xref: /freebsd/share/misc/bsd-family-tree (revision d06955f9bdb1416d9196043ed781f9b36dae9adc)
1The UNIX system family tree: Research and BSD
4First Edition (V1)
5     |
6Second Edition (V2)
7     |
8Third Edition (V3)
9     |
10Fourth Edition (V4)
11     |
12Fifth Edition (V5)
13     |
14Sixth Edition (V6) -----*
15       \                |
16        \               |
17         \              |
18Seventh Edition (V7)    |
19            \           |
20             \        1BSD
21             32V        |
22               \      2BSD---------------*
23                \    /                   |
24                 \  /                    |
25                  \/                     |
26                 3BSD                    |
27                  |                      |
28               4.0BSD                2.79BSD
29                  |                      |
30               4.1BSD --------------> 2.8BSD
31                  |                      |
32              4.1aBSD -----------\       |
33                  |                \     |
34              4.1bBSD                \   |
35                  |                    \ |
36      *------ 4.1cBSD --------------> 2.9BSD
37     /            |                      |
38Eighth Edition    |                   2.9BSD-Seismo
39     |            |                      |
40     +----<--- 4.2BSD               2.9.1BSD
41     |            |                      |
42     +----<--- 4.3BSD -------------> 2.10BSD
43     |            |               /      |
44Ninth Edition     |              / 2.10.1BSD
45     |         4.3BSD Tahoe-----+        |
46     |            |              \       |
47     |            |                \     |
48     v            |                  2.11BSD
49Tenth Edition     |                      |
50                  |                  2.11BSD rev #430
51               4.3BSD NET/1              |
52                  |                      v
53               4.3BSD Reno
54                  |
55   *---------- 4.3BSD NET/2 -------------------+-------------*
56   |                    |                      |             |
57386BSD 0.0              |                      |           BSD/386 ALPHA
58   |                    |                      |             |
59386BSD 0.1 ------------>+                      |           BSD/386 0.3.[13]
60   |     \              |                  4.4BSD Alpha      |
61   |     386BSD 1.0     |                      |           BSD/386 0.9.[34]
62   |                    |                  4.4BSD            |
63   |                    |                    / |             |
64   |                    |   4.4BSD-Encumbered  |             |
65   |                -NetBSD 0.8                |           BSD/386 1.0
66   |               /    |                      |             |
67FreeBSD 1.0 <-----'  NetBSD 0.9                |           BSD/386 1.1
68   |                    |           .----- 4.4BSD Lite       |
69FreeBSD 1.1             |          /   /       |     \       |
70   |                    |         /   /        |      \      |
71FreeBSD 1.1.5       .---|--------'   /         |       \     |
72   |               /    |           /          |        \    |
73FreeBSD   /     |          /           |         \   |
74   |             /   NetBSD 1.0 <-'            |          \  |
75   |            /       |                      |           \ |
76FreeBSD 2.0 <--'        |                      |           BSD/OS 2.0
77   |                     \                     |             |
78FreeBSD 2.0.5             \                    |           BSD/OS 2.0.1
79   |                 .-----\------------- 4.4BSD Lite2       |
80   |                 |      \             |  |   |   |       |
81   |                 | .-----|------Rhapsody |   |   |       |
82   |                 | |     |        NetBSD 1.3 |   |       |
83   |                 | |     |           OpenBSD 2.3 |       |
84   |                 | |     |                BSD/OS 3.0     |
85FreeBSD 2.1          | |     |                               |
86 |   |               | |  NetBSD 1.1 ------.               BSD/OS 2.1
87 | FreeBSD 2.1.5     | |     |              \                |
88 |     |             | |  NetBSD 1.2         \             BSD/OS 3.0
89 | FreeBSD 2.1.6     | |     |  \          OpenBSD 2.0       |
90 |     |             | |     |   \             |             |
91 | FreeBSD   | |     |    \            |             |
92 |     |             | |     |     \           |             |
93 | FreeBSD 2.1.7     | |     |      |          |             |
94 |     |             | |     |  NetBSD 1.2.1   |             |
95 | FreeBSD   | |     |                 |             |
96 |                   | |     |                 |             |
97 |                   | |     |                 |             |
98 *-FreeBSD 2.2       | |     |                 |             |
99 |        \          | |     |                 |             |
100 |     FreeBSD 2.2.1 | |     |                 |             |
101 |         |         | |     |                 |             |
102 |     FreeBSD 2.2.2 | |     |             OpenBSD 2.1       |
103 |         |         | |     |                 |             |
104 |     FreeBSD 2.2.5 | |     |                 |             |
105 |         |         | |     |             OpenBSD 2.2       |
106 |         |         | |  NetBSD 1.3           |             |
107 |     FreeBSD 2.2.6 | |     |    |            |             |
108 |         |         | |     | NetBSD 1.3.1    |           BSD/OS 3.1
109 |         |         | |     |    |        OpenBSD 2.3       |
110 |         |         | |     | NetBSD 1.3.2    |             |
111 |     FreeBSD 2.2.7 | |     |    |            |             |
112 |         |         | |     |    |            |           BSD/OS 4.0
113 |     FreeBSD 2.2.8 | |     |    |            |             |
114 |         |         | |     |    |            |             |
115 |         v         | |     |    |        OpenBSD 2.4       |
116 |     FreeBSD 2.2.9 | |     |    |            |             |
117 |                   | |     |    |            |             |
118FreeBSD 3.0 <--------* |     |    v            |             |
119 |                     |     | NetBSD 1.3.3    |             |
120 *---FreeBSD 3.1       |     |                 |             |
121 |       |             |     |                 |           BSD/OS 4.0.1
122 |   FreeBSD 3.2----*  |  NetBSD 1.4       OpenBSD 2.5       |
123 |       |          |  |  |  |    |            |             |
124 |       |          |  |  |  |    |            |             |
125 |       |          |  |  |  |    |            |             |
126 |   FreeBSD 3.3    |  |  |  | NetBSD 1.4.1    |             |
127 |       |          |  |  |  |    |        OpenBSD 2.6       |
128 |   FreeBSD 3.4    |  |  |  |    |            |             |
129 |           |      |  |  |  |    |            |           BSD/OS 4.1
130FreeBSD 4.0  |      |  |  |  | NetBSD 1.4.2    |             |
131 |           |      |  |  |  |    |            |             |
132 |           |      |  |  |  |    |            |             |
133 |   FreeBSD 3.5    |  |  |  |    |        OpenBSD 2.7       |
134 |           |      |  |  |  |    |            |             |
135 |   FreeBSD 3.5.1  |  |  |  |    |            |             |
136 |                  |  |  |  |    |            |             |
137 *---FreeBSD 4.1    |  |  |  |    |            |             |
138 |      |           |  | (?) |    |            |             |
139 |   FreeBSD 4.1.1  |  |  /  |    |            |             |
140 |      |           |  | /   |    |            |             |
141 |   FreeBSD 4.2   Darwin/   | NetBSD 1.4.3    |             |
142 |      |         Mac OS X   |             OpenBSD 2.8     BSD/OS 4.2
143 |      |             |      |                 |             |
144 |      |             |      |                 |             |
145 |      |           10.0  NetBSD 1.5           |             |
146 |   FreeBSD 4.3      |      |    |            |             |
147 |      |             |      |    |        OpenBSD 2.9       |
148 |      |             |      | NetBSD 1.5.1    |             |
149 |      |             |      |    |            |             |
150 |   FreeBSD 4.4-.    |      | NetBSD 1.5.2    |             |
151 |      |        | Mac OS X  |    |            |             |
152 |      |        |   10.1    |    |        OpenBSD 3.0       |
153 |   FreeBSD 4.5 |    |      |    |            |             |
154 |      |         \   |      |    |            |           BSD/OS 4.3
155 |   FreeBSD 4.6   \  |      |    |        OpenBSD 3.1       |
156 |      |           \ |      | NetBSD 1.5.3    |             |
157 |   FreeBSD 4.6.2 Mac OS X  |                 |             |
158 |      |            10.2    |                 |             |
159 |   FreeBSD 4.7      |      |                 |             |
160 |      |             |   NetBSD 1.6       OpenBSD 3.2       |
161 |   FreeBSD 4.8      |      |    |            |             |
162 |      |             |      | NetBSD 1.6.1    |             |
163 |      |--------.    |      |    |        OpenBSD 3.3     BSD/OS 5.0
164 |      |         \   |      |    |            |             |
165 |   FreeBSD 4.9   |  |      |    |        OpenBSD 3.4     BSD/OS 5.1 ISE
166 |      |          |  |      |    |            |
167 |      |          |  |      | NetBSD 1.6.2    |
168 |      |          |  |      |    |            |
169 |      |          |  |      |    |        OpenBSD 3.5
170 |      |          |  |      |    v            |
171 |   FreeBSD 4.10  |  |      |                 |
172 |      |          |  |      |                 |
173 |   FreeBSD 4.11  |  |      |                 |
174 |                 |  |      |                 |
175 |                  `-|------|-----------------|---------------------.
176 |                    |      |                 |                      \
177FreeBSD 5.0           |      |                 |                       |
178 |                    |      |                 |                       |
179FreeBSD 5.1           |      |                 |                DragonFly 1.0
180 |          \         |      |                 |                       |
181 |           ----- Mac OS X  |                 |                       |
182 |                   10.3    |                 |                       |
183FreeBSD 5.2           |      |                 |                       |
184 |      |             |      |                 |                       |
185 |   FreeBSD 5.2.1    |      |                 |                       |
186 |                    |      |                 |                       |
187 *-------FreeBSD 5.3  |      |                 |                       |
188 |           |        |      |             OpenBSD 3.6                 |
189 |           |        |   NetBSD 2.0           |                       |
190 |           |        |      | |  |            |               DragonFly 1.2.0
191 |           |     Mac OS X  | | NetBSD 2.0.2  |                       |
192 |           |       10.4    | |  |            |                       |
193 |       FreeBSD 5.4  |      | |  |            |                       |
194 |           |        |      | |  |        OpenBSD 3.7                 |
195 |           |        |      | | NetBSD 2.0.3  |                       |
196 |           |        |      | |  |            |                       |
197 *--FreeBSD  |        |      | |  v        OpenBSD 3.8                 |
198 |    6.0    |        |      | |               |                       |
199 |     |     |        |      |  \              |                       |
200 |     |     |        |      | NetBSD 2.1      |                       |
201 |     |     |        |      |                 |                       |
202 |     |     |        |   NetBSD 3.0           |                       |
203 |     |     |        |      | |  |            |               DragonFly 1.4.0
204 |     |     |        |      | |  |        OpenBSD 3.9                 |
205 |  FreeBSD  |        |      | |  |            |                       |
206 |    6.1    |        |      | |  |            |                       |
207 |     |  FreeBSD 5.5 |      | |  |            |                       |
208 |     |              |      | | NetBSD 3.0.1  |               DragonFly 1.6.0
209 |     |              |      | |  |            |                       |
210 |     |              |      | |  |        OpenBSD 4.0                 |
211 |     |              |      | | NetBSD 3.0.2  |                       |
212 |     |              |      | NetBSD 3.1      |                       |
213 | FreeBSD 6.2        |      |                 |                       |
214 |     |              |      |                 |               DragonFly 1.8.0
215 |     |              |      |             OpenBSD 4.1                 |
216 |     |              |      |                 |               DragonFly 1.10.0
217 |     |           Mac OS X  |                 |                       |
218 |     |             10.5    |                 |                       |
219 |     |              |      |             OpenBSD 4.2                 |
220 |     |              |   NetBSD 4.0           |                       |
221 | FreeBSD 6.3        |      |    |            |                       |
222 |            \       |      |    |            |                       |
223 *--FreeBSD    |      |      |    |            |               DragonFly 1.12.0
224 |    7.0      |      |      |    |            |                       |
225 |     |       |      |      |    |        OpenBSD 4.3                 |
226 |     |       |      |      | NetBSD          |               DragonFly 2.0.0
227 |     |    FreeBSD   |      |  4.0.1      OpenBSD 4.4                 |
228 |     |      6.4     |      |                 |                       |
229 |     |              |      |                 |                       |
230 |  FreeBSD 7.1       |      |                 |                       |
231 |     |              |      |                 |               DragonFly 2.2.0
232 |  FreeBSD 7.2       |   NetBSD 5.0       OpenBSD 4.5                 |
233 |             \      |      | |    \          |                       |
234 |              |  Mac OS X  | |     \         |                       |
235 |              |    10.6    | |      \        |                       |
236 |              |     |      | |   NetBSD      |               DragonFly 2.4.0
237 |              |     |      | |    5.0.1  OpenBSD 4.6                 |
238 |              |     |      | |       |       |                       |
239 *--FreeBSD     |     |      | |       |       |                       |
240 |    8.0       |     |      | |       |       |                       |
241 |     |     FreeBSD  |      | |   NetBSD      |                       |
242 |     |       7.3    |      | |    5.0.2      |               DragonFly 2.6.0
243 |     |        |     |      | |           OpenBSD 4.7                 |
244 |  FreeBSD     |     |      | |               |                       |
245 |    8.1       |     |      | |               |                       |
246 |     |        |     |      | |               |               DragonFly 2.8.2
247 |     |        |     |      | |           OpenBSD 4.8                 |
248 |     |        |     |      | *--NetBSD       |                       |
249 |  FreeBSD  FreeBSD  |      | |    5.1        |                       |
250 |    8.2      7.4    |      | |      |        |               DragonFly 2.10.1
251 |     |              |      | |      |    OpenBSD 4.9                 |
252 |     `-----.     Mac OS X  | |      |        |                       |
253 |            \      10.7    | |      |        |                       |
254 |             |      |      | |      |    OpenBSD 5.0                 |
255 *--FreeBSD    |      |      | |      |        |                       |
256 |    9.0      |      |      | |   NetBSD      |               DragonFly 3.0.1
257 |     |    FreeBSD   |      | |    5.1.2      |                       |
258 |     |      8.3     |      | |      |        |                       |
259 |     |       |      |      | |   NetBSD      |                       |
260 |     |       |      |      | |    5.1.3      |                       |
261 |     |       |      |      | |      |        |                       |
262 |     |       |      |      | |   NetBSD      |                       |
263 |     |       |      |      | |    5.1.4      |                       |
264 |     |       |      |      | |           OpenBSD 5.1                 |
265 |     |       |   Mac OS X  | `----.          |                       |
266 |     |       |     10.8    |       \         |                       |
267 |     |       |      |   NetBSD 6.0  |        |                       |
268 |     |       |      |      | | |    |    OpenBSD 5.2         DragonFly 3.2.1
269 |  FreeBSD    |      |      | | | NetBSD      |                       |
270 |    9.1      |      |      | | |   5.2       |                       |
271 |     |       |      |      | | |    |        |                       |
272 |     |       |      |      | | | NetBSD      |                       |
273 |     |       |      |      | | |  5.2.1      |                       |
274 |     |       |      |      | | |    |        |                       |
275 |     |       |      |      | | | NetBSD      |                       |
276 |     |       |      |      | | |  5.2.2      |                       |
277 |     |       |      |      | | |             |                       |
278 |     |       |      |      | |  \            |                       |
279 |     |       |      |      | |   NetBSD      |                       |
280 |     |       |      |      | |    6.0.1      |                       |
281 |     |       |      |      | |      |   OpenBSD 5.3          DragonFly 3.4.1
282 |     |       |      |      | |   NetBSD      |                       |
283 |     |       |      |      | |    6.0.2      |                       |
284 |     |       |      |      | |      |        |                       |
285 |     |       |      |      | |   NetBSD      |                       |
286 |     |       |      |      | |    6.0.3      |                       |
287 |     |       |      |      | |      |        |                       |
288 |     |       |      |      | |   NetBSD      |                       |
289 |     |       |      |      | |    6.0.4      |                       |
290 |     |       |      |      | |      |        |                       |
291 |     |       |      |      | |   NetBSD      |                       |
292 |     |       |      |      | |    6.0.5      |                       |
293 |     |       |      |      | |               |                       |
294 |     |       |      |      | |`-NetBSD 6.1   |                       |
295 |     |    FreeBSD   |      |       |         |                       |
296 |     |      8.4     |      |    NetBSD 6.1.1 |                       |
297 |     |              |      |       |         |                       |
298 |  FreeBSD           |      |    NetBSD 6.1.2 |                       |
299 |    9.2          Mac OS X  |       |         |                       |
300 |     |             10.9    |       |    OpenBSD 5.4                  |
301 |     `-----.        |      |       |         |               DragonFly 3.6.0
302 |            \       |      |       |         |                       |
303 *--FreeBSD    |      |      |    NetBSD 6.1.3 |                       |
304 |   10.0      |      |      |       |         |                       |
305 |     |       |      |      |       |         |               DragonFly 3.6.1
306 |     |       |      |      |       |         |                       |
307 |     |       |      |      |       |         |                       |
308 |     |       |      |      |       |         |               DragonFly 3.6.2
309 |     |       |      |      |    NetBSD 6.1.4 |                       |
310 |     |       |      |      |       |         |                       |
311 |     |       |      |      |       |    OpenBSD 5.5                  |
312 |     |       |      |      |       |         |                       |
313 |     |       |      |      |       |         |               DragonFly 3.8.0
314 |     |       |      |      |       |         |                       |
315 |     |       |      |      |       |         |                       |
316 |     |       |      |      |       |         |               DragonFly 3.8.1
317 |     |       |      |      |       |         |                       |
318 |     |       |      |      |       |         |                       |
319 |     |       |      |      |       |         |               DragonFly 3.6.3
320 |     |       |      |      |       |         |                       |
321 |     |    FreeBSD   |      |       |         |                       |
322 |     |      9.3     |      |       |         |                       |
323 |     |              |      |    NetBSD 6.1.5 |               DragonFly 3.8.2
324 |     |           Mac OS X  |                 |                       |
325 |     |             10.10   |                 |                       |
326 |     |              |      |            OpenBSD 5.6                  |
327 |  FreeBSD           |      |                 |                       |
328 |   10.1             |      |                 |               DragonFly 4.0.1
329 |     |              |      |                 |                       |
330 |     |              |      |                 |               DragonFly 4.0.2
331 |     |              |      |                 |                       |
332 |     |              |      |                 |               DragonFly 4.0.3
333 |     |              |      |                 |                       |
334 |     |              |      |                 |               DragonFly 4.0.4
335 |     |              |      |                 |                       |
336 |     |              |      |                 |               DragonFly 4.0.5
337 |     |              |      |                 |                       |
338 |     |              |      |            OpenBSD 5.7                  |
339 |     |              |      |                 |               DragonFly 4.2.0
340 |  FreeBSD           |      |                 |                       |
341 |   10.2             |      |                 |                       |
342 |     |            macOS  NetBSD 7.0          |                       |
343 |     |            10.11   | | |         OpenBSD 5.8                  |
344 |     |              |     | | `--.           |               DragonFly 4.4.1
345 |  FreeBSD           |     | |    |      OpenBSD 5.9                  |
346 |   10.3             |     | |    |           |                       |
347 |     |              |     | | NetBSD 7.0.1   |                       |
348 |     `------.       |     | |    |           |               DragonFly 4.6.0
349 |            |       |     | |    |           |                       |
350 |            |       |     | |    |           |                       |
351 *--FreeBSD   |     macOS   | |    |      OpenBSD 6.0                  |
352 |   11.0     |     10.12   | | NetBSD 7.0.2   |                       |
353 |     |      |       |     | |                |                       |
354 |     |      |       |     | *- NetBSD 7.1    |                       |
355 |     |      |     macOS   |                  |               DragonFly 4.8.0
356 |     |      |     10.13   |             OpenBSD 6.1                  |
357 |  FreeBSD   |       |     |                  |               DragonFly 5.0.0
358 |   11.1  FreeBSD    |     |                  |                       |
359 |     |    10.4      |     |             OpenBSD 6.2          DragonFly 5.0.1
360 |     |              |     |                  |                       |
361 |     |              |     |                  |               DragonFly 5.0.2
362 |     |              |     |                  |                       |
363 |     |              |     |                  |                       |
364 |     v              |     |                  |                       |
365 |                    |     |                  |                       |
366FreeBSD 12 -current   | NetBSD -current   OpenBSD -current    DragonFly -current
367 |                    |     |                  |                       |
368 v                    v     v                  v                       v
373Time tolerance +/- 6 months, depending on which book/article you read; if it
374was the announcement in Usenet or if it was available as tape.
376[44B] McKusick, Marshall Kirk, Keith Bostic, Michael J Karels,
377	and John Quarterman. The Design and Implementation of
378	the 4.4BSD Operating System.
379[APL] Apple website [https://www.apple.com/macosx/]
380[BSDI] Berkeley Software Design, Inc.
381[DFB] DragonFlyBSD Project, The.
383[FBD] FreeBSD Project, The.
384[KB]  Keith Bostic. BSD2.10 available from Usenix. comp.unix.sources,
385	Volume 11, Info 4, April, 1987.
386[KKK] Mike Karels, Kirk McKusick, and Keith Bostic. tahoe announcement.
387	comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes, June 15, 1988.
388[KSJ] Michael J. Karels, Carl F. Smith, and William F. Jolitz.
389	Changes in the Kernel in 2.9BSD. Second Berkeley Software
390	Distribution UNIX Version 2.9, July, 1983.
391[NBD] NetBSD Project, The.
392[OBD] OpenBSD Project, The.
393[QCU] Salus, Peter H. A quarter century of UNIX.
394[SMS] Steven M. Schultz. 2.11BSD, UNIX for the PDP-11.
395[TUHS] The Unix Historical Society.  http://minnie.tuhs.org/Unix_History/.
396[USE] Usenet announcement.
397[WRS] Wind River Systems, Inc.
398[dmr] Dennis Ritchie, via E-Mail
400Multics                 1965
401UNIX                    Summer 1969
402				DEC PDP-7
403First   Edition         1971-11-03 [QCU]
404				DEC PDP-11/20, Assembler
405Second  Edition         1972-06-12 [QCU]
406				10 UNIX installations
407Third   Edition         1973-02-xx [QCU]
408				Pipes, 16 installations
409Fourth  Edition         1973-11-xx [QCU]
410				rewriting in C effected,
411                                above 30 installations
412Fifth   Edition         1974-06-xx [QCU]
413				above 50 installations
414Sixth   Edition         1975-05-xx [QCU]
415				port to DEC Vax
416Seventh Edition         1979-01-xx [QCU] 1979-01-10 [TUHS]
417				first portable UNIX
418Eighth  Edition         1985-02-xx [QCU]
419				VAX 11/750, VAX 11/780 [dmr]
420				descended from 4.1c BSD [dmr]
421				descended from 4.1 BSD [44B]
422			scooping-out and replacement of the character-device
423			and networking part by the streams mechanism
425Ninth   Edition         1986-09-xx [QCU]
426Tenth   Edition         1989-10-xx [QCU]
4281BSD                    late 1977
429			1978-03-09 [QCU]
430				PDP-11, Pascal, ex(1)
431				30 free copies of 1BSD sent out
432				35 tapes sold for 50 USD [QCU]
4332BSD                    mid 1978 [QCU] 1979-05-10 [TUHS]
434				75 2BSD tapes shipped
4352.79BSD			1980-04-xx [TUHS]
4362.8BSD			1981-07-xx [KSJ]
4382.8.1BSD		1982-01-xx [QCU]
439				set of performance improvements
4402.9BSD			1983-07-xx [KSJ]
4412.9.1BSD                1983-11-xx [TUHS]
4422.9BSD-Seismo		1985-08-xx [SMS]
4432.10BSD			1987-04-xx [KKK]
4442.10.1BSD		1989-01-xx [SMS]
4452.11BSD			1992-02-xx [SMS]
4462.11BSD rev #430	1999-12-13 [SMS]
44832V			1978-1[01]-xx [QCU] 1979-03-26 [TUHS]
4493BSD                    late 1979 [QCU] March 1980 [TUHS]
450				virtual memory, page replacement,
451                        	demand paging
4524.0BSD                  1980-10-xx
4534.1BSD                  1981-07-08 [DOC]
4544.1aBSD                 1982-04-xx
455				alpha release, 100 sites, networking [44B]
4564.1bBSD				internal release, fast filesystem [44B]
4574.1cBSD                 late 1982
458				beta release, IPC [44B]
4594.2BSD                  1983-09-xx [QCU]
460                        1983-08-03 [DOC]
4614.3BSD                  1986-06-xx [QCU]
462			1986-04-05 [KB], [DOC]
4634.3BSD Tahoe            1988-06-15 [QCU], [DOC]
4644.3BSD NET/1            1988-11-xx [QCU]
465                        1989-01-01 [DOC]
4664.3BSD Reno             1990-06-29 [QCU], [DOC]
4674.3BSD NET/2            1991-06-28 [QCU], [DOC]
469BSD/386 ALPHA		1991-12-xx [BSDI]
470				first code released to people outside BSDI
471386BSD 0.0              1992-02-xx [DOC]
472BSD/386 0.3.1	        1992-04-xx [BSDI] first ext. beta; B customers
473BSD/386 0.3.3		1992-06-xx [BSDI] first CDROM version
474386BSD 0.1              1992-07-28 [DOC]
4754.4BSD Alpha            1992-07-07
476BSD/386 0.9.3		1992-10-xx [BSDI]
477				first external gamma; G customers
478BSD/386 0.9.4		1992-12-xx [BSDI]
479				would have been 1.0 except for request
480				for preliminary injunction
481BSD/386 1.0 		1993-03-xx [BSDI]
482				injunction denied; first official release
483NetBSD 0.8              1993-04-20 [NBD]
4844.4BSD                  1993-06-01 [USE]
485NetBSD 0.9              1993-08-23 [NBD]
486FreeBSD 1.0		1993-11-01 [FBD]
487FreeBSD 1.0.2		1993-11-14 [FBD]
488				supersedes 1.0 13 days after release.
489BSD/386 1.1		1994-02-xx [BSDI]
4904.4BSD Lite             1994-03-01 [USE]
491FreeBSD 1.1		1994-05-07 [FBD]
492FreeBSD 1.1.5		1994-06-30 [FBD]
493FreeBSD		1994-07-05 [FBD]
494				supersedes 1.1.5 5 days after release.
495NetBSD 1.0              1994-10-26 [NBD]
496386BSD 1.0              1994-11-12 [USE]
497FreeBSD 2.0		1994-11-23 [FBD]
498BSD/OS 2.0		1995-01-xx [BSDI] 4.4 lite based
499FreeBSD 2.0.5		1995-06-10 [FBD]
500BSD/OS 2.0.1		1995-06-xx [BSDI]
5014.4BSD Lite Release 2	1995-06-xx [44B]
502				the true final distribution from the CSRG
503FreeBSD 2.1.0		1995-11-19 [FBD]
504NetBSD 1.1              1995-11-26 [NBD]
505BSD/OS 2.1		1996-01-xx [BSDI]
506FreeBSD 2.1.5		1996-07-14 [FBD]
507NetBSD 1.2              1996-10-04 [NBD]
508OpenBSD 2.0             1996-10-18 [OBD]
509FreeBSD 2.1.6		1996-11-16 [FBD]
510FreeBSD		1996-11-25 [FBD] (sendmail security release)
511Rhapsody		1997-xx-xx
512FreeBSD 2.1.7		1997-02-20 [FBD]
513BSD/OS 3.0		1997-02-xx [BSDI] 4.4 lite2 based
514FreeBSD 2.2.0		1997-03-16 [FBD]
515FreeBSD 2.2.1		1997-03-25 [FBD]
516FreeBSD 2.2.2		1997-05-16 [FBD]
517NetBSD 1.2.1            1997-05-20 [NBD] (patch release)
518OpenBSD 2.1             1997-06-01 [OBD]
519FreeBSD 2.2.5		1997-10-22 [FBD]
520OpenBSD 2.2             1997-12-01 [OBD]
521NetBSD 1.3              1998-01-04 [NBD]
522FreeBSD 2.2.6		1998-03-25 [FBD]
523NetBSD 1.3.1            1998-03-09 [NBD] (patch release)
524BSD/OS 3.1		1998-03-xx [BSDI]
525OpenBSD 2.3             1998-05-19 [OBD]
526NetBSD 1.3.2            1998-05-29 [NBD] (patch release)
527FreeBSD 2.2.7		1998-07-22 [FBD]
528BSD/OS 4.0		1998-08-xx [BSDI]
529				2-lock MP support, ELF executables
530FreeBSD 3.0		1998-10-16 [FBD]
531				FreeBSD-3.0 is a snapshot from -current,
532				while 3.1 and 3.2 are from 3.x-stable which
533				was branched quite some time after 3.0-release
534FreeBSD 2.2.8           1998-11-29 [FBD]
535OpenBSD 2.4             1998-12-01 [OBD]
536NetBSD 1.3.3            1998-12-23 [NBD] (patch release)
537FreeBSD 3.1		1999-02-15 [FBD]
538BSD/OS 4.0.1		1999-03-xx [BSDI]
539NetBSD 1.4              1999-05-12 [NBD]
540FreeBSD 3.2             1999-05-17 [FBD]
541OpenBSD 2.5             1999-05-19 [OBD]
542NetBSD 1.4.1            1999-08-26 [NBD] (patch release)
543FreeBSD 3.3             1999-09-17 [FBD]
544OpenBSD 2.6             1999-12-01 [OBD]
545FreeBSD 3.4             1999-12-20 [FBD]
546BSD/OS 4.1		1999-12-xx [BSDI]
547FreeBSD 4.0             2000-03-13 [FBD]
548NetBSD 1.4.2            2000-03-19 [NBD] (patch release)
549OpenBSD 2.7             2000-06-15 [OBD]
550FreeBSD 3.5		2000-06-24 [FBD]
551FreeBSD 4.1		2000-07-27 [FBD]
552FreeBSD 3.5.1		2000-07-28 [FBD]
553FreeBSD 4.1.1		2000-09-25 [FBD] (a network-only patch release)
554FreeBSD 4.2  		2000-11-21 [FBD]
555NetBSD 1.4.3		2000-11-25 [NBD] (patch release)
556BSD/OS 4.2		2000-11-29 [BSDI]
557OpenBSD 2.8		2000-12-01 [OBD]
558NetBSD 1.5              2000-12-06 [NBD]
559Mac OS X 10.0           2001-03-24 [APL]
560FreeBSD 4.3  		2001-04-20 [FBD]
561OpenBSD 2.9  		2001-06-01 [OBD]
562NetBSD 1.5.1		2001-07-11 [NBD] (patch release)
563NetBSD 1.5.2		2001-09-13 [NBD] (patch release)
564FreeBSD 4.4  		2001-09-18 [FBD]
565Mac OS X 10.1		2001-09-29 [APL]
566OpenBSD 3.0		2001-12-01 [OBD]
567FreeBSD 4.5  		2002-01-29 [FBD]
568BSD/OS 4.3		2002-03-14 [WRS]
569OpenBSD 3.1		2002-05-19 [OBD]
570FreeBSD 4.6  		2002-06-15 [FBD]
571NetBSD 1.5.3		2002-07-22 [NBD] (patch release)
572FreeBSD 4.6.2		2002-08-15 [FBD] (patch release)
573Mac OS X 10.2		2002-08-23 [APL]
574NetBSD 1.6		2002-09-14 [NBD]
575FreeBSD 4.7		2002-10-08 [FBD]
576OpenBSD 3.2		2002-11-01 [OBD]
577FreeBSD 5.0		2003-01-17 [FBD]
578				FreeBSD 5.0 is a separate branch off of
579				-current, similar to 3.0.
580FreeBSD 4.8		2003-04-03 [FBD]
581NetBSD 1.6.1		2003-04-21 [NBD] (patch release)
582OpenBSD 3.3		2003-05-01 [OBD]
583BSD/OS 5.0		2003-05-?? [WRS]
584FreeBSD 5.1		2003-06-09 [FBD]
585Mac OS X 10.3		2003-10-24 [APL]
586FreeBSD 4.9		2003-10-28 [FBD]
587BSD/OS 5.1 ISE		2003-10-?? [WRS] (final version)
588OpenBSD 3.4		2003-11-01 [OBD]
589FreeBSD 5.2		2004-01-12 [FBD]
590FreeBSD 5.2.1		2004-02-22 [FBD] (patch release)
591NetBSD 1.6.2		2004-03-01 [NBD] (patch release)
592OpenBSD 3.5		2004-04-01 [OBD]
593FreeBSD 4.10		2004-05-27 [FBD]
594DragonFly 1.0		2004-07-12 [DFB]
595OpenBSD 3.6		2004-10-29 [OBD]
596FreeBSD 5.3		2004-11-06 [FBD]
597NetBSD 2.0		2004-12-09 [NBD]
598FreeBSD 4.11		2005-01-25 [FBD]
599DragonFly 1.2.0		2005-04-08 [DFB]
600NetBSD 2.0.2		2005-04-14 [NBD] (security/critical release)
601Mac OS X 10.4		2005-04-29 [APL]
602FreeBSD 5.4		2005-05-09 [FBD]
603OpenBSD 3.7		2005-05-19 [OBD]
604NetBSD 2.0.3		2005-10-31 [NBD] (security/critical release)
605OpenBSD 3.8		2005-11-01 [OBD]
606FreeBSD 6.0		2005-11-01 [FBD]
607NetBSD 2.1		2005-11-02 [NBD]
608NetBSD 3.0		2005-12-23 [NBD]
609DragonFly 1.4.0		2006-01-08 [DFB]
610FreeBSD 2.2.9		2006-04-01 [FBD]
611OpenBSD 3.9		2006-05-01 [OBD]
612FreeBSD 6.1		2006-05-08 [FBD]
613FreeBSD 5.5		2006-05-25 [FBD]
614NetBSD 3.0.1		2006-07-24 [NBD] (security/critical release)
615DragonFly 1.6.0		2006-07-24 [DFB]
616OpenBSD 4.0		2006-11-01 [OBD]
617NetBSD 3.0.2		2006-11-04 [NBD] (security/critical release)
618NetBSD 3.1		2006-11-04 [NBD]
619FreeBSD 6.2		2007-01-15 [FBD]
620DragonFly 1.8.0		2007-01-30 [DFB]
621OpenBSD 4.1		2007-05-01 [OBD]
622DragonFly 1.10.0	2007-08-06 [DFB]
623Mac OS X 10.5		2007-10-26 [APL]
624OpenBSD 4.2		2007-11-01 [OBD]
625NetBSD 4.0		2007-12-19 [NBD]
626FreeBSD 6.3		2008-01-18 [FBD]
627DragonFly 1.12.0	2008-02-26 [DFB]
628FreeBSD 7.0		2008-02-27 [FBD]
629OpenBSD 4.3		2008-05-01 [OBD]
630DragonFly 2.0.0		2008-07-21 [DFB]
631OpenBSD 4.4		2008-11-01 [OBD]
632FreeBSD 6.4		2008-11-28 [FBD]
633FreeBSD 7.1		2009-01-04 [FBD]
634DragonFly 2.2.0		2009-02-17 [DFB]
635NetBSD 5.0		2009-04-29 [NBD]
636OpenBSD 4.5		2009-05-01 [OBD]
637FreeBSD 7.2		2009-05-04 [FBD]
638Mac OS X 10.6		2009-06-08 [APL]
639NetBSD 5.0.1		2009-08-02 [NBD] (security/critical release)
640DragonFly 2.4.0		2009-09-16 [DFB]
641OpenBSD 4.6		2009-10-18 [OBD]
642FreeBSD 8.0		2009-11-26 [FBD]
643NetBSD 5.0.2		2010-02-12 [NBD] (security/critical release)
644FreeBSD 7.3		2010-03-23 [FBD]
645DragonFly 2.6.0		2010-03-28 [DFB]
646OpenBSD 4.7		2010-05-19 [OBD]
647FreeBSD 8.1		2010-07-24 [FBD]
648DragonFly 2.8.2		2010-10-30 [DFB]
649OpenBSD 4.8		2010-11-01 [OBD]
650NetBSD 5.1		2010-11-19 [NBD]
651FreeBSD 7.4		2011-02-24 [FBD]
652FreeBSD 8.2		2011-02-24 [FBD]
653DragonFly 2.10.1	2011-04-26 [DFB]
654OpenBSD 4.9		2011-05-01 [OBD]
655Mac OS X 10.7		2011-07-20 [APL]
656OpenBSD 5.0		2011-11-01 [OBD]
657FreeBSD 9.0		2012-01-12 [FBD]
658NetBSD 5.1.2		2012-02-02 [NBD] (security/critical release)
659DragonFly 3.0.1		2012-02-21 [DFB]
660FreeBSD 8.3		2012-04-18 [FBD]
661OpenBSD 5.1		2012-05-01 [OBD]
662Mac OS X 10.8		2012-07-25 [APL]
663NetBSD 6.0		2012-10-17 [NBD]
664OpenBSD 5.2		2012-11-01 [OBD]
665DragonFly 3.2.1		2012-11-02 [DFB]
666NetBSD 5.2		2012-12-03 [NBD]
667NetBSD 6.0.1		2012-12-26 [NBD] (security/critical release)
668FreeBSD 9.1		2012-12-30 [FBD]
669DragonFly 3.4.1		2013-04-29 [DFB]
670OpenBSD 5.3		2013-05-01 [OBD]
671NetBSD 6.0.2		2013-05-18 [NBD] (security/critical release)
672NetBSD 6.1		2013-05-18 [NBD]
673FreeBSD 8.4		2013-06-07 [FBD]
674NetBSD 6.1.1		2013-08-22 [NBD]
675NetBSD 5.1.3		2013-09-29 [NBD]
676NetBSD 5.2.1		2013-09-29 [NBD]
677FreeBSD 9.2		2013-09-30 [FBD]
678NetBSD 6.0.3		2013-09-30 [NBD]
679NetBSD 6.1.2		2013-09-30 [NBD]
680Mac OS X 10.9		2013-10-22 [APL]
681OpenBSD 5.4		2013-11-01 [OBD]
682DragonFly 3.6.0 	2013-11-25 [DFB]
683FreeBSD 10.0		2014-01-20 [FBD]
684NetBSD 5.1.4		2014-01-25 [NBD]
685NetBSD 5.2.2		2014-01-25 [NBD]
686NetBSD 6.0.4		2014-01-25 [NBD]
687NetBSD 6.1.3		2014-01-25 [NBD]
688DragonFly 3.6.1 	2014-02-22 [DFB]
689DragonFly 3.6.2		2014-04-10 [DFB]
690NetBSD 6.0.5		2014-04-12 [NDB]
691NetBSD 6.1.4		2014-04-12 [NDB]
692OpenBSD 5.5		2014-05-01 [OBD]
693DragonFly 3.8.0		2014-06-04 [DFB]
694DragonFly 3.8.1		2014-06-16 [DFB]
695DragonFly 3.6.3		2014-06-17 [DFB]
696FreeBSD 9.3		2014-07-05 [FBD]
697DragonFly 3.8.2		2014-08-08 [DFB]
698NetBSD 6.1.5		2014-09-22 [NBD]
699Mac OS X 10.10		2014-10-16 [APL]
700OpenBSD 5.6		2014-11-01 [OBD]
701FreeBSD 10.1		2014-11-14 [FBD]
702DragonFly 4.0.1		2014-11-25 [DFB]
703DragonFly 4.0.2		2015-01-07 [DFB]
704DragonFly 4.0.3		2015-01-21 [DFB]
705DragonFly 4.0.4		2015-03-09 [DFB]
706DragonFly 4.0.5		2015-03-23 [DFB]
707OpenBSD 5.7		2015-05-01 [OBD]
708DragonFly 4.2.0		2015-06-29 [DFB]
709FreeBSD 10.2            2015-08-13 [FBD]
710NetBSD 7.0		2015-09-25 [NBD]
711OS X 10.11		2015-09-30 [APL]
712OpenBSD 5.8		2015-10-18 [OBD]
713DragonFly 4.4.1		2015-12-07 [DFB]
714OpenBSD 5.9		2016-03-29 [OBD]
715FreeBSD 10.3		2016-04-04 [FBD]
716NetBSD 7.0.1		2016-05-22 [NBD]
717DragonFly 4.6.0		2016-08-02 [DFB]
718OpenBSD 6.0		2016-09-01 [OBD]
719macOS 10.12		2016-09-20 [APL]
720NetBSD 7.0.2		2016-10-21 [NBD]
721FreeBSD 11.0		2016-10-10 [FBD]
722NetBSD 7.1		2017-03-11 [NBD]
723DragonFly 4.8.0		2017-03-27 [DFB]
724OpenBSD 6.1		2017-04-11 [OBD]
725FreeBSD 11.1		2017-07-26 [FBD]
726macOS 10.13		2017-09-25 [APL]
727FreeBSD 10.4		2017-10-03 [FBD]
728OpenBSD 6.2		2017-10-09 [OBD]
729DragonFly 5.0.0		2017-10-16 [DFB]
730DragonFly 5.0.1		2017-11-06 [DFB]
731DragonFly 5.0.2		2017-12-04 [DFB]
736Leffler, Samuel J., Marshall Kirk McKusick, Michael J Karels and John
737Quarterman. The Design and Implementation of the 4.3BSD UNIX Operating
738System. Reading, Mass. Addison-Wesley, 1989. ISBN 0-201-06196-1
740Salus, Peter H. A quarter century of UNIX. Addison-Wesley Publishing
741Company, Inc., 1994. ISBN 0-201-54777-5
743McKusick, Marshall Kirk, Keith Bostic, Michael J Karels, and John
744Quarterman. The Design and Implementation of the 4.4BSD Operating
745System. Reading, Mass. Addison-Wesley, 1996. ISBN 0-201-54979-4
747McKusick, Marshall Kirk, George Neville-Neil. The Design and
748Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System.
749Addison-Wesley Professional, Published: Aug 2, 2004. ISBN 0-201-70245-2
751McKusick, Marshall Kirk, George Neville-Neil, Robert Watson. The
752Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System, 2nd Edition.
753Pearson Education, Inc., 2014. ISBN 0-321-96897-2
755Doug McIlroy. Research Unix Reader.
757Michael G. Brown. The Role of BSD in the Development of Unix.
758Presented to the Tasmanian Unix Special Interest Group of the
759Australian Computer Society, Hobart, August 1993.
761Peter H. Salus. Unix at 25. Byte Magazine, October 1994.
762URL: http://www.byte.com/art/9410/sec8/art3.htm
764Andreas Klemm, Lars Köller. If you're going to San Francisco ...
765Die freien BSD-Varianten von Unix. c't April 1997, page 368ff.
767BSD Release Announcements collection.
768URL: https://www.FreeBSD.org/releases/
770BSD Hypertext Man Pages
771URL: https://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/man.cgi
773UNIX history graphing project
774URL: http://minnie.tuhs.org/Unix_History/index.html
776UNIX history
777URL: http://www.levenez.com/unix/
779James Howard: The BSD Family Tree
780URL: http://ezine.daemonnews.org/200104/bsd_family.html
781("what are the differences between FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD?")
787Josh Gilliam for suggestions, bug fixes, and finding very old
788original BSD announcements from Usenet or tapes.
790Steven M. Schultz for providing 2.8BSD, 2.10BSD, 2.11BSD manual pages.
793Copyright (c) 1997-2012 Wolfram Schneider <wosch@FreeBSD.ORG>
794URL: http://svnweb.freebsd.org/base/head/share/misc/bsd-family-tree