xref: /linux/lib/kunit/kunit-example-test.c (revision 9acb51e9617c28a92f9ce2af767db6bd660a6d4f)
1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
2 /*
3  * Example KUnit test to show how to use KUnit.
4  *
5  * Copyright (C) 2019, Google LLC.
6  * Author: Brendan Higgins <brendanhiggins@google.com>
7  */
9 #include <kunit/test.h>
10 #include <kunit/static_stub.h>
12 /*
13  * This is the most fundamental element of KUnit, the test case. A test case
14  * makes a set EXPECTATIONs and ASSERTIONs about the behavior of some code; if
15  * any expectations or assertions are not met, the test fails; otherwise, the
16  * test passes.
17  *
18  * In KUnit, a test case is just a function with the signature
19  * `void (*)(struct kunit *)`. `struct kunit` is a context object that stores
20  * information about the current test.
21  */
22 static void example_simple_test(struct kunit *test)
23 {
24 	/*
25 	 * This is an EXPECTATION; it is how KUnit tests things. When you want
26 	 * to test a piece of code, you set some expectations about what the
27 	 * code should do. KUnit then runs the test and verifies that the code's
28 	 * behavior matched what was expected.
29 	 */
30 	KUNIT_EXPECT_EQ(test, 1 + 1, 2);
31 }
33 /*
34  * This is run once before each test case, see the comment on
35  * example_test_suite for more information.
36  */
37 static int example_test_init(struct kunit *test)
38 {
39 	kunit_info(test, "initializing\n");
41 	return 0;
42 }
44 /*
45  * This is run once after each test case, see the comment on
46  * example_test_suite for more information.
47  */
48 static void example_test_exit(struct kunit *test)
49 {
50 	kunit_info(test, "cleaning up\n");
51 }
54 /*
55  * This is run once before all test cases in the suite.
56  * See the comment on example_test_suite for more information.
57  */
58 static int example_test_init_suite(struct kunit_suite *suite)
59 {
60 	kunit_info(suite, "initializing suite\n");
62 	return 0;
63 }
65 /*
66  * This is run once after all test cases in the suite.
67  * See the comment on example_test_suite for more information.
68  */
69 static void example_test_exit_suite(struct kunit_suite *suite)
70 {
71 	kunit_info(suite, "exiting suite\n");
72 }
75 /*
76  * This test should always be skipped.
77  */
78 static void example_skip_test(struct kunit *test)
79 {
80 	/* This line should run */
81 	kunit_info(test, "You should not see a line below.");
83 	/* Skip (and abort) the test */
84 	kunit_skip(test, "this test should be skipped");
86 	/* This line should not execute */
87 	KUNIT_FAIL(test, "You should not see this line.");
88 }
90 /*
91  * This test should always be marked skipped.
92  */
93 static void example_mark_skipped_test(struct kunit *test)
94 {
95 	/* This line should run */
96 	kunit_info(test, "You should see a line below.");
98 	/* Skip (but do not abort) the test */
99 	kunit_mark_skipped(test, "this test should be skipped");
101 	/* This line should run */
102 	kunit_info(test, "You should see this line.");
103 }
105 /*
106  * This test shows off all the types of KUNIT_EXPECT macros.
107  */
108 static void example_all_expect_macros_test(struct kunit *test)
109 {
110 	const u32 array1[] = { 0x0F, 0xFF };
111 	const u32 array2[] = { 0x1F, 0xFF };
113 	/* Boolean assertions */
114 	KUNIT_EXPECT_TRUE(test, true);
115 	KUNIT_EXPECT_FALSE(test, false);
117 	/* Integer assertions */
118 	KUNIT_EXPECT_EQ(test, 1, 1); /* check == */
119 	KUNIT_EXPECT_GE(test, 1, 1); /* check >= */
120 	KUNIT_EXPECT_LE(test, 1, 1); /* check <= */
121 	KUNIT_EXPECT_NE(test, 1, 0); /* check != */
122 	KUNIT_EXPECT_GT(test, 1, 0); /* check >  */
123 	KUNIT_EXPECT_LT(test, 0, 1); /* check <  */
125 	/* Pointer assertions */
126 	KUNIT_EXPECT_NOT_ERR_OR_NULL(test, test);
128 	KUNIT_EXPECT_PTR_NE(test, test, NULL);
130 	KUNIT_EXPECT_NOT_NULL(test, test);
132 	/* String assertions */
133 	KUNIT_EXPECT_STREQ(test, "hi", "hi");
134 	KUNIT_EXPECT_STRNEQ(test, "hi", "bye");
136 	/* Memory block assertions */
137 	KUNIT_EXPECT_MEMEQ(test, array1, array1, sizeof(array1));
138 	KUNIT_EXPECT_MEMNEQ(test, array1, array2, sizeof(array1));
140 	/*
141 	 * There are also ASSERT variants of all of the above that abort test
142 	 * execution if they fail. Useful for memory allocations, etc.
143 	 */
144 	KUNIT_ASSERT_GT(test, sizeof(char), 0);
146 	/*
147 	 * There are also _MSG variants of all of the above that let you include
148 	 * additional text on failure.
149 	 */
150 	KUNIT_EXPECT_GT_MSG(test, sizeof(int), 0, "Your ints are 0-bit?!");
151 	KUNIT_ASSERT_GT_MSG(test, sizeof(int), 0, "Your ints are 0-bit?!");
152 }
154 /* This is a function we'll replace with static stubs. */
155 static int add_one(int i)
156 {
157 	/* This will trigger the stub if active. */
160 	return i + 1;
161 }
163 /* This is used as a replacement for the above function. */
164 static int subtract_one(int i)
165 {
166 	/* We don't need to trigger the stub from the replacement. */
168 	return i - 1;
169 }
171 /*
172  * If the function to be replaced is static within a module it is
173  * useful to export a pointer to that function instead of having
174  * to change the static function to a non-static exported function.
175  *
176  * This pointer simulates a module exporting a pointer to a static
177  * function.
178  */
179 static int (* const add_one_fn_ptr)(int i) = add_one;
181 /*
182  * This test shows the use of static stubs.
183  */
184 static void example_static_stub_test(struct kunit *test)
185 {
186 	/* By default, function is not stubbed. */
187 	KUNIT_EXPECT_EQ(test, add_one(1), 2);
189 	/* Replace add_one() with subtract_one(). */
190 	kunit_activate_static_stub(test, add_one, subtract_one);
192 	/* add_one() is now replaced. */
193 	KUNIT_EXPECT_EQ(test, add_one(1), 0);
195 	/* Return add_one() to normal. */
196 	kunit_deactivate_static_stub(test, add_one);
197 	KUNIT_EXPECT_EQ(test, add_one(1), 2);
198 }
200 /*
201  * This test shows the use of static stubs when the function being
202  * replaced is provided as a pointer-to-function instead of the
203  * actual function. This is useful for providing access to static
204  * functions in a module by exporting a pointer to that function
205  * instead of having to change the static function to a non-static
206  * exported function.
207  */
208 static void example_static_stub_using_fn_ptr_test(struct kunit *test)
209 {
210 	/* By default, function is not stubbed. */
211 	KUNIT_EXPECT_EQ(test, add_one(1), 2);
213 	/* Replace add_one() with subtract_one(). */
214 	kunit_activate_static_stub(test, add_one_fn_ptr, subtract_one);
216 	/* add_one() is now replaced. */
217 	KUNIT_EXPECT_EQ(test, add_one(1), 0);
219 	/* Return add_one() to normal. */
220 	kunit_deactivate_static_stub(test, add_one_fn_ptr);
221 	KUNIT_EXPECT_EQ(test, add_one(1), 2);
222 }
224 static const struct example_param {
225 	int value;
226 } example_params_array[] = {
227 	{ .value = 3, },
228 	{ .value = 2, },
229 	{ .value = 1, },
230 	{ .value = 0, },
231 };
233 static void example_param_get_desc(const struct example_param *p, char *desc)
234 {
235 	snprintf(desc, KUNIT_PARAM_DESC_SIZE, "example value %d", p->value);
236 }
238 KUNIT_ARRAY_PARAM(example, example_params_array, example_param_get_desc);
240 /*
241  * This test shows the use of params.
242  */
243 static void example_params_test(struct kunit *test)
244 {
245 	const struct example_param *param = test->param_value;
247 	/* By design, param pointer will not be NULL */
248 	KUNIT_ASSERT_NOT_NULL(test, param);
250 	/* Test can be skipped on unsupported param values */
251 	if (!is_power_of_2(param->value))
252 		kunit_skip(test, "unsupported param value %d", param->value);
254 	/* You can use param values for parameterized testing */
255 	KUNIT_EXPECT_EQ(test, param->value % param->value, 0);
256 }
258 /*
259  * This test shows the use of test->priv.
260  */
261 static void example_priv_test(struct kunit *test)
262 {
263 	/* unless setup in suite->init(), test->priv is NULL */
264 	KUNIT_ASSERT_NULL(test, test->priv);
266 	/* but can be used to pass arbitrary data to other functions */
267 	test->priv = kunit_kzalloc(test, 1, GFP_KERNEL);
268 	KUNIT_EXPECT_NOT_NULL(test, test->priv);
269 	KUNIT_ASSERT_PTR_EQ(test, test->priv, kunit_get_current_test()->priv);
270 }
272 /*
273  * This test should always pass. Can be used to practice filtering attributes.
274  */
275 static void example_slow_test(struct kunit *test)
276 {
277 	KUNIT_EXPECT_EQ(test, 1 + 1, 2);
278 }
280 /*
281  * Here we make a list of all the test cases we want to add to the test suite
282  * below.
283  */
284 static struct kunit_case example_test_cases[] = {
285 	/*
286 	 * This is a helper to create a test case object from a test case
287 	 * function; its exact function is not important to understand how to
288 	 * use KUnit, just know that this is how you associate test cases with a
289 	 * test suite.
290 	 */
291 	KUNIT_CASE(example_simple_test),
292 	KUNIT_CASE(example_skip_test),
293 	KUNIT_CASE(example_mark_skipped_test),
294 	KUNIT_CASE(example_all_expect_macros_test),
295 	KUNIT_CASE(example_static_stub_test),
296 	KUNIT_CASE(example_static_stub_using_fn_ptr_test),
297 	KUNIT_CASE(example_priv_test),
298 	KUNIT_CASE_PARAM(example_params_test, example_gen_params),
299 	KUNIT_CASE_SLOW(example_slow_test),
300 	{}
301 };
303 /*
304  * This defines a suite or grouping of tests.
305  *
306  * Test cases are defined as belonging to the suite by adding them to
307  * `kunit_cases`.
308  *
309  * Often it is desirable to run some function which will set up things which
310  * will be used by every test; this is accomplished with an `init` function
311  * which runs before each test case is invoked. Similarly, an `exit` function
312  * may be specified which runs after every test case and can be used to for
313  * cleanup. For clarity, running tests in a test suite would behave as follows:
314  *
315  * suite.suite_init(suite);
316  * suite.init(test);
317  * suite.test_case[0](test);
318  * suite.exit(test);
319  * suite.init(test);
320  * suite.test_case[1](test);
321  * suite.exit(test);
322  * suite.suite_exit(suite);
323  * ...;
324  */
325 static struct kunit_suite example_test_suite = {
326 	.name = "example",
327 	.init = example_test_init,
328 	.exit = example_test_exit,
329 	.suite_init = example_test_init_suite,
330 	.suite_exit = example_test_exit_suite,
331 	.test_cases = example_test_cases,
332 };
334 /*
335  * This registers the above test suite telling KUnit that this is a suite of
336  * tests that need to be run.
337  */
338 kunit_test_suites(&example_test_suite);
340 static int __init init_add(int x, int y)
341 {
342 	return (x + y);
343 }
345 /*
346  * This test should always pass. Can be used to test init suites.
347  */
348 static void __init example_init_test(struct kunit *test)
349 {
350 	KUNIT_EXPECT_EQ(test, init_add(1, 1), 2);
351 }
353 /*
354  * The kunit_case struct cannot be marked as __initdata as this will be
355  * used in debugfs to retrieve results after test has run
356  */
357 static struct kunit_case __refdata example_init_test_cases[] = {
358 	KUNIT_CASE(example_init_test),
359 	{}
360 };
362 /*
363  * The kunit_suite struct cannot be marked as __initdata as this will be
364  * used in debugfs to retrieve results after test has run
365  */
366 static struct kunit_suite example_init_test_suite = {
367 	.name = "example_init",
368 	.test_cases = example_init_test_cases,
369 };
371 /*
372  * This registers the test suite and marks the suite as using init data
373  * and/or functions.
374  */
375 kunit_test_init_section_suites(&example_init_test_suite);
377 MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Example KUnit test suite");