xref: /linux/Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-driver-w1_therm (revision 021da53e65fdd0e1b8492c2670dd075c0ea910fc)
1e2c94d6fSAkira ShimaharaWhat:		/sys/bus/w1/devices/.../alarms
2e2c94d6fSAkira ShimaharaDate:		May 2020
3e2c94d6fSAkira ShimaharaContact:	Akira Shimahara <akira215corp@gmail.com>
4e2c94d6fSAkira ShimaharaDescription:
5e2c94d6fSAkira Shimahara		(RW) read or write TH and TL (Temperature High an Low) alarms.
6e2c94d6fSAkira Shimahara		Values shall be space separated and in the device range
7e2c94d6fSAkira Shimahara		(typical -55 degC to 125 degC), if not values will be trimmed
8e2c94d6fSAkira Shimahara		to device min/max capabilities. Values are integer as they are
9e2c94d6fSAkira Shimahara		stored in a 8bit register in the device. Lowest value is
10e2c94d6fSAkira Shimahara		automatically put to TL. Once set, alarms could be search at
11bbea2aa3SMauro Carvalho Chehab		master level, refer to Documentation/w1/w1-generic.rst for
12e2c94d6fSAkira Shimahara		detailed information
13e2c94d6fSAkira ShimaharaUsers:		any user space application which wants to communicate with
14e2c94d6fSAkira Shimahara		w1_term device
15e2c94d6fSAkira Shimahara
16e2c94d6fSAkira Shimahara
1745d457a4SAkira ShimaharaWhat:		/sys/bus/w1/devices/.../eeprom
1845d457a4SAkira ShimaharaDate:		May 2020
1945d457a4SAkira ShimaharaContact:	Akira Shimahara <akira215corp@gmail.com>
2045d457a4SAkira ShimaharaDescription:
2145d457a4SAkira Shimahara		(WO) writing that file will either trigger a save of the
2245d457a4SAkira Shimahara		device data to its embedded EEPROM, either restore data
2345d457a4SAkira Shimahara		embedded in device EEPROM. Be aware that devices support
2445d457a4SAkira Shimahara		limited EEPROM writing cycles (typical 50k)
2545d457a4SAkira Shimahara			* 'save': save device RAM to EEPROM
2645d457a4SAkira Shimahara			* 'restore': restore EEPROM data in device RAM
2745d457a4SAkira ShimaharaUsers:		any user space application which wants to communicate with
2845d457a4SAkira Shimahara		w1_term device
2945d457a4SAkira Shimahara
3045d457a4SAkira Shimahara
31b7bb6ca1SAkira ShimaharaWhat:		/sys/bus/w1/devices/.../ext_power
32b7bb6ca1SAkira ShimaharaDate:		May 2020
33b7bb6ca1SAkira ShimaharaContact:	Akira Shimahara <akira215corp@gmail.com>
34b7bb6ca1SAkira ShimaharaDescription:
35b7bb6ca1SAkira Shimahara		(RO) return the power status by asking the device
36b7bb6ca1SAkira Shimahara			* '0': device parasite powered
37b7bb6ca1SAkira Shimahara			* '1': device externally powered
38b7bb6ca1SAkira Shimahara			* '-xx': xx is kernel error when reading power status
39b7bb6ca1SAkira ShimaharaUsers:		any user space application which wants to communicate with
40b7bb6ca1SAkira Shimahara		w1_term device
41b7bb6ca1SAkira Shimahara
42b7bb6ca1SAkira Shimahara
43308bdb94SAkira ShimaharaWhat:		/sys/bus/w1/devices/.../resolution
44308bdb94SAkira ShimaharaDate:		May 2020
45308bdb94SAkira ShimaharaContact:	Akira Shimahara <akira215corp@gmail.com>
46308bdb94SAkira ShimaharaDescription:
47308bdb94SAkira Shimahara		(RW) get or set the device resolution (on supported devices,
48308bdb94SAkira Shimahara		if not, this entry is not present). Note that the resolution
49308bdb94SAkira Shimahara		will be changed only in device RAM, so it will be cleared when
50308bdb94SAkira Shimahara		power is lost. Trigger a 'save' to EEPROM command to keep
51308bdb94SAkira Shimahara		values after power-on. Read or write are :
52308bdb94SAkira Shimahara			* '9..12': device resolution in bit
53308bdb94SAkira Shimahara			or resolution to set in bit
54308bdb94SAkira Shimahara			* '-xx': xx is kernel error when reading the resolution
55308bdb94SAkira Shimahara			* Anything else: do nothing
56*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev		Some DS18B20 clones are fixed in 12-bit resolution, so the
57*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev		actual resolution is read back from the chip and verified. Error
58*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev		is reported if the results differ.
59308bdb94SAkira ShimaharaUsers:		any user space application which wants to communicate with
60308bdb94SAkira Shimahara		w1_term device
61308bdb94SAkira Shimahara
62308bdb94SAkira Shimahara
6367b392f7SAkira ShimaharaWhat:		/sys/bus/w1/devices/.../temperature
6467b392f7SAkira ShimaharaDate:		May 2020
6567b392f7SAkira ShimaharaContact:	Akira Shimahara <akira215corp@gmail.com>
6667b392f7SAkira ShimaharaDescription:
6767b392f7SAkira Shimahara		(RO) return the temperature in 1/1000 degC.
6857c76221SAkira Shimahara			* If a bulk read has been triggered, it will directly
6957c76221SAkira Shimahara			return the temperature computed when the bulk read
7057c76221SAkira Shimahara			occurred, if available. If not yet available, nothing
7157c76221SAkira Shimahara			is returned (a debug kernel message is sent), you
7257c76221SAkira Shimahara			should retry later on.
7357c76221SAkira Shimahara			* If no bulk read has been triggered, it will trigger
7457c76221SAkira Shimahara			a conversion and send the result. Note that the
7557c76221SAkira Shimahara			conversion duration depend on the resolution (if
7667b392f7SAkira Shimahara			device support this feature). It takes 94ms in 9bits
7767b392f7SAkira Shimahara			resolution, 750ms for 12bits.
7867b392f7SAkira ShimaharaUsers:		any user space application which wants to communicate with
7967b392f7SAkira Shimahara		w1_term device
8067b392f7SAkira Shimahara
8167b392f7SAkira Shimahara
82daa3cfebSAkira ShimaharaWhat:		/sys/bus/w1/devices/.../w1_slave
83daa3cfebSAkira ShimaharaDate:		May 2020
84daa3cfebSAkira ShimaharaContact:	Akira Shimahara <akira215corp@gmail.com>
85daa3cfebSAkira ShimaharaDescription:
86daa3cfebSAkira Shimahara		(RW) return the temperature in 1/1000 degC.
87daa3cfebSAkira Shimahara		*read*: return 2 lines with the hexa output data sent on the
88daa3cfebSAkira Shimahara		bus, return the CRC check and temperature in 1/1000 degC
89daa3cfebSAkira Shimahara		*write* :
90daa3cfebSAkira Shimahara			* '0' : save the 2 or 3 bytes to the device EEPROM
91daa3cfebSAkira Shimahara			(i.e. TH, TL and config register)
92daa3cfebSAkira Shimahara			* '9..12' : set the device resolution in RAM
93daa3cfebSAkira Shimahara			(if supported)
94daa3cfebSAkira Shimahara			* Anything else: do nothing
95daa3cfebSAkira Shimahara		refer to Documentation/w1/slaves/w1_therm.rst for detailed
96daa3cfebSAkira Shimahara		information.
97daa3cfebSAkira ShimaharaUsers:		any user space application which wants to communicate with
98daa3cfebSAkira Shimahara		w1_term device
9957c76221SAkira Shimahara
10057c76221SAkira Shimahara
10157c76221SAkira ShimaharaWhat:		/sys/bus/w1/devices/w1_bus_masterXX/therm_bulk_read
10257c76221SAkira ShimaharaDate:		May 2020
10357c76221SAkira ShimaharaContact:	Akira Shimahara <akira215corp@gmail.com>
10457c76221SAkira ShimaharaDescription:
10557c76221SAkira Shimahara		(RW) trigger a bulk read conversion. read the status
10657c76221SAkira Shimahara		*read*:
10757c76221SAkira Shimahara			* '-1': conversion in progress on at least 1 sensor
10857c76221SAkira Shimahara			* '1' :	conversion complete but at least one sensor
10957c76221SAkira Shimahara				value has not been read yet
11057c76221SAkira Shimahara			* '0' :	no bulk operation. Reading temperature will
11157c76221SAkira Shimahara				trigger a conversion on each device
11257c76221SAkira Shimahara		*write*: 'trigger': trigger a bulk read on all supporting
11357c76221SAkira Shimahara			devices on the bus
11457c76221SAkira Shimahara		Note that if a bulk read is sent but one sensor is not read
11557c76221SAkira Shimahara		immediately, the next access to temperature on this device
11657c76221SAkira Shimahara		will return the temperature measured at the time of issue
11757c76221SAkira Shimahara		of the bulk read command (not the current temperature).
11857c76221SAkira ShimaharaUsers:		any user space application which wants to communicate with
11957c76221SAkira Shimahara		w1_term device
120*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev
121*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev
122*021da53eSIvan ZaentsevWhat:		/sys/bus/w1/devices/.../conv_time
123*021da53eSIvan ZaentsevDate:		July 2020
124*021da53eSIvan ZaentsevContact:	Ivan Zaentsev <ivan.zaentsev@wirenboard.ru>
125*021da53eSIvan ZaentsevDescription:
126*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev		(RW) Get, set, or measure a temperature conversion time. The
127*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev		setting remains active until a resolution change. Then it is
128*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev		reset to default (datasheet) conversion time for a new
129*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev		resolution.
130*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev
131*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev		*read*: Actual conversion time in milliseconds. *write*:
132*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev			'0': Set the default conversion time from the datasheet.
133*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev			'1': Measure and set the conversion time. Make a single
134*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev			     temperature conversion, measure an actual value.
135*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev			     Increase it by 20% for temperature range. A new
136*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev			     conversion time can be obtained by reading this
137*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev			     same attribute.
138*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev			other positive value:
139*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev			     Set the conversion time in milliseconds.
140*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev
141*021da53eSIvan ZaentsevUsers:		An application using the w1_term device
142*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev
143*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev
144*021da53eSIvan ZaentsevWhat:		/sys/bus/w1/devices/.../features
145*021da53eSIvan ZaentsevDate:		July 2020
146*021da53eSIvan ZaentsevContact:	Ivan Zaentsev <ivan.zaentsev@wirenboard.ru>
147*021da53eSIvan ZaentsevDescription:
148*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev		(RW) Control optional driver settings.
149*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev		Bit masks to read/write (logical OR):
150*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev
151*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev                1: Enable check for conversion success. If byte 6 of
152*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev                   scratchpad memory is 0xC after conversion, and
153*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev                   temperature reads 85.00 (powerup value) or 127.94
154*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev                   (insufficient power) - return a conversion error.
155*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev
156*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev                2: Enable poll for conversion completion. Generate read cycles
157*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev                   after the conversion start and wait for 1's. In parasite
158*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev                   power mode this feature is not available.
159*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev
160*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev		*read*:  Currently selected features, bitwise OR.
161*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev		*write*: Select features, bitwise OR.
162*021da53eSIvan Zaentsev
163*021da53eSIvan ZaentsevUsers:		An application using the w1_term device