xref: /linux/Documentation/sphinx/automarkup.py (revision 68c402fe5c5e5aa9a04c8bba9d99feb08a68afa7)
1# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
2# Copyright 2019 Jonathan Corbet <corbet@lwn.net>
4# Apply kernel-specific tweaks after the initial document processing
5# has been done.
7from docutils import nodes
8import sphinx
9from sphinx import addnodes
10from sphinx.errors import NoUri
11import re
12from itertools import chain
15# Python 2 lacks re.ASCII...
18    ascii_p3 = re.ASCII
19except AttributeError:
20    ascii_p3 = 0
23# Regex nastiness.  Of course.
24# Try to identify "function()" that's not already marked up some
25# other way.  Sphinx doesn't like a lot of stuff right after a
26# :c:func: block (i.e. ":c:func:`mmap()`s" flakes out), so the last
27# bit tries to restrict matches to things that won't create trouble.
29RE_function = re.compile(r'\b(([a-zA-Z_]\w+)\(\))', flags=ascii_p3)
32# Sphinx 2 uses the same :c:type role for struct, union, enum and typedef
34RE_generic_type = re.compile(r'\b(struct|union|enum|typedef)\s+([a-zA-Z_]\w+)',
35                             flags=ascii_p3)
38# Sphinx 3 uses a different C role for each one of struct, union, enum and
39# typedef
41RE_struct = re.compile(r'\b(struct)\s+([a-zA-Z_]\w+)', flags=ascii_p3)
42RE_union = re.compile(r'\b(union)\s+([a-zA-Z_]\w+)', flags=ascii_p3)
43RE_enum = re.compile(r'\b(enum)\s+([a-zA-Z_]\w+)', flags=ascii_p3)
44RE_typedef = re.compile(r'\b(typedef)\s+([a-zA-Z_]\w+)', flags=ascii_p3)
47# Detects a reference to a documentation page of the form Documentation/... with
48# an optional extension
50RE_doc = re.compile(r'(\bDocumentation/)?((\.\./)*[\w\-/]+)\.(rst|txt)')
52RE_namespace = re.compile(r'^\s*..\s*c:namespace::\s*(\S+)\s*$')
55# Reserved C words that we should skip when cross-referencing
57Skipnames = [ 'for', 'if', 'register', 'sizeof', 'struct', 'unsigned' ]
61# Many places in the docs refer to common system calls.  It is
62# pointless to try to cross-reference them and, as has been known
63# to happen, somebody defining a function by these names can lead
64# to the creation of incorrect and confusing cross references.  So
65# just don't even try with these names.
67Skipfuncs = [ 'open', 'close', 'read', 'write', 'fcntl', 'mmap',
68              'select', 'poll', 'fork', 'execve', 'clone', 'ioctl',
69              'socket' ]
71c_namespace = ''
74# Detect references to commits.
76RE_git = re.compile(r'commit\s+(?P<rev>[0-9a-f]{12,40})(?:\s+\(".*?"\))?',
77    flags=re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL)
79def markup_refs(docname, app, node):
80    t = node.astext()
81    done = 0
82    repl = [ ]
83    #
84    # Associate each regex with the function that will markup its matches
85    #
86    markup_func_sphinx2 = {RE_doc: markup_doc_ref,
87                           RE_function: markup_c_ref,
88                           RE_generic_type: markup_c_ref}
90    markup_func_sphinx3 = {RE_doc: markup_doc_ref,
91                           RE_function: markup_func_ref_sphinx3,
92                           RE_struct: markup_c_ref,
93                           RE_union: markup_c_ref,
94                           RE_enum: markup_c_ref,
95                           RE_typedef: markup_c_ref,
96                           RE_git: markup_git}
98    if sphinx.version_info[0] >= 3:
99        markup_func = markup_func_sphinx3
100    else:
101        markup_func = markup_func_sphinx2
103    match_iterators = [regex.finditer(t) for regex in markup_func]
104    #
105    # Sort all references by the starting position in text
106    #
107    sorted_matches = sorted(chain(*match_iterators), key=lambda m: m.start())
108    for m in sorted_matches:
109        #
110        # Include any text prior to match as a normal text node.
111        #
112        if m.start() > done:
113            repl.append(nodes.Text(t[done:m.start()]))
115        #
116        # Call the function associated with the regex that matched this text and
117        # append its return to the text
118        #
119        repl.append(markup_func[m.re](docname, app, m))
121        done = m.end()
122    if done < len(t):
123        repl.append(nodes.Text(t[done:]))
124    return repl
127# Keep track of cross-reference lookups that failed so we don't have to
128# do them again.
130failed_lookups = { }
131def failure_seen(target):
132    return (target) in failed_lookups
133def note_failure(target):
134    failed_lookups[target] = True
137# In sphinx3 we can cross-reference to C macro and function, each one with its
138# own C role, but both match the same regex, so we try both.
140def markup_func_ref_sphinx3(docname, app, match):
141    cdom = app.env.domains['c']
142    #
143    # Go through the dance of getting an xref out of the C domain
144    #
145    base_target = match.group(2)
146    target_text = nodes.Text(match.group(0))
147    xref = None
148    possible_targets = [base_target]
149    # Check if this document has a namespace, and if so, try
150    # cross-referencing inside it first.
151    if c_namespace:
152        possible_targets.insert(0, c_namespace + "." + base_target)
154    if base_target not in Skipnames:
155        for target in possible_targets:
156            if (target not in Skipfuncs) and not failure_seen(target):
157                lit_text = nodes.literal(classes=['xref', 'c', 'c-func'])
158                lit_text += target_text
159                pxref = addnodes.pending_xref('', refdomain = 'c',
160                                              reftype = 'function',
161                                              reftarget = target,
162                                              modname = None,
163                                              classname = None)
164                #
165                # XXX The Latex builder will throw NoUri exceptions here,
166                # work around that by ignoring them.
167                #
168                try:
169                    xref = cdom.resolve_xref(app.env, docname, app.builder,
170                                             'function', target, pxref,
171                                             lit_text)
172                except NoUri:
173                    xref = None
175                if xref:
176                    return xref
177                note_failure(target)
179    return target_text
181def markup_c_ref(docname, app, match):
182    class_str = {# Sphinx 2 only
183                 RE_function: 'c-func',
184                 RE_generic_type: 'c-type',
185                 # Sphinx 3+ only
186                 RE_struct: 'c-struct',
187                 RE_union: 'c-union',
188                 RE_enum: 'c-enum',
189                 RE_typedef: 'c-type',
190                 }
191    reftype_str = {# Sphinx 2 only
192                   RE_function: 'function',
193                   RE_generic_type: 'type',
194                   # Sphinx 3+ only
195                   RE_struct: 'struct',
196                   RE_union: 'union',
197                   RE_enum: 'enum',
198                   RE_typedef: 'type',
199                   }
201    cdom = app.env.domains['c']
202    #
203    # Go through the dance of getting an xref out of the C domain
204    #
205    base_target = match.group(2)
206    target_text = nodes.Text(match.group(0))
207    xref = None
208    possible_targets = [base_target]
209    # Check if this document has a namespace, and if so, try
210    # cross-referencing inside it first.
211    if c_namespace:
212        possible_targets.insert(0, c_namespace + "." + base_target)
214    if base_target not in Skipnames:
215        for target in possible_targets:
216            if not (match.re == RE_function and target in Skipfuncs):
217                lit_text = nodes.literal(classes=['xref', 'c', class_str[match.re]])
218                lit_text += target_text
219                pxref = addnodes.pending_xref('', refdomain = 'c',
220                                              reftype = reftype_str[match.re],
221                                              reftarget = target, modname = None,
222                                              classname = None)
223                #
224                # XXX The Latex builder will throw NoUri exceptions here,
225                # work around that by ignoring them.
226                #
227                try:
228                    xref = cdom.resolve_xref(app.env, docname, app.builder,
229                                             reftype_str[match.re], target, pxref,
230                                             lit_text)
231                except NoUri:
232                    xref = None
234                if xref:
235                    return xref
237    return target_text
240# Try to replace a documentation reference of the form Documentation/... with a
241# cross reference to that page
243def markup_doc_ref(docname, app, match):
244    stddom = app.env.domains['std']
245    #
246    # Go through the dance of getting an xref out of the std domain
247    #
248    absolute = match.group(1)
249    target = match.group(2)
250    if absolute:
251       target = "/" + target
252    xref = None
253    pxref = addnodes.pending_xref('', refdomain = 'std', reftype = 'doc',
254                                  reftarget = target, modname = None,
255                                  classname = None, refexplicit = False)
256    #
257    # XXX The Latex builder will throw NoUri exceptions here,
258    # work around that by ignoring them.
259    #
260    try:
261        xref = stddom.resolve_xref(app.env, docname, app.builder, 'doc',
262                                   target, pxref, None)
263    except NoUri:
264        xref = None
265    #
266    # Return the xref if we got it; otherwise just return the plain text.
267    #
268    if xref:
269        return xref
270    else:
271        return nodes.Text(match.group(0))
273def get_c_namespace(app, docname):
274    source = app.env.doc2path(docname)
275    with open(source) as f:
276        for l in f:
277            match = RE_namespace.search(l)
278            if match:
279                return match.group(1)
280    return ''
282def markup_git(docname, app, match):
283    # While we could probably assume that we are running in a git
284    # repository, we can't know for sure, so let's just mechanically
285    # turn them into git.kernel.org links without checking their
286    # validity. (Maybe we can do something in the future to warn about
287    # these references if this is explicitly requested.)
288    text = match.group(0)
289    rev = match.group('rev')
290    return nodes.reference('', nodes.Text(text),
291        refuri=f'https://git.kernel.org/torvalds/c/{rev}')
293def auto_markup(app, doctree, name):
294    global c_namespace
295    c_namespace = get_c_namespace(app, name)
296    def text_but_not_a_reference(node):
297        # The nodes.literal test catches ``literal text``, its purpose is to
298        # avoid adding cross-references to functions that have been explicitly
299        # marked with cc:func:.
300        if not isinstance(node, nodes.Text) or isinstance(node.parent, nodes.literal):
301            return False
303        child_of_reference = False
304        parent = node.parent
305        while parent:
306            if isinstance(parent, nodes.Referential):
307                child_of_reference = True
308                break
309            parent = parent.parent
310        return not child_of_reference
312    #
313    # This loop could eventually be improved on.  Someday maybe we
314    # want a proper tree traversal with a lot of awareness of which
315    # kinds of nodes to prune.  But this works well for now.
316    #
317    for para in doctree.traverse(nodes.paragraph):
318        for node in para.traverse(condition=text_but_not_a_reference):
319            node.parent.replace(node, markup_refs(name, app, node))
321def setup(app):
322    app.connect('doctree-resolved', auto_markup)
323    return {
324        'parallel_read_safe': True,
325        'parallel_write_safe': True,
326        }