xref: /linux/rust/macros/lib.rs (revision e6719d48ba6329536c459dcee5a571e535687094)
1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
3 //! Crate for all kernel procedural macros.
5 #[macro_use]
6 mod quote;
7 mod concat_idents;
8 mod helpers;
9 mod module;
10 mod paste;
11 mod pin_data;
12 mod pinned_drop;
13 mod vtable;
14 mod zeroable;
16 use proc_macro::TokenStream;
18 /// Declares a kernel module.
19 ///
20 /// The `type` argument should be a type which implements the [`Module`]
21 /// trait. Also accepts various forms of kernel metadata.
22 ///
23 /// C header: [`include/linux/moduleparam.h`](srctree/include/linux/moduleparam.h)
24 ///
25 /// [`Module`]: ../kernel/trait.Module.html
26 ///
27 /// # Examples
28 ///
29 /// ```ignore
30 /// use kernel::prelude::*;
31 ///
32 /// module!{
33 ///     type: MyModule,
34 ///     name: "my_kernel_module",
35 ///     author: "Rust for Linux Contributors",
36 ///     description: "My very own kernel module!",
37 ///     license: "GPL",
38 ///     params: {
39 ///        my_i32: i32 {
40 ///            default: 42,
41 ///            permissions: 0o000,
42 ///            description: "Example of i32",
43 ///        },
44 ///        writeable_i32: i32 {
45 ///            default: 42,
46 ///            permissions: 0o644,
47 ///            description: "Example of i32",
48 ///        },
49 ///    },
50 /// }
51 ///
52 /// struct MyModule;
53 ///
54 /// impl kernel::Module for MyModule {
55 ///     fn init() -> Result<Self> {
56 ///         // If the parameter is writeable, then the kparam lock must be
57 ///         // taken to read the parameter:
58 ///         {
59 ///             let lock = THIS_MODULE.kernel_param_lock();
60 ///             pr_info!("i32 param is:  {}\n", writeable_i32.read(&lock));
61 ///         }
62 ///         // If the parameter is read only, it can be read without locking
63 ///         // the kernel parameters:
64 ///         pr_info!("i32 param is:  {}\n", my_i32.read());
65 ///         Ok(Self)
66 ///     }
67 /// }
68 /// ```
69 ///
70 /// # Supported argument types
71 ///   - `type`: type which implements the [`Module`] trait (required).
72 ///   - `name`: byte array of the name of the kernel module (required).
73 ///   - `author`: byte array of the author of the kernel module.
74 ///   - `description`: byte array of the description of the kernel module.
75 ///   - `license`: byte array of the license of the kernel module (required).
76 ///   - `alias`: byte array of alias name of the kernel module.
77 #[proc_macro]
78 pub fn module(ts: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
79     module::module(ts)
80 }
82 /// Declares or implements a vtable trait.
83 ///
84 /// Linux's use of pure vtables is very close to Rust traits, but they differ
85 /// in how unimplemented functions are represented. In Rust, traits can provide
86 /// default implementation for all non-required methods (and the default
87 /// implementation could just return `Error::EINVAL`); Linux typically use C
88 /// `NULL` pointers to represent these functions.
89 ///
90 /// This attribute closes that gap. A trait can be annotated with the
91 /// `#[vtable]` attribute. Implementers of the trait will then also have to
92 /// annotate the trait with `#[vtable]`. This attribute generates a `HAS_*`
93 /// associated constant bool for each method in the trait that is set to true if
94 /// the implementer has overridden the associated method.
95 ///
96 /// For a trait method to be optional, it must have a default implementation.
97 /// This is also the case for traits annotated with `#[vtable]`, but in this
98 /// case the default implementation will never be executed. The reason for this
99 /// is that the functions will be called through function pointers installed in
100 /// C side vtables. When an optional method is not implemented on a `#[vtable]`
101 /// trait, a NULL entry is installed in the vtable. Thus the default
102 /// implementation is never called. Since these traits are not designed to be
103 /// used on the Rust side, it should not be possible to call the default
104 /// implementation. This is done to ensure that we call the vtable methods
105 /// through the C vtable, and not through the Rust vtable. Therefore, the
106 /// default implementation should call `kernel::build_error`, which prevents
107 /// calls to this function at compile time:
108 ///
109 /// ```compile_fail
110 /// # use kernel::error::VTABLE_DEFAULT_ERROR;
111 /// kernel::build_error(VTABLE_DEFAULT_ERROR)
112 /// ```
113 ///
114 /// Note that you might need to import [`kernel::error::VTABLE_DEFAULT_ERROR`].
115 ///
116 /// This macro should not be used when all functions are required.
117 ///
118 /// # Examples
119 ///
120 /// ```ignore
121 /// use kernel::error::VTABLE_DEFAULT_ERROR;
122 /// use kernel::prelude::*;
123 ///
124 /// // Declares a `#[vtable]` trait
125 /// #[vtable]
126 /// pub trait Operations: Send + Sync + Sized {
127 ///     fn foo(&self) -> Result<()> {
128 ///         kernel::build_error(VTABLE_DEFAULT_ERROR)
129 ///     }
130 ///
131 ///     fn bar(&self) -> Result<()> {
132 ///         kernel::build_error(VTABLE_DEFAULT_ERROR)
133 ///     }
134 /// }
135 ///
136 /// struct Foo;
137 ///
138 /// // Implements the `#[vtable]` trait
139 /// #[vtable]
140 /// impl Operations for Foo {
141 ///     fn foo(&self) -> Result<()> {
142 /// #        Err(EINVAL)
143 ///         // ...
144 ///     }
145 /// }
146 ///
147 /// assert_eq!(<Foo as Operations>::HAS_FOO, true);
148 /// assert_eq!(<Foo as Operations>::HAS_BAR, false);
149 /// ```
150 ///
151 /// [`kernel::error::VTABLE_DEFAULT_ERROR`]: ../kernel/error/constant.VTABLE_DEFAULT_ERROR.html
152 #[proc_macro_attribute]
153 pub fn vtable(attr: TokenStream, ts: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
154     vtable::vtable(attr, ts)
155 }
157 /// Concatenate two identifiers.
158 ///
159 /// This is useful in macros that need to declare or reference items with names
160 /// starting with a fixed prefix and ending in a user specified name. The resulting
161 /// identifier has the span of the second argument.
162 ///
163 /// # Examples
164 ///
165 /// ```ignore
166 /// use kernel::macro::concat_idents;
167 ///
168 /// macro_rules! pub_no_prefix {
169 ///     ($prefix:ident, $($newname:ident),+) => {
170 ///         $(pub(crate) const $newname: u32 = kernel::macros::concat_idents!($prefix, $newname);)+
171 ///     };
172 /// }
173 ///
174 /// pub_no_prefix!(
175 ///     binder_driver_return_protocol_,
176 ///     BR_OK,
177 ///     BR_ERROR,
178 ///     BR_TRANSACTION,
179 ///     BR_REPLY,
180 ///     BR_DEAD_REPLY,
182 ///     BR_INCREFS,
183 ///     BR_ACQUIRE,
184 ///     BR_RELEASE,
185 ///     BR_DECREFS,
186 ///     BR_NOOP,
187 ///     BR_SPAWN_LOOPER,
188 ///     BR_DEAD_BINDER,
190 ///     BR_FAILED_REPLY
191 /// );
192 ///
193 /// assert_eq!(BR_OK, binder_driver_return_protocol_BR_OK);
194 /// ```
195 #[proc_macro]
196 pub fn concat_idents(ts: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
197     concat_idents::concat_idents(ts)
198 }
200 /// Used to specify the pinning information of the fields of a struct.
201 ///
202 /// This is somewhat similar in purpose as
203 /// [pin-project-lite](https://crates.io/crates/pin-project-lite).
204 /// Place this macro on a struct definition and then `#[pin]` in front of the attributes of each
205 /// field you want to structurally pin.
206 ///
207 /// This macro enables the use of the [`pin_init!`] macro. When pin-initializing a `struct`,
208 /// then `#[pin]` directs the type of initializer that is required.
209 ///
210 /// If your `struct` implements `Drop`, then you need to add `PinnedDrop` as arguments to this
211 /// macro, and change your `Drop` implementation to `PinnedDrop` annotated with
212 /// `#[`[`macro@pinned_drop`]`]`, since dropping pinned values requires extra care.
213 ///
214 /// # Examples
215 ///
216 /// ```rust,ignore
217 /// #[pin_data]
218 /// struct DriverData {
219 ///     #[pin]
220 ///     queue: Mutex<Vec<Command>>,
221 ///     buf: Box<[u8; 1024 * 1024]>,
222 /// }
223 /// ```
224 ///
225 /// ```rust,ignore
226 /// #[pin_data(PinnedDrop)]
227 /// struct DriverData {
228 ///     #[pin]
229 ///     queue: Mutex<Vec<Command>>,
230 ///     buf: Box<[u8; 1024 * 1024]>,
231 ///     raw_info: *mut Info,
232 /// }
233 ///
234 /// #[pinned_drop]
235 /// impl PinnedDrop for DriverData {
236 ///     fn drop(self: Pin<&mut Self>) {
237 ///         unsafe { bindings::destroy_info(self.raw_info) };
238 ///     }
239 /// }
240 /// ```
241 ///
242 /// [`pin_init!`]: ../kernel/macro.pin_init.html
243 //  ^ cannot use direct link, since `kernel` is not a dependency of `macros`.
244 #[proc_macro_attribute]
245 pub fn pin_data(inner: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
246     pin_data::pin_data(inner, item)
247 }
249 /// Used to implement `PinnedDrop` safely.
250 ///
251 /// Only works on structs that are annotated via `#[`[`macro@pin_data`]`]`.
252 ///
253 /// # Examples
254 ///
255 /// ```rust,ignore
256 /// #[pin_data(PinnedDrop)]
257 /// struct DriverData {
258 ///     #[pin]
259 ///     queue: Mutex<Vec<Command>>,
260 ///     buf: Box<[u8; 1024 * 1024]>,
261 ///     raw_info: *mut Info,
262 /// }
263 ///
264 /// #[pinned_drop]
265 /// impl PinnedDrop for DriverData {
266 ///     fn drop(self: Pin<&mut Self>) {
267 ///         unsafe { bindings::destroy_info(self.raw_info) };
268 ///     }
269 /// }
270 /// ```
271 #[proc_macro_attribute]
272 pub fn pinned_drop(args: TokenStream, input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
273     pinned_drop::pinned_drop(args, input)
274 }
276 /// Paste identifiers together.
277 ///
278 /// Within the `paste!` macro, identifiers inside `[<` and `>]` are concatenated together to form a
279 /// single identifier.
280 ///
281 /// This is similar to the [`paste`] crate, but with pasting feature limited to identifiers and
282 /// literals (lifetimes and documentation strings are not supported). There is a difference in
283 /// supported modifiers as well.
284 ///
285 /// # Example
286 ///
287 /// ```ignore
288 /// use kernel::macro::paste;
289 ///
290 /// macro_rules! pub_no_prefix {
291 ///     ($prefix:ident, $($newname:ident),+) => {
292 ///         paste! {
293 ///             $(pub(crate) const $newname: u32 = [<$prefix $newname>];)+
294 ///         }
295 ///     };
296 /// }
297 ///
298 /// pub_no_prefix!(
299 ///     binder_driver_return_protocol_,
300 ///     BR_OK,
301 ///     BR_ERROR,
302 ///     BR_TRANSACTION,
303 ///     BR_REPLY,
304 ///     BR_DEAD_REPLY,
306 ///     BR_INCREFS,
307 ///     BR_ACQUIRE,
308 ///     BR_RELEASE,
309 ///     BR_DECREFS,
310 ///     BR_NOOP,
311 ///     BR_SPAWN_LOOPER,
312 ///     BR_DEAD_BINDER,
314 ///     BR_FAILED_REPLY
315 /// );
316 ///
317 /// assert_eq!(BR_OK, binder_driver_return_protocol_BR_OK);
318 /// ```
319 ///
320 /// # Modifiers
321 ///
322 /// For each identifier, it is possible to attach one or multiple modifiers to
323 /// it.
324 ///
325 /// Currently supported modifiers are:
326 /// * `span`: change the span of concatenated identifier to the span of the specified token. By
327 /// default the span of the `[< >]` group is used.
328 /// * `lower`: change the identifier to lower case.
329 /// * `upper`: change the identifier to upper case.
330 ///
331 /// ```ignore
332 /// use kernel::macro::paste;
333 ///
334 /// macro_rules! pub_no_prefix {
335 ///     ($prefix:ident, $($newname:ident),+) => {
336 ///         kernel::macros::paste! {
337 ///             $(pub(crate) const fn [<$newname:lower:span>]: u32 = [<$prefix $newname:span>];)+
338 ///         }
339 ///     };
340 /// }
341 ///
342 /// pub_no_prefix!(
343 ///     binder_driver_return_protocol_,
344 ///     BR_OK,
345 ///     BR_ERROR,
346 ///     BR_TRANSACTION,
347 ///     BR_REPLY,
348 ///     BR_DEAD_REPLY,
350 ///     BR_INCREFS,
351 ///     BR_ACQUIRE,
352 ///     BR_RELEASE,
353 ///     BR_DECREFS,
354 ///     BR_NOOP,
355 ///     BR_SPAWN_LOOPER,
356 ///     BR_DEAD_BINDER,
358 ///     BR_FAILED_REPLY
359 /// );
360 ///
361 /// assert_eq!(br_ok(), binder_driver_return_protocol_BR_OK);
362 /// ```
363 ///
364 /// # Literals
365 ///
366 /// Literals can also be concatenated with other identifiers:
367 ///
368 /// ```ignore
369 /// macro_rules! create_numbered_fn {
370 ///     ($name:literal, $val:literal) => {
371 ///         kernel::macros::paste! {
372 ///             fn [<some_ $name _fn $val>]() -> u32 { $val }
373 ///         }
374 ///     };
375 /// }
376 ///
377 /// create_numbered_fn!("foo", 100);
378 ///
379 /// assert_eq!(some_foo_fn100(), 100)
380 /// ```
381 ///
382 /// [`paste`]: https://docs.rs/paste/
383 #[proc_macro]
384 pub fn paste(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
385     let mut tokens = input.into_iter().collect();
386     paste::expand(&mut tokens);
387     tokens.into_iter().collect()
388 }
390 /// Derives the [`Zeroable`] trait for the given struct.
391 ///
392 /// This can only be used for structs where every field implements the [`Zeroable`] trait.
393 ///
394 /// # Examples
395 ///
396 /// ```rust,ignore
397 /// #[derive(Zeroable)]
398 /// pub struct DriverData {
399 ///     id: i64,
400 ///     buf_ptr: *mut u8,
401 ///     len: usize,
402 /// }
403 /// ```
404 #[proc_macro_derive(Zeroable)]
405 pub fn derive_zeroable(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
406     zeroable::derive(input)
407 }