xref: /linux/tools/perf/scripts/python/export-to-postgresql.py (revision 4bd112df3eea4db63fe90fb4e83c48d3f3bd6512)
1# export-to-postgresql.py: export perf data to a postgresql database
2# Copyright (c) 2014, Intel Corporation.
4# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
5# under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
6# version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
8# This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
9# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
10# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
11# more details.
13import os
14import sys
15import struct
16import datetime
18# To use this script you will need to have installed package python-pyside which
19# provides LGPL-licensed Python bindings for Qt.  You will also need the package
20# libqt4-sql-psql for Qt postgresql support.
22# The script assumes postgresql is running on the local machine and that the
23# user has postgresql permissions to create databases. Examples of installing
24# postgresql and adding such a user are:
26# fedora:
28#	$ sudo yum install postgresql postgresql-server python-pyside qt-postgresql
29#	$ sudo su - postgres -c initdb
30#	$ sudo service postgresql start
31#	$ sudo su - postgres
32#	$ createuser <your user id here>
33#	Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) y
35# ubuntu:
37#	$ sudo apt-get install postgresql python-pyside.qtsql libqt4-sql-psql
38#	$ sudo su - postgres
39#	$ createuser -s <your user id here>
41# An example of using this script with Intel PT:
43#	$ perf record -e intel_pt//u ls
44#	$ perf script -s ~/libexec/perf-core/scripts/python/export-to-postgresql.py pt_example branches calls
45#	2015-05-29 12:49:23.464364 Creating database...
46#	2015-05-29 12:49:26.281717 Writing to intermediate files...
47#	2015-05-29 12:49:27.190383 Copying to database...
48#	2015-05-29 12:49:28.140451 Removing intermediate files...
49#	2015-05-29 12:49:28.147451 Adding primary keys
50#	2015-05-29 12:49:28.655683 Adding foreign keys
51#	2015-05-29 12:49:29.365350 Done
53# To browse the database, psql can be used e.g.
55#	$ psql pt_example
56#	pt_example=# select * from samples_view where id < 100;
57#	pt_example=# \d+
58#	pt_example=# \d+ samples_view
59#	pt_example=# \q
61# An example of using the database is provided by the script
62# call-graph-from-postgresql.py.  Refer to that script for details.
64# Tables:
66#	The tables largely correspond to perf tools' data structures.  They are largely self-explanatory.
68#	samples
70#		'samples' is the main table. It represents what instruction was executing at a point in time
71#		when something (a selected event) happened.  The memory address is the instruction pointer or 'ip'.
73#	calls
75#		'calls' represents function calls and is related to 'samples' by 'call_id' and 'return_id'.
76#		'calls' is only created when the 'calls' option to this script is specified.
78#	call_paths
80#		'call_paths' represents all the call stacks.  Each 'call' has an associated record in 'call_paths'.
81#		'calls_paths' is only created when the 'calls' option to this script is specified.
83#	branch_types
85#		'branch_types' provides descriptions for each type of branch.
87#	comm_threads
89#		'comm_threads' shows how 'comms' relates to 'threads'.
91#	comms
93#		'comms' contains a record for each 'comm' - the name given to the executable that is running.
95#	dsos
97#		'dsos' contains a record for each executable file or library.
99#	machines
101#		'machines' can be used to distinguish virtual machines if virtualization is supported.
103#	selected_events
105#		'selected_events' contains a record for each kind of event that has been sampled.
107#	symbols
109#		'symbols' contains a record for each symbol.  Only symbols that have samples are present.
111#	threads
113#		'threads' contains a record for each thread.
115# Views:
117#	Most of the tables have views for more friendly display.  The views are:
119#		calls_view
120#		call_paths_view
121#		comm_threads_view
122#		dsos_view
123#		machines_view
124#		samples_view
125#		symbols_view
126#		threads_view
128# More examples of browsing the database with psql:
129#   Note that some of the examples are not the most optimal SQL query.
130#   Note that call information is only available if the script's 'calls' option has been used.
132#	Top 10 function calls (not aggregated by symbol):
134#		SELECT * FROM calls_view ORDER BY elapsed_time DESC LIMIT 10;
136#	Top 10 function calls (aggregated by symbol):
138#		SELECT symbol_id,(SELECT name FROM symbols WHERE id = symbol_id) AS symbol,
139#			SUM(elapsed_time) AS tot_elapsed_time,SUM(branch_count) AS tot_branch_count
140#			FROM calls_view GROUP BY symbol_id ORDER BY tot_elapsed_time DESC LIMIT 10;
142#		Note that the branch count gives a rough estimation of cpu usage, so functions
143#		that took a long time but have a relatively low branch count must have spent time
144#		waiting.
146#	Find symbols by pattern matching on part of the name (e.g. names containing 'alloc'):
148#		SELECT * FROM symbols_view WHERE name LIKE '%alloc%';
150#	Top 10 function calls for a specific symbol (e.g. whose symbol_id is 187):
152#		SELECT * FROM calls_view WHERE symbol_id = 187 ORDER BY elapsed_time DESC LIMIT 10;
154#	Show function calls made by function in the same context (i.e. same call path) (e.g. one with call_path_id 254):
156#		SELECT * FROM calls_view WHERE parent_call_path_id = 254;
158#	Show branches made during a function call (e.g. where call_id is 29357 and return_id is 29370 and tid is 29670)
160#		SELECT * FROM samples_view WHERE id >= 29357 AND id <= 29370 AND tid = 29670 AND event LIKE 'branches%';
162#	Show transactions:
164#		SELECT * FROM samples_view WHERE event = 'transactions';
166#		Note transaction start has 'in_tx' true whereas, transaction end has 'in_tx' false.
167#		Transaction aborts have branch_type_name 'transaction abort'
169#	Show transaction aborts:
171#		SELECT * FROM samples_view WHERE event = 'transactions' AND branch_type_name = 'transaction abort';
173# To print a call stack requires walking the call_paths table.  For example this python script:
174#   #!/usr/bin/python2
176#   import sys
177#   from PySide.QtSql import *
179#   if __name__ == '__main__':
180#           if (len(sys.argv) < 3):
181#                   print >> sys.stderr, "Usage is: printcallstack.py <database name> <call_path_id>"
182#                   raise Exception("Too few arguments")
183#           dbname = sys.argv[1]
184#           call_path_id = sys.argv[2]
185#           db = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase('QPSQL')
186#           db.setDatabaseName(dbname)
187#           if not db.open():
188#                   raise Exception("Failed to open database " + dbname + " error: " + db.lastError().text())
189#           query = QSqlQuery(db)
190#           print "    id          ip  symbol_id  symbol                          dso_id  dso_short_name"
191#           while call_path_id != 0 and call_path_id != 1:
192#                   ret = query.exec_('SELECT * FROM call_paths_view WHERE id = ' + str(call_path_id))
193#                   if not ret:
194#                           raise Exception("Query failed: " + query.lastError().text())
195#                   if not query.next():
196#                           raise Exception("Query failed")
197#                   print "{0:>6}  {1:>10}  {2:>9}  {3:<30}  {4:>6}  {5:<30}".format(query.value(0), query.value(1), query.value(2), query.value(3), query.value(4), query.value(5))
198#                   call_path_id = query.value(6)
200from PySide.QtSql import *
202# Need to access PostgreSQL C library directly to use COPY FROM STDIN
203from ctypes import *
204libpq = CDLL("libpq.so.5")
205PQconnectdb = libpq.PQconnectdb
206PQconnectdb.restype = c_void_p
207PQfinish = libpq.PQfinish
208PQstatus = libpq.PQstatus
209PQexec = libpq.PQexec
210PQexec.restype = c_void_p
211PQresultStatus = libpq.PQresultStatus
212PQputCopyData = libpq.PQputCopyData
213PQputCopyData.argtypes = [ c_void_p, c_void_p, c_int ]
214PQputCopyEnd = libpq.PQputCopyEnd
215PQputCopyEnd.argtypes = [ c_void_p, c_void_p ]
217sys.path.append(os.environ['PERF_EXEC_PATH'] + \
218	'/scripts/python/Perf-Trace-Util/lib/Perf/Trace')
220# These perf imports are not used at present
221#from perf_trace_context import *
222#from Core import *
224perf_db_export_mode = True
225perf_db_export_calls = False
227def usage():
228	print >> sys.stderr, "Usage is: export-to-postgresql.py <database name> [<columns>] [<calls>]"
229	print >> sys.stderr, "where:	columns		'all' or 'branches'"
230	print >> sys.stderr, "		calls		'calls' => create calls table"
231	raise Exception("Too few arguments")
233if (len(sys.argv) < 2):
234	usage()
236dbname = sys.argv[1]
238if (len(sys.argv) >= 3):
239	columns = sys.argv[2]
241	columns = "all"
243if columns not in ("all", "branches"):
244	usage()
246branches = (columns == "branches")
248if (len(sys.argv) >= 4):
249	if (sys.argv[3] == "calls"):
250		perf_db_export_calls = True
251	else:
252		usage()
254output_dir_name = os.getcwd() + "/" + dbname + "-perf-data"
257def do_query(q, s):
258	if (q.exec_(s)):
259		return
260	raise Exception("Query failed: " + q.lastError().text())
262print datetime.datetime.today(), "Creating database..."
264db = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase('QPSQL')
265query = QSqlQuery(db)
269	do_query(query, 'CREATE DATABASE ' + dbname)
271	os.rmdir(output_dir_name)
272	raise
280query = QSqlQuery(db)
281do_query(query, 'SET client_min_messages TO WARNING')
283do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE selected_events ('
284		'id		bigint		NOT NULL,'
285		'name		varchar(80))')
286do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE machines ('
287		'id		bigint		NOT NULL,'
288		'pid		integer,'
289		'root_dir 	varchar(4096))')
290do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE threads ('
291		'id		bigint		NOT NULL,'
292		'machine_id	bigint,'
293		'process_id	bigint,'
294		'pid		integer,'
295		'tid		integer)')
296do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE comms ('
297		'id		bigint		NOT NULL,'
298		'comm		varchar(16))')
299do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE comm_threads ('
300		'id		bigint		NOT NULL,'
301		'comm_id	bigint,'
302		'thread_id	bigint)')
303do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE dsos ('
304		'id		bigint		NOT NULL,'
305		'machine_id	bigint,'
306		'short_name	varchar(256),'
307		'long_name	varchar(4096),'
308		'build_id	varchar(64))')
309do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE symbols ('
310		'id		bigint		NOT NULL,'
311		'dso_id		bigint,'
312		'sym_start	bigint,'
313		'sym_end	bigint,'
314		'binding	integer,'
315		'name		varchar(2048))')
316do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE branch_types ('
317		'id		integer		NOT NULL,'
318		'name		varchar(80))')
320if branches:
321	do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE samples ('
322		'id		bigint		NOT NULL,'
323		'evsel_id	bigint,'
324		'machine_id	bigint,'
325		'thread_id	bigint,'
326		'comm_id	bigint,'
327		'dso_id		bigint,'
328		'symbol_id	bigint,'
329		'sym_offset	bigint,'
330		'ip		bigint,'
331		'time		bigint,'
332		'cpu		integer,'
333		'to_dso_id	bigint,'
334		'to_symbol_id	bigint,'
335		'to_sym_offset	bigint,'
336		'to_ip		bigint,'
337		'branch_type	integer,'
338		'in_tx		boolean)')
340	do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE samples ('
341		'id		bigint		NOT NULL,'
342		'evsel_id	bigint,'
343		'machine_id	bigint,'
344		'thread_id	bigint,'
345		'comm_id	bigint,'
346		'dso_id		bigint,'
347		'symbol_id	bigint,'
348		'sym_offset	bigint,'
349		'ip		bigint,'
350		'time		bigint,'
351		'cpu		integer,'
352		'to_dso_id	bigint,'
353		'to_symbol_id	bigint,'
354		'to_sym_offset	bigint,'
355		'to_ip		bigint,'
356		'period		bigint,'
357		'weight		bigint,'
358		'transaction	bigint,'
359		'data_src	bigint,'
360		'branch_type	integer,'
361		'in_tx		boolean)')
363if perf_db_export_calls:
364	do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE call_paths ('
365		'id		bigint		NOT NULL,'
366		'parent_id	bigint,'
367		'symbol_id	bigint,'
368		'ip		bigint)')
369	do_query(query, 'CREATE TABLE calls ('
370		'id		bigint		NOT NULL,'
371		'thread_id	bigint,'
372		'comm_id	bigint,'
373		'call_path_id	bigint,'
374		'call_time	bigint,'
375		'return_time	bigint,'
376		'branch_count	bigint,'
377		'call_id	bigint,'
378		'return_id	bigint,'
379		'parent_call_path_id	bigint,'
380		'flags		integer)')
382do_query(query, 'CREATE VIEW machines_view AS '
383	'SELECT '
384		'id,'
385		'pid,'
386		'root_dir,'
387		'CASE WHEN id=0 THEN \'unknown\' WHEN pid=-1 THEN \'host\' ELSE \'guest\' END AS host_or_guest'
388	' FROM machines')
390do_query(query, 'CREATE VIEW dsos_view AS '
391	'SELECT '
392		'id,'
393		'machine_id,'
394		'(SELECT host_or_guest FROM machines_view WHERE id = machine_id) AS host_or_guest,'
395		'short_name,'
396		'long_name,'
397		'build_id'
398	' FROM dsos')
400do_query(query, 'CREATE VIEW symbols_view AS '
401	'SELECT '
402		'id,'
403		'name,'
404		'(SELECT short_name FROM dsos WHERE id=dso_id) AS dso,'
405		'dso_id,'
406		'sym_start,'
407		'sym_end,'
408		'CASE WHEN binding=0 THEN \'local\' WHEN binding=1 THEN \'global\' ELSE \'weak\' END AS binding'
409	' FROM symbols')
411do_query(query, 'CREATE VIEW threads_view AS '
412	'SELECT '
413		'id,'
414		'machine_id,'
415		'(SELECT host_or_guest FROM machines_view WHERE id = machine_id) AS host_or_guest,'
416		'process_id,'
417		'pid,'
418		'tid'
419	' FROM threads')
421do_query(query, 'CREATE VIEW comm_threads_view AS '
422	'SELECT '
423		'comm_id,'
424		'(SELECT comm FROM comms WHERE id = comm_id) AS command,'
425		'thread_id,'
426		'(SELECT pid FROM threads WHERE id = thread_id) AS pid,'
427		'(SELECT tid FROM threads WHERE id = thread_id) AS tid'
428	' FROM comm_threads')
430if perf_db_export_calls:
431	do_query(query, 'CREATE VIEW call_paths_view AS '
432		'SELECT '
433			'c.id,'
434			'to_hex(c.ip) AS ip,'
435			'c.symbol_id,'
436			'(SELECT name FROM symbols WHERE id = c.symbol_id) AS symbol,'
437			'(SELECT dso_id FROM symbols WHERE id = c.symbol_id) AS dso_id,'
438			'(SELECT dso FROM symbols_view  WHERE id = c.symbol_id) AS dso_short_name,'
439			'c.parent_id,'
440			'to_hex(p.ip) AS parent_ip,'
441			'p.symbol_id AS parent_symbol_id,'
442			'(SELECT name FROM symbols WHERE id = p.symbol_id) AS parent_symbol,'
443			'(SELECT dso_id FROM symbols WHERE id = p.symbol_id) AS parent_dso_id,'
444			'(SELECT dso FROM symbols_view  WHERE id = p.symbol_id) AS parent_dso_short_name'
445		' FROM call_paths c INNER JOIN call_paths p ON p.id = c.parent_id')
446	do_query(query, 'CREATE VIEW calls_view AS '
447		'SELECT '
448			'calls.id,'
449			'thread_id,'
450			'(SELECT pid FROM threads WHERE id = thread_id) AS pid,'
451			'(SELECT tid FROM threads WHERE id = thread_id) AS tid,'
452			'(SELECT comm FROM comms WHERE id = comm_id) AS command,'
453			'call_path_id,'
454			'to_hex(ip) AS ip,'
455			'symbol_id,'
456			'(SELECT name FROM symbols WHERE id = symbol_id) AS symbol,'
457			'call_time,'
458			'return_time,'
459			'return_time - call_time AS elapsed_time,'
460			'branch_count,'
461			'call_id,'
462			'return_id,'
463			'CASE WHEN flags=1 THEN \'no call\' WHEN flags=2 THEN \'no return\' WHEN flags=3 THEN \'no call/return\' ELSE \'\' END AS flags,'
464			'parent_call_path_id'
465		' FROM calls INNER JOIN call_paths ON call_paths.id = call_path_id')
467do_query(query, 'CREATE VIEW samples_view AS '
468	'SELECT '
469		'id,'
470		'time,'
471		'cpu,'
472		'(SELECT pid FROM threads WHERE id = thread_id) AS pid,'
473		'(SELECT tid FROM threads WHERE id = thread_id) AS tid,'
474		'(SELECT comm FROM comms WHERE id = comm_id) AS command,'
475		'(SELECT name FROM selected_events WHERE id = evsel_id) AS event,'
476		'to_hex(ip) AS ip_hex,'
477		'(SELECT name FROM symbols WHERE id = symbol_id) AS symbol,'
478		'sym_offset,'
479		'(SELECT short_name FROM dsos WHERE id = dso_id) AS dso_short_name,'
480		'to_hex(to_ip) AS to_ip_hex,'
481		'(SELECT name FROM symbols WHERE id = to_symbol_id) AS to_symbol,'
482		'to_sym_offset,'
483		'(SELECT short_name FROM dsos WHERE id = to_dso_id) AS to_dso_short_name,'
484		'(SELECT name FROM branch_types WHERE id = branch_type) AS branch_type_name,'
485		'in_tx'
486	' FROM samples')
489file_header = struct.pack("!11sii", "PGCOPY\n\377\r\n\0", 0, 0)
490file_trailer = "\377\377"
492def open_output_file(file_name):
493	path_name = output_dir_name + "/" + file_name
494	file = open(path_name, "w+")
495	file.write(file_header)
496	return file
498def close_output_file(file):
499	file.write(file_trailer)
500	file.close()
502def copy_output_file_direct(file, table_name):
503	close_output_file(file)
504	sql = "COPY " + table_name + " FROM '" + file.name + "' (FORMAT 'binary')"
505	do_query(query, sql)
507# Use COPY FROM STDIN because security may prevent postgres from accessing the files directly
508def copy_output_file(file, table_name):
509	conn = PQconnectdb("dbname = " + dbname)
510	if (PQstatus(conn)):
511		raise Exception("COPY FROM STDIN PQconnectdb failed")
512	file.write(file_trailer)
513	file.seek(0)
514	sql = "COPY " + table_name + " FROM STDIN (FORMAT 'binary')"
515	res = PQexec(conn, sql)
516	if (PQresultStatus(res) != 4):
517		raise Exception("COPY FROM STDIN PQexec failed")
518	data = file.read(65536)
519	while (len(data)):
520		ret = PQputCopyData(conn, data, len(data))
521		if (ret != 1):
522			raise Exception("COPY FROM STDIN PQputCopyData failed, error " + str(ret))
523		data = file.read(65536)
524	ret = PQputCopyEnd(conn, None)
525	if (ret != 1):
526		raise Exception("COPY FROM STDIN PQputCopyEnd failed, error " + str(ret))
527	PQfinish(conn)
529def remove_output_file(file):
530	name = file.name
531	file.close()
532	os.unlink(name)
534evsel_file		= open_output_file("evsel_table.bin")
535machine_file		= open_output_file("machine_table.bin")
536thread_file		= open_output_file("thread_table.bin")
537comm_file		= open_output_file("comm_table.bin")
538comm_thread_file	= open_output_file("comm_thread_table.bin")
539dso_file		= open_output_file("dso_table.bin")
540symbol_file		= open_output_file("symbol_table.bin")
541branch_type_file	= open_output_file("branch_type_table.bin")
542sample_file		= open_output_file("sample_table.bin")
543if perf_db_export_calls:
544	call_path_file		= open_output_file("call_path_table.bin")
545	call_file		= open_output_file("call_table.bin")
547def trace_begin():
548	print datetime.datetime.today(), "Writing to intermediate files..."
549	# id == 0 means unknown.  It is easier to create records for them than replace the zeroes with NULLs
550	evsel_table(0, "unknown")
551	machine_table(0, 0, "unknown")
552	thread_table(0, 0, 0, -1, -1)
553	comm_table(0, "unknown")
554	dso_table(0, 0, "unknown", "unknown", "")
555	symbol_table(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "unknown")
556	sample_table(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
557	if perf_db_export_calls:
558		call_path_table(0, 0, 0, 0)
560unhandled_count = 0
562def trace_end():
563	print datetime.datetime.today(), "Copying to database..."
564	copy_output_file(evsel_file,		"selected_events")
565	copy_output_file(machine_file,		"machines")
566	copy_output_file(thread_file,		"threads")
567	copy_output_file(comm_file,		"comms")
568	copy_output_file(comm_thread_file,	"comm_threads")
569	copy_output_file(dso_file,		"dsos")
570	copy_output_file(symbol_file,		"symbols")
571	copy_output_file(branch_type_file,	"branch_types")
572	copy_output_file(sample_file,		"samples")
573	if perf_db_export_calls:
574		copy_output_file(call_path_file,	"call_paths")
575		copy_output_file(call_file,		"calls")
577	print datetime.datetime.today(), "Removing intermediate files..."
578	remove_output_file(evsel_file)
579	remove_output_file(machine_file)
580	remove_output_file(thread_file)
581	remove_output_file(comm_file)
582	remove_output_file(comm_thread_file)
583	remove_output_file(dso_file)
584	remove_output_file(symbol_file)
585	remove_output_file(branch_type_file)
586	remove_output_file(sample_file)
587	if perf_db_export_calls:
588		remove_output_file(call_path_file)
589		remove_output_file(call_file)
590	os.rmdir(output_dir_name)
591	print datetime.datetime.today(), "Adding primary keys"
592	do_query(query, 'ALTER TABLE selected_events ADD PRIMARY KEY (id)')
593	do_query(query, 'ALTER TABLE machines        ADD PRIMARY KEY (id)')
594	do_query(query, 'ALTER TABLE threads         ADD PRIMARY KEY (id)')
595	do_query(query, 'ALTER TABLE comms           ADD PRIMARY KEY (id)')
596	do_query(query, 'ALTER TABLE comm_threads    ADD PRIMARY KEY (id)')
597	do_query(query, 'ALTER TABLE dsos            ADD PRIMARY KEY (id)')
598	do_query(query, 'ALTER TABLE symbols         ADD PRIMARY KEY (id)')
599	do_query(query, 'ALTER TABLE branch_types    ADD PRIMARY KEY (id)')
600	do_query(query, 'ALTER TABLE samples         ADD PRIMARY KEY (id)')
601	if perf_db_export_calls:
602		do_query(query, 'ALTER TABLE call_paths      ADD PRIMARY KEY (id)')
603		do_query(query, 'ALTER TABLE calls           ADD PRIMARY KEY (id)')
605	print datetime.datetime.today(), "Adding foreign keys"
606	do_query(query, 'ALTER TABLE threads '
607					'ADD CONSTRAINT machinefk  FOREIGN KEY (machine_id)   REFERENCES machines   (id),'
608					'ADD CONSTRAINT processfk  FOREIGN KEY (process_id)   REFERENCES threads    (id)')
609	do_query(query, 'ALTER TABLE comm_threads '
610					'ADD CONSTRAINT commfk     FOREIGN KEY (comm_id)      REFERENCES comms      (id),'
611					'ADD CONSTRAINT threadfk   FOREIGN KEY (thread_id)    REFERENCES threads    (id)')
612	do_query(query, 'ALTER TABLE dsos '
613					'ADD CONSTRAINT machinefk  FOREIGN KEY (machine_id)   REFERENCES machines   (id)')
614	do_query(query, 'ALTER TABLE symbols '
615					'ADD CONSTRAINT dsofk      FOREIGN KEY (dso_id)       REFERENCES dsos       (id)')
616	do_query(query, 'ALTER TABLE samples '
617					'ADD CONSTRAINT evselfk    FOREIGN KEY (evsel_id)     REFERENCES selected_events (id),'
618					'ADD CONSTRAINT machinefk  FOREIGN KEY (machine_id)   REFERENCES machines   (id),'
619					'ADD CONSTRAINT threadfk   FOREIGN KEY (thread_id)    REFERENCES threads    (id),'
620					'ADD CONSTRAINT commfk     FOREIGN KEY (comm_id)      REFERENCES comms      (id),'
621					'ADD CONSTRAINT dsofk      FOREIGN KEY (dso_id)       REFERENCES dsos       (id),'
622					'ADD CONSTRAINT symbolfk   FOREIGN KEY (symbol_id)    REFERENCES symbols    (id),'
623					'ADD CONSTRAINT todsofk    FOREIGN KEY (to_dso_id)    REFERENCES dsos       (id),'
624					'ADD CONSTRAINT tosymbolfk FOREIGN KEY (to_symbol_id) REFERENCES symbols    (id)')
625	if perf_db_export_calls:
626		do_query(query, 'ALTER TABLE call_paths '
627					'ADD CONSTRAINT parentfk    FOREIGN KEY (parent_id)    REFERENCES call_paths (id),'
628					'ADD CONSTRAINT symbolfk    FOREIGN KEY (symbol_id)    REFERENCES symbols    (id)')
629		do_query(query, 'ALTER TABLE calls '
630					'ADD CONSTRAINT threadfk    FOREIGN KEY (thread_id)    REFERENCES threads    (id),'
631					'ADD CONSTRAINT commfk      FOREIGN KEY (comm_id)      REFERENCES comms      (id),'
632					'ADD CONSTRAINT call_pathfk FOREIGN KEY (call_path_id) REFERENCES call_paths (id),'
633					'ADD CONSTRAINT callfk      FOREIGN KEY (call_id)      REFERENCES samples    (id),'
634					'ADD CONSTRAINT returnfk    FOREIGN KEY (return_id)    REFERENCES samples    (id),'
635					'ADD CONSTRAINT parent_call_pathfk FOREIGN KEY (parent_call_path_id) REFERENCES call_paths (id)')
636		do_query(query, 'CREATE INDEX pcpid_idx ON calls (parent_call_path_id)')
638	if (unhandled_count):
639		print datetime.datetime.today(), "Warning: ", unhandled_count, " unhandled events"
640	print datetime.datetime.today(), "Done"
642def trace_unhandled(event_name, context, event_fields_dict):
643	global unhandled_count
644	unhandled_count += 1
646def sched__sched_switch(*x):
647	pass
649def evsel_table(evsel_id, evsel_name, *x):
650	n = len(evsel_name)
651	fmt = "!hiqi" + str(n) + "s"
652	value = struct.pack(fmt, 2, 8, evsel_id, n, evsel_name)
653	evsel_file.write(value)
655def machine_table(machine_id, pid, root_dir, *x):
656	n = len(root_dir)
657	fmt = "!hiqiii" + str(n) + "s"
658	value = struct.pack(fmt, 3, 8, machine_id, 4, pid, n, root_dir)
659	machine_file.write(value)
661def thread_table(thread_id, machine_id, process_id, pid, tid, *x):
662	value = struct.pack("!hiqiqiqiiii", 5, 8, thread_id, 8, machine_id, 8, process_id, 4, pid, 4, tid)
663	thread_file.write(value)
665def comm_table(comm_id, comm_str, *x):
666	n = len(comm_str)
667	fmt = "!hiqi" + str(n) + "s"
668	value = struct.pack(fmt, 2, 8, comm_id, n, comm_str)
669	comm_file.write(value)
671def comm_thread_table(comm_thread_id, comm_id, thread_id, *x):
672	fmt = "!hiqiqiq"
673	value = struct.pack(fmt, 3, 8, comm_thread_id, 8, comm_id, 8, thread_id)
674	comm_thread_file.write(value)
676def dso_table(dso_id, machine_id, short_name, long_name, build_id, *x):
677	n1 = len(short_name)
678	n2 = len(long_name)
679	n3 = len(build_id)
680	fmt = "!hiqiqi" + str(n1) + "si"  + str(n2) + "si" + str(n3) + "s"
681	value = struct.pack(fmt, 5, 8, dso_id, 8, machine_id, n1, short_name, n2, long_name, n3, build_id)
682	dso_file.write(value)
684def symbol_table(symbol_id, dso_id, sym_start, sym_end, binding, symbol_name, *x):
685	n = len(symbol_name)
686	fmt = "!hiqiqiqiqiii" + str(n) + "s"
687	value = struct.pack(fmt, 6, 8, symbol_id, 8, dso_id, 8, sym_start, 8, sym_end, 4, binding, n, symbol_name)
688	symbol_file.write(value)
690def branch_type_table(branch_type, name, *x):
691	n = len(name)
692	fmt = "!hiii" + str(n) + "s"
693	value = struct.pack(fmt, 2, 4, branch_type, n, name)
694	branch_type_file.write(value)
696def sample_table(sample_id, evsel_id, machine_id, thread_id, comm_id, dso_id, symbol_id, sym_offset, ip, time, cpu, to_dso_id, to_symbol_id, to_sym_offset, to_ip, period, weight, transaction, data_src, branch_type, in_tx, *x):
697	if branches:
698		value = struct.pack("!hiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiiiqiqiqiqiiiB", 17, 8, sample_id, 8, evsel_id, 8, machine_id, 8, thread_id, 8, comm_id, 8, dso_id, 8, symbol_id, 8, sym_offset, 8, ip, 8, time, 4, cpu, 8, to_dso_id, 8, to_symbol_id, 8, to_sym_offset, 8, to_ip, 4, branch_type, 1, in_tx)
699	else:
700		value = struct.pack("!hiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiiiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiiiB", 21, 8, sample_id, 8, evsel_id, 8, machine_id, 8, thread_id, 8, comm_id, 8, dso_id, 8, symbol_id, 8, sym_offset, 8, ip, 8, time, 4, cpu, 8, to_dso_id, 8, to_symbol_id, 8, to_sym_offset, 8, to_ip, 8, period, 8, weight, 8, transaction, 8, data_src, 4, branch_type, 1, in_tx)
701	sample_file.write(value)
703def call_path_table(cp_id, parent_id, symbol_id, ip, *x):
704	fmt = "!hiqiqiqiq"
705	value = struct.pack(fmt, 4, 8, cp_id, 8, parent_id, 8, symbol_id, 8, ip)
706	call_path_file.write(value)
708def call_return_table(cr_id, thread_id, comm_id, call_path_id, call_time, return_time, branch_count, call_id, return_id, parent_call_path_id, flags, *x):
709	fmt = "!hiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqii"
710	value = struct.pack(fmt, 11, 8, cr_id, 8, thread_id, 8, comm_id, 8, call_path_id, 8, call_time, 8, return_time, 8, branch_count, 8, call_id, 8, return_id, 8, parent_call_path_id, 4, flags)
711	call_file.write(value)