xref: /linux/rust/kernel/sync/lock/mutex.rs (revision eb01fe7abbe2d0b38824d2a93fdb4cc3eaf2ccc1)
1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
3 //! A kernel mutex.
4 //!
5 //! This module allows Rust code to use the kernel's `struct mutex`.
7 use crate::bindings;
9 /// Creates a [`Mutex`] initialiser with the given name and a newly-created lock class.
10 ///
11 /// It uses the name if one is given, otherwise it generates one based on the file name and line
12 /// number.
13 #[macro_export]
14 macro_rules! new_mutex {
15     ($inner:expr $(, $name:literal)? $(,)?) => {
16         $crate::sync::Mutex::new(
17             $inner, $crate::optional_name!($($name)?), $crate::static_lock_class!())
18     };
19 }
20 pub use new_mutex;
22 /// A mutual exclusion primitive.
23 ///
24 /// Exposes the kernel's [`struct mutex`]. When multiple threads attempt to lock the same mutex,
25 /// only one at a time is allowed to progress, the others will block (sleep) until the mutex is
26 /// unlocked, at which point another thread will be allowed to wake up and make progress.
27 ///
28 /// Since it may block, [`Mutex`] needs to be used with care in atomic contexts.
29 ///
30 /// Instances of [`Mutex`] need a lock class and to be pinned. The recommended way to create such
31 /// instances is with the [`pin_init`](crate::pin_init) and [`new_mutex`] macros.
32 ///
33 /// # Examples
34 ///
35 /// The following example shows how to declare, allocate and initialise a struct (`Example`) that
36 /// contains an inner struct (`Inner`) that is protected by a mutex.
37 ///
38 /// ```
39 /// use kernel::sync::{new_mutex, Mutex};
40 ///
41 /// struct Inner {
42 ///     a: u32,
43 ///     b: u32,
44 /// }
45 ///
46 /// #[pin_data]
47 /// struct Example {
48 ///     c: u32,
49 ///     #[pin]
50 ///     d: Mutex<Inner>,
51 /// }
52 ///
53 /// impl Example {
54 ///     fn new() -> impl PinInit<Self> {
55 ///         pin_init!(Self {
56 ///             c: 10,
57 ///             d <- new_mutex!(Inner { a: 20, b: 30 }),
58 ///         })
59 ///     }
60 /// }
61 ///
62 /// // Allocate a boxed `Example`.
63 /// let e = Box::pin_init(Example::new())?;
64 /// assert_eq!(e.c, 10);
65 /// assert_eq!(e.d.lock().a, 20);
66 /// assert_eq!(e.d.lock().b, 30);
67 /// # Ok::<(), Error>(())
68 /// ```
69 ///
70 /// The following example shows how to use interior mutability to modify the contents of a struct
71 /// protected by a mutex despite only having a shared reference:
72 ///
73 /// ```
74 /// use kernel::sync::Mutex;
75 ///
76 /// struct Example {
77 ///     a: u32,
78 ///     b: u32,
79 /// }
80 ///
81 /// fn example(m: &Mutex<Example>) {
82 ///     let mut guard = m.lock();
83 ///     guard.a += 10;
84 ///     guard.b += 20;
85 /// }
86 /// ```
87 ///
88 /// [`struct mutex`]: srctree/include/linux/mutex.h
89 pub type Mutex<T> = super::Lock<T, MutexBackend>;
91 /// A kernel `struct mutex` lock backend.
92 pub struct MutexBackend;
94 // SAFETY: The underlying kernel `struct mutex` object ensures mutual exclusion.
95 unsafe impl super::Backend for MutexBackend {
96     type State = bindings::mutex;
97     type GuardState = ();
99     unsafe fn init(
100         ptr: *mut Self::State,
101         name: *const core::ffi::c_char,
102         key: *mut bindings::lock_class_key,
103     ) {
104         // SAFETY: The safety requirements ensure that `ptr` is valid for writes, and `name` and
105         // `key` are valid for read indefinitely.
106         unsafe { bindings::__mutex_init(ptr, name, key) }
107     }
109     unsafe fn lock(ptr: *mut Self::State) -> Self::GuardState {
110         // SAFETY: The safety requirements of this function ensure that `ptr` points to valid
111         // memory, and that it has been initialised before.
112         unsafe { bindings::mutex_lock(ptr) };
113     }
115     unsafe fn unlock(ptr: *mut Self::State, _guard_state: &Self::GuardState) {
116         // SAFETY: The safety requirements of this function ensure that `ptr` is valid and that the
117         // caller is the owner of the mutex.
118         unsafe { bindings::mutex_unlock(ptr) };
119     }
120 }