5a59f2ff30ae27bb5c3c1aa5d9e11d4d9fc003a5)
1 # gecko.py - Convert perf record output to Firefox's gecko profile format
2 # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
3 #
4 # The script converts perf.data to Gecko Profile Format,
5 # which can be read by https://profiler.firefox.com/.
6 #
7 # Usage:
8 #
9 #     perf record -a -g -F 99 sleep 60
10 #     perf script report gecko
11 #
12 # Combined:
13 #
14 #     perf script gecko -F 99 -a sleep 60
16 import os
17 import sys
18 import time
19 import json
20 import string
21 import random
22 import argparse
23 import threading
24 import webbrowser
25 import urllib.parse
26 from os import system
27 from functools import reduce
28 from dataclasses import dataclass, field
29 from http.server import HTTPServer, SimpleHTTPRequestHandler, test
30 from typing import List, Dict, Optional, NamedTuple, Set, Tuple, Any
32 # Add the Perf-Trace-Util library to the Python path
33 sys.path.append(os.environ['PERF_EXEC_PATH'] + \
34 	'/scripts/python/Perf-Trace-Util/lib/Perf/Trace')
36 from perf_trace_context import *
37 from Core import *
39 StringID = int
40 StackID = int
41 FrameID = int
42 CategoryID = int
43 Milliseconds = float
45 # start_time is intialiazed only once for the all event traces.
46 start_time = None
48 # https://github.com/firefox-devtools/profiler/blob/53970305b51b9b472e26d7457fee1d66cd4e2737/src/types/profile.js#L425
49 # Follow Brendan Gregg's Flamegraph convention: orange for kernel and yellow for user space by default.
52 # The product name is used by the profiler UI to show the Operating system and Processor.
53 PRODUCT = os.popen('uname -op').read().strip()
55 # store the output file
56 output_file = None
58 # Here key = tid, value = Thread
59 tid_to_thread = dict()
61 # The HTTP server is used to serve the profile to the profiler UI.
62 http_server_thread = None
64 # The category index is used by the profiler UI to show the color of the flame graph.
68 # https://github.com/firefox-devtools/profiler/blob/53970305b51b9b472e26d7457fee1d66cd4e2737/src/types/gecko-profile.js#L156
69 class Frame(NamedTuple):
70 	string_id: StringID
71 	relevantForJS: bool
72 	innerWindowID: int
73 	implementation: None
74 	optimizations: None
75 	line: None
76 	column: None
77 	category: CategoryID
78 	subcategory: int
80 # https://github.com/firefox-devtools/profiler/blob/53970305b51b9b472e26d7457fee1d66cd4e2737/src/types/gecko-profile.js#L216
81 class Stack(NamedTuple):
82 	prefix_id: Optional[StackID]
83 	frame_id: FrameID
85 # https://github.com/firefox-devtools/profiler/blob/53970305b51b9b472e26d7457fee1d66cd4e2737/src/types/gecko-profile.js#L90
86 class Sample(NamedTuple):
87 	stack_id: Optional[StackID]
88 	time_ms: Milliseconds
89 	responsiveness: int
91 @dataclass
92 class Thread:
93 	"""A builder for a profile of the thread.
95 	Attributes:
96 		comm: Thread command-line (name).
97 		pid: process ID of containing process.
98 		tid: thread ID.
99 		samples: Timeline of profile samples.
100 		frameTable: interned stack frame ID -> stack frame.
101 		stringTable: interned string ID -> string.
102 		stringMap: interned string -> string ID.
103 		stackTable: interned stack ID -> stack.
104 		stackMap: (stack prefix ID, leaf stack frame ID) -> interned Stack ID.
105 		frameMap: Stack Frame string -> interned Frame ID.
106 		comm: str
107 		pid: int
108 		tid: int
109 		samples: List[Sample] = field(default_factory=list)
110 		frameTable: List[Frame] = field(default_factory=list)
111 		stringTable: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
112 		stringMap: Dict[str, int] = field(default_factory=dict)
113 		stackTable: List[Stack] = field(default_factory=list)
114 		stackMap: Dict[Tuple[Optional[int], int], int] = field(default_factory=dict)
115 		frameMap: Dict[str, int] = field(default_factory=dict)
116 	"""
117 	comm: str
118 	pid: int
119 	tid: int
120 	samples: List[Sample] = field(default_factory=list)
121 	frameTable: List[Frame] = field(default_factory=list)
122 	stringTable: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
123 	stringMap: Dict[str, int] = field(default_factory=dict)
124 	stackTable: List[Stack] = field(default_factory=list)
125 	stackMap: Dict[Tuple[Optional[int], int], int] = field(default_factory=dict)
126 	frameMap: Dict[str, int] = field(default_factory=dict)
128 	def _intern_stack(self, frame_id: int, prefix_id: Optional[int]) -> int:
129 		"""Gets a matching stack, or saves the new stack. Returns a Stack ID."""
130 		key = f"{frame_id}" if prefix_id is None else f"{frame_id},{prefix_id}"
131 		# key = (prefix_id, frame_id)
132 		stack_id = self.stackMap.get(key)
133 		if stack_id is None:
134 			# return stack_id
135 			stack_id = len(self.stackTable)
136 			self.stackTable.append(Stack(prefix_id=prefix_id, frame_id=frame_id))
137 			self.stackMap[key] = stack_id
138 		return stack_id
140 	def _intern_string(self, string: str) -> int:
141 		"""Gets a matching string, or saves the new string. Returns a String ID."""
142 		string_id = self.stringMap.get(string)
143 		if string_id is not None:
144 			return string_id
145 		string_id = len(self.stringTable)
146 		self.stringTable.append(string)
147 		self.stringMap[string] = string_id
148 		return string_id
150 	def _intern_frame(self, frame_str: str) -> int:
151 		"""Gets a matching stack frame, or saves the new frame. Returns a Frame ID."""
152 		frame_id = self.frameMap.get(frame_str)
153 		if frame_id is not None:
154 			return frame_id
155 		frame_id = len(self.frameTable)
156 		self.frameMap[frame_str] = frame_id
157 		string_id = self._intern_string(frame_str)
159 		symbol_name_to_category = KERNEL_CATEGORY_INDEX if frame_str.find('kallsyms') != -1 \
160 		or frame_str.find('/vmlinux') != -1 \
161 		or frame_str.endswith('.ko)') \
164 		self.frameTable.append(Frame(
165 			string_id=string_id,
166 			relevantForJS=False,
167 			innerWindowID=0,
168 			implementation=None,
169 			optimizations=None,
170 			line=None,
171 			column=None,
172 			category=symbol_name_to_category,
173 			subcategory=None,
174 		))
175 		return frame_id
177 	def _add_sample(self, comm: str, stack: List[str], time_ms: Milliseconds) -> None:
178 		"""Add a timestamped stack trace sample to the thread builder.
179 		Args:
180 			comm: command-line (name) of the thread at this sample
181 			stack: sampled stack frames. Root first, leaf last.
182 			time_ms: timestamp of sample in milliseconds.
183 		"""
184 		# Ihreads may not set their names right after they are created.
185 		# Instead, they might do it later. In such situations, to use the latest name they have set.
186 		if self.comm != comm:
187 			self.comm = comm
189 		prefix_stack_id = reduce(lambda prefix_id, frame: self._intern_stack
190 						(self._intern_frame(frame), prefix_id), stack, None)
191 		if prefix_stack_id is not None:
192 			self.samples.append(Sample(stack_id=prefix_stack_id,
193 									time_ms=time_ms,
194 									responsiveness=0))
196 	def _to_json_dict(self) -> Dict:
197 		"""Converts current Thread to GeckoThread JSON format."""
198 		# Gecko profile format is row-oriented data as List[List],
199 		# And a schema for interpreting each index.
200 		# Schema:
201 		# https://github.com/firefox-devtools/profiler/blob/main/docs-developer/gecko-profile-format.md
202 		# https://github.com/firefox-devtools/profiler/blob/53970305b51b9b472e26d7457fee1d66cd4e2737/src/types/gecko-profile.js#L230
203 		return {
204 			"tid": self.tid,
205 			"pid": self.pid,
206 			"name": self.comm,
207 			# https://github.com/firefox-devtools/profiler/blob/53970305b51b9b472e26d7457fee1d66cd4e2737/src/types/gecko-profile.js#L51
208 			"markers": {
209 				"schema": {
210 					"name": 0,
211 					"startTime": 1,
212 					"endTime": 2,
213 					"phase": 3,
214 					"category": 4,
215 					"data": 5,
216 				},
217 				"data": [],
218 			},
220 			# https://github.com/firefox-devtools/profiler/blob/53970305b51b9b472e26d7457fee1d66cd4e2737/src/types/gecko-profile.js#L90
221 			"samples": {
222 				"schema": {
223 					"stack": 0,
224 					"time": 1,
225 					"responsiveness": 2,
226 				},
227 				"data": self.samples
228 			},
230 			# https://github.com/firefox-devtools/profiler/blob/53970305b51b9b472e26d7457fee1d66cd4e2737/src/types/gecko-profile.js#L156
231 			"frameTable": {
232 				"schema": {
233 					"location": 0,
234 					"relevantForJS": 1,
235 					"innerWindowID": 2,
236 					"implementation": 3,
237 					"optimizations": 4,
238 					"line": 5,
239 					"column": 6,
240 					"category": 7,
241 					"subcategory": 8,
242 				},
243 				"data": self.frameTable,
244 			},
246 			# https://github.com/firefox-devtools/profiler/blob/53970305b51b9b472e26d7457fee1d66cd4e2737/src/types/gecko-profile.js#L216
247 			"stackTable": {
248 				"schema": {
249 					"prefix": 0,
250 					"frame": 1,
251 				},
252 				"data": self.stackTable,
253 			},
254 			"stringTable": self.stringTable,
255 			"registerTime": 0,
256 			"unregisterTime": None,
257 			"processType": "default",
258 		}
260 # Uses perf script python interface to parse each
261 # event and store the data in the thread builder.
262 def process_event(param_dict: Dict) -> None:
263 	global start_time
264 	global tid_to_thread
265 	time_stamp = (param_dict['sample']['time'] // 1000) / 1000
266 	pid = param_dict['sample']['pid']
267 	tid = param_dict['sample']['tid']
268 	comm = param_dict['comm']
270 	# Start time is the time of the first sample
271 	if not start_time:
272 		start_time = time_stamp
274 	# Parse and append the callchain of the current sample into a stack.
275 	stack = []
276 	if param_dict['callchain']:
277 		for call in param_dict['callchain']:
278 			if 'sym' not in call:
279 				continue
280 			stack.append(f'{call["sym"]["name"]} (in {call["dso"]})')
281 		if len(stack) != 0:
282 			# Reverse the stack, as root come first and the leaf at the end.
283 			stack = stack[::-1]
285 	# During perf record if -g is not used, the callchain is not available.
286 	# In that case, the symbol and dso are available in the event parameters.
287 	else:
288 		func = param_dict['symbol'] if 'symbol' in param_dict else '[unknown]'
289 		dso = param_dict['dso'] if 'dso' in param_dict else '[unknown]'
290 		stack.append(f'{func} (in {dso})')
292 	# Add sample to the specific thread.
293 	thread = tid_to_thread.get(tid)
294 	if thread is None:
295 		thread = Thread(comm=comm, pid=pid, tid=tid)
296 		tid_to_thread[tid] = thread
297 	thread._add_sample(comm=comm, stack=stack, time_ms=time_stamp)
299 def trace_begin() -> None:
300 	global output_file
301 	if (output_file is None):
302 		print("Staring Firefox Profiler on your default browser...")
303 		global http_server_thread
304 		http_server_thread = threading.Thread(target=test, args=(CORSRequestHandler, HTTPServer,))
305 		http_server_thread.daemon = True
306 		http_server_thread.start()
308 # Trace_end runs at the end and will be used to aggregate
309 # the data into the final json object and print it out to stdout.
310 def trace_end() -> None:
311 	global output_file
312 	threads = [thread._to_json_dict() for thread in tid_to_thread.values()]
314 	# Schema: https://github.com/firefox-devtools/profiler/blob/53970305b51b9b472e26d7457fee1d66cd4e2737/src/types/gecko-profile.js#L305
315 	gecko_profile_with_meta = {
316 		"meta": {
317 			"interval": 1,
318 			"processType": 0,
319 			"product": PRODUCT,
320 			"stackwalk": 1,
321 			"debug": 0,
322 			"gcpoison": 0,
323 			"asyncstack": 1,
324 			"startTime": start_time,
325 			"shutdownTime": None,
326 			"version": 24,
327 			"presymbolicated": True,
328 			"categories": CATEGORIES,
329 			"markerSchema": [],
330 			},
331 		"libs": [],
332 		"threads": threads,
333 		"processes": [],
334 		"pausedRanges": [],
335 	}
336 	# launch the profiler on local host if not specified --save-only args, otherwise print to file
337 	if (output_file is None):
338 		output_file = 'gecko_profile.json'
339 		with open(output_file, 'w') as f:
340 			json.dump(gecko_profile_with_meta, f, indent=2)
341 		launchFirefox(output_file)
342 		time.sleep(1)
343 		print(f'[ perf gecko: Captured and wrote into {output_file} ]')
344 	else:
345 		print(f'[ perf gecko: Captured and wrote into {output_file} ]')
346 		with open(output_file, 'w') as f:
347 			json.dump(gecko_profile_with_meta, f, indent=2)
349 # Used to enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) for requests coming from 'https://profiler.firefox.com', allowing it to access resources from this server.
350 class CORSRequestHandler(SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
351 	def end_headers (self):
352 		self.send_header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', 'https://profiler.firefox.com')
353 		SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.end_headers(self)
355 # start a local server to serve the gecko_profile.json file to the profiler.firefox.com
356 def launchFirefox(file):
357 	safe_string = urllib.parse.quote_plus(f'http://localhost:8000/{file}')
358 	url = 'https://profiler.firefox.com/from-url/' + safe_string
359 	webbrowser.open(f'{url}')
361 def main() -> None:
362 	global output_file
363 	global CATEGORIES
364 	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Convert perf.data to Firefox\'s Gecko Profile format which can be uploaded to profiler.firefox.com for visualization")
366 	# Add the command-line options
367 	# Colors must be defined according to this:
368 	# https://github.com/firefox-devtools/profiler/blob/50124adbfa488adba6e2674a8f2618cf34b59cd2/res/css/categories.css
369 	parser.add_argument('--user-color', default='yellow', help='Color for the User category', choices=['yellow', 'blue', 'purple', 'green', 'orange', 'red', 'grey', 'magenta'])
370 	parser.add_argument('--kernel-color', default='orange', help='Color for the Kernel category', choices=['yellow', 'blue', 'purple', 'green', 'orange', 'red', 'grey', 'magenta'])
371 	# If --save-only is specified, the output will be saved to a file instead of opening Firefox's profiler directly.
372 	parser.add_argument('--save-only', help='Save the output to a file instead of opening Firefox\'s profiler')
374 	# Parse the command-line arguments
375 	args = parser.parse_args()
376 	# Access the values provided by the user
377 	user_color = args.user_color
378 	kernel_color = args.kernel_color
379 	output_file = args.save_only
382 		{
383 			"name": 'User',
384 			"color": user_color,
385 			"subcategories": ['Other']
386 		},
387 		{
388 			"name": 'Kernel',
389 			"color": kernel_color,
390 			"subcategories": ['Other']
391 		},
392 	]
394 if __name__ == '__main__':
395 	main()