xref: /linux/rust/kernel/miscdevice.rs (revision 2eff01ee2881becc9daaa0d53477ec202136b1f4)
1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
3 // Copyright (C) 2024 Google LLC.
5 //! Miscdevice support.
6 //!
7 //! C headers: [`include/linux/miscdevice.h`](srctree/include/linux/miscdevice.h).
8 //!
9 //! Reference: <https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/driver-api/misc_devices.html>
11 use crate::{
12     bindings,
13     error::{to_result, Error, Result, VTABLE_DEFAULT_ERROR},
14     prelude::*,
15     str::CStr,
16     types::{ForeignOwnable, Opaque},
17 };
18 use core::{
19     ffi::{c_int, c_long, c_uint, c_ulong},
20     marker::PhantomData,
21     mem::MaybeUninit,
22     pin::Pin,
23 };
25 /// Options for creating a misc device.
26 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
27 pub struct MiscDeviceOptions {
28     /// The name of the miscdevice.
29     pub name: &'static CStr,
30 }
32 impl MiscDeviceOptions {
33     /// Create a raw `struct miscdev` ready for registration.
34     pub const fn into_raw<T: MiscDevice>(self) -> bindings::miscdevice {
35         // SAFETY: All zeros is valid for this C type.
36         let mut result: bindings::miscdevice = unsafe { MaybeUninit::zeroed().assume_init() };
37         result.minor = bindings::MISC_DYNAMIC_MINOR as _;
38         result.name = self.name.as_char_ptr();
39         result.fops = create_vtable::<T>();
40         result
41     }
42 }
44 /// A registration of a miscdevice.
45 ///
46 /// # Invariants
47 ///
48 /// `inner` is a registered misc device.
49 #[repr(transparent)]
50 #[pin_data(PinnedDrop)]
51 pub struct MiscDeviceRegistration<T> {
52     #[pin]
53     inner: Opaque<bindings::miscdevice>,
54     _t: PhantomData<T>,
55 }
57 // SAFETY: It is allowed to call `misc_deregister` on a different thread from where you called
58 // `misc_register`.
59 unsafe impl<T> Send for MiscDeviceRegistration<T> {}
60 // SAFETY: All `&self` methods on this type are written to ensure that it is safe to call them in
61 // parallel.
62 unsafe impl<T> Sync for MiscDeviceRegistration<T> {}
64 impl<T: MiscDevice> MiscDeviceRegistration<T> {
65     /// Register a misc device.
66     pub fn register(opts: MiscDeviceOptions) -> impl PinInit<Self, Error> {
67         try_pin_init!(Self {
68             inner <- Opaque::try_ffi_init(move |slot: *mut bindings::miscdevice| {
69                 // SAFETY: The initializer can write to the provided `slot`.
70                 unsafe { slot.write(opts.into_raw::<T>()) };
72                 // SAFETY: We just wrote the misc device options to the slot. The miscdevice will
73                 // get unregistered before `slot` is deallocated because the memory is pinned and
74                 // the destructor of this type deallocates the memory.
75                 // INVARIANT: If this returns `Ok(())`, then the `slot` will contain a registered
76                 // misc device.
77                 to_result(unsafe { bindings::misc_register(slot) })
78             }),
79             _t: PhantomData,
80         })
81     }
83     /// Returns a raw pointer to the misc device.
84     pub fn as_raw(&self) -> *mut bindings::miscdevice {
85         self.inner.get()
86     }
87 }
89 #[pinned_drop]
90 impl<T> PinnedDrop for MiscDeviceRegistration<T> {
91     fn drop(self: Pin<&mut Self>) {
92         // SAFETY: We know that the device is registered by the type invariants.
93         unsafe { bindings::misc_deregister(self.inner.get()) };
94     }
95 }
97 /// Trait implemented by the private data of an open misc device.
98 #[vtable]
99 pub trait MiscDevice {
100     /// What kind of pointer should `Self` be wrapped in.
101     type Ptr: ForeignOwnable + Send + Sync;
103     /// Called when the misc device is opened.
104     ///
105     /// The returned pointer will be stored as the private data for the file.
106     fn open() -> Result<Self::Ptr>;
108     /// Called when the misc device is released.
109     fn release(device: Self::Ptr) {
110         drop(device);
111     }
113     /// Handler for ioctls.
114     ///
115     /// The `cmd` argument is usually manipulated using the utilties in [`kernel::ioctl`].
116     ///
117     /// [`kernel::ioctl`]: mod@crate::ioctl
118     fn ioctl(
119         _device: <Self::Ptr as ForeignOwnable>::Borrowed<'_>,
120         _cmd: u32,
121         _arg: usize,
122     ) -> Result<isize> {
123         kernel::build_error(VTABLE_DEFAULT_ERROR)
124     }
126     /// Handler for ioctls.
127     ///
128     /// Used for 32-bit userspace on 64-bit platforms.
129     ///
130     /// This method is optional and only needs to be provided if the ioctl relies on structures
131     /// that have different layout on 32-bit and 64-bit userspace. If no implementation is
132     /// provided, then `compat_ptr_ioctl` will be used instead.
133     #[cfg(CONFIG_COMPAT)]
134     fn compat_ioctl(
135         _device: <Self::Ptr as ForeignOwnable>::Borrowed<'_>,
136         _cmd: u32,
137         _arg: usize,
138     ) -> Result<isize> {
139         kernel::build_error(VTABLE_DEFAULT_ERROR)
140     }
141 }
143 const fn create_vtable<T: MiscDevice>() -> &'static bindings::file_operations {
144     const fn maybe_fn<T: Copy>(check: bool, func: T) -> Option<T> {
145         if check {
146             Some(func)
147         } else {
148             None
149         }
150     }
152     struct VtableHelper<T: MiscDevice> {
153         _t: PhantomData<T>,
154     }
155     impl<T: MiscDevice> VtableHelper<T> {
156         const VTABLE: bindings::file_operations = bindings::file_operations {
157             open: Some(fops_open::<T>),
158             release: Some(fops_release::<T>),
159             unlocked_ioctl: maybe_fn(T::HAS_IOCTL, fops_ioctl::<T>),
160             #[cfg(CONFIG_COMPAT)]
161             compat_ioctl: if T::HAS_COMPAT_IOCTL {
162                 Some(fops_compat_ioctl::<T>)
163             } else if T::HAS_IOCTL {
164                 Some(bindings::compat_ptr_ioctl)
165             } else {
166                 None
167             },
168             // SAFETY: All zeros is a valid value for `bindings::file_operations`.
169             ..unsafe { MaybeUninit::zeroed().assume_init() }
170         };
171     }
173     &VtableHelper::<T>::VTABLE
174 }
176 /// # Safety
177 ///
178 /// `file` and `inode` must be the file and inode for a file that is undergoing initialization.
179 /// The file must be associated with a `MiscDeviceRegistration<T>`.
180 unsafe extern "C" fn fops_open<T: MiscDevice>(
181     inode: *mut bindings::inode,
182     file: *mut bindings::file,
183 ) -> c_int {
184     // SAFETY: The pointers are valid and for a file being opened.
185     let ret = unsafe { bindings::generic_file_open(inode, file) };
186     if ret != 0 {
187         return ret;
188     }
190     let ptr = match T::open() {
191         Ok(ptr) => ptr,
192         Err(err) => return err.to_errno(),
193     };
195     // SAFETY: The open call of a file owns the private data.
196     unsafe { (*file).private_data = ptr.into_foreign().cast_mut() };
198     0
199 }
201 /// # Safety
202 ///
203 /// `file` and `inode` must be the file and inode for a file that is being released. The file must
204 /// be associated with a `MiscDeviceRegistration<T>`.
205 unsafe extern "C" fn fops_release<T: MiscDevice>(
206     _inode: *mut bindings::inode,
207     file: *mut bindings::file,
208 ) -> c_int {
209     // SAFETY: The release call of a file owns the private data.
210     let private = unsafe { (*file).private_data };
211     // SAFETY: The release call of a file owns the private data.
212     let ptr = unsafe { <T::Ptr as ForeignOwnable>::from_foreign(private) };
214     T::release(ptr);
216     0
217 }
219 /// # Safety
220 ///
221 /// `file` must be a valid file that is associated with a `MiscDeviceRegistration<T>`.
222 unsafe extern "C" fn fops_ioctl<T: MiscDevice>(
223     file: *mut bindings::file,
224     cmd: c_uint,
225     arg: c_ulong,
226 ) -> c_long {
227     // SAFETY: The ioctl call of a file can access the private data.
228     let private = unsafe { (*file).private_data };
229     // SAFETY: Ioctl calls can borrow the private data of the file.
230     let device = unsafe { <T::Ptr as ForeignOwnable>::borrow(private) };
232     match T::ioctl(device, cmd, arg as usize) {
233         Ok(ret) => ret as c_long,
234         Err(err) => err.to_errno() as c_long,
235     }
236 }
238 /// # Safety
239 ///
240 /// `file` must be a valid file that is associated with a `MiscDeviceRegistration<T>`.
241 #[cfg(CONFIG_COMPAT)]
242 unsafe extern "C" fn fops_compat_ioctl<T: MiscDevice>(
243     file: *mut bindings::file,
244     cmd: c_uint,
245     arg: c_ulong,
246 ) -> c_long {
247     // SAFETY: The compat ioctl call of a file can access the private data.
248     let private = unsafe { (*file).private_data };
249     // SAFETY: Ioctl calls can borrow the private data of the file.
250     let device = unsafe { <T::Ptr as ForeignOwnable>::borrow(private) };
252     match T::compat_ioctl(device, cmd, arg as usize) {
253         Ok(ret) => ret as c_long,
254         Err(err) => err.to_errno() as c_long,
255     }
256 }