1*c92bab5eSJean-Christophe Trotinst-hva: multi-format video encoder for STMicroelectronics SoC. 2*c92bab5eSJean-Christophe Trotin 3*c92bab5eSJean-Christophe TrotinRequired properties: 4*c92bab5eSJean-Christophe Trotin- compatible: should be "st,st-hva". 5*c92bab5eSJean-Christophe Trotin- reg: HVA physical address location and length, esram address location and 6*c92bab5eSJean-Christophe Trotin length. 7*c92bab5eSJean-Christophe Trotin- reg-names: names of the registers listed in registers property in the same 8*c92bab5eSJean-Christophe Trotin order. 9*c92bab5eSJean-Christophe Trotin- interrupts: HVA interrupt number. 10*c92bab5eSJean-Christophe Trotin- clocks: from common clock binding: handle hardware IP needed clocks, the 11*c92bab5eSJean-Christophe Trotin number of clocks may depend on the SoC type. 12*c92bab5eSJean-Christophe Trotin See ../clock/clock-bindings.txt for details. 13*c92bab5eSJean-Christophe Trotin- clock-names: names of the clocks listed in clocks property in the same order. 14*c92bab5eSJean-Christophe Trotin 15*c92bab5eSJean-Christophe TrotinExample: 16*c92bab5eSJean-Christophe Trotin hva@8c85000{ 17*c92bab5eSJean-Christophe Trotin compatible = "st,st-hva"; 18*c92bab5eSJean-Christophe Trotin reg = <0x8c85000 0x400>, <0x6000000 0x40000>; 19*c92bab5eSJean-Christophe Trotin reg-names = "hva_registers", "hva_esram"; 20*c92bab5eSJean-Christophe Trotin interrupts = <GIC_SPI 58 IRQ_TYPE_NONE>, 21*c92bab5eSJean-Christophe Trotin <GIC_SPI 59 IRQ_TYPE_NONE>; 22*c92bab5eSJean-Christophe Trotin clock-names = "clk_hva"; 23*c92bab5eSJean-Christophe Trotin clocks = <&clk_s_c0_flexgen CLK_HVA>; 24*c92bab5eSJean-Christophe Trotin }; 25