xref: /freebsd/contrib/llvm-project/compiler-rt/lib/asan/asan_fake_stack.cpp (revision 5f757f3ff9144b609b3c433dfd370cc6bdc191ad)
1 //===-- asan_fake_stack.cpp -----------------------------------------------===//
2 //
3 // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
4 // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
5 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
6 //
7 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
8 //
9 // This file is a part of AddressSanitizer, an address sanity checker.
10 //
11 // FakeStack is used to detect use-after-return bugs.
12 //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
14 #include "asan_allocator.h"
15 #include "asan_poisoning.h"
16 #include "asan_thread.h"
18 namespace __asan {
20 static const u64 kMagic1 = kAsanStackAfterReturnMagic;
21 static const u64 kMagic2 = (kMagic1 << 8) | kMagic1;
22 static const u64 kMagic4 = (kMagic2 << 16) | kMagic2;
23 static const u64 kMagic8 = (kMagic4 << 32) | kMagic4;
25 static const u64 kAllocaRedzoneSize = 32UL;
26 static const u64 kAllocaRedzoneMask = 31UL;
28 // For small size classes inline PoisonShadow for better performance.
29 ALWAYS_INLINE void SetShadow(uptr ptr, uptr size, uptr class_id, u64 magic) {
30   u64 *shadow = reinterpret_cast<u64*>(MemToShadow(ptr));
31   if (ASAN_SHADOW_SCALE == 3 && class_id <= 6) {
32     // This code expects ASAN_SHADOW_SCALE=3.
33     for (uptr i = 0; i < (((uptr)1) << class_id); i++) {
34       shadow[i] = magic;
35       // Make sure this does not become memset.
36       SanitizerBreakOptimization(nullptr);
37     }
38   } else {
39     // The size class is too big, it's cheaper to poison only size bytes.
40     PoisonShadow(ptr, size, static_cast<u8>(magic));
41   }
42 }
44 FakeStack *FakeStack::Create(uptr stack_size_log) {
45   static uptr kMinStackSizeLog = 16;
46   static uptr kMaxStackSizeLog = FIRST_32_SECOND_64(24, 28);
47   if (stack_size_log < kMinStackSizeLog)
48     stack_size_log = kMinStackSizeLog;
49   if (stack_size_log > kMaxStackSizeLog)
50     stack_size_log = kMaxStackSizeLog;
51   uptr size = RequiredSize(stack_size_log);
52   FakeStack *res = reinterpret_cast<FakeStack *>(
53       flags()->uar_noreserve ? MmapNoReserveOrDie(size, "FakeStack")
54                              : MmapOrDie(size, "FakeStack"));
55   res->stack_size_log_ = stack_size_log;
56   u8 *p = reinterpret_cast<u8 *>(res);
57   VReport(1,
58           "T%d: FakeStack created: %p -- %p stack_size_log: %zd; "
59           "mmapped %zdK, noreserve=%d \n",
60           GetCurrentTidOrInvalid(), (void *)p,
61           (void *)(p + FakeStack::RequiredSize(stack_size_log)), stack_size_log,
62           size >> 10, flags()->uar_noreserve);
63   return res;
64 }
66 void FakeStack::Destroy(int tid) {
67   PoisonAll(0);
68   if (Verbosity() >= 2) {
69     InternalScopedString str;
70     for (uptr class_id = 0; class_id < kNumberOfSizeClasses; class_id++)
71       str.AppendF("%zd: %zd/%zd; ", class_id, hint_position_[class_id],
72                   NumberOfFrames(stack_size_log(), class_id));
73     Report("T%d: FakeStack destroyed: %s\n", tid, str.data());
74   }
75   uptr size = RequiredSize(stack_size_log_);
76   FlushUnneededASanShadowMemory(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(this), size);
77   UnmapOrDie(this, size);
78 }
80 void FakeStack::PoisonAll(u8 magic) {
81   PoisonShadow(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(this), RequiredSize(stack_size_log()),
82                magic);
83 }
85 #if !defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__clang__)
87 #endif
88 FakeFrame *FakeStack::Allocate(uptr stack_size_log, uptr class_id,
89                                uptr real_stack) {
90   CHECK_LT(class_id, kNumberOfSizeClasses);
91   if (needs_gc_)
92     GC(real_stack);
93   uptr &hint_position = hint_position_[class_id];
94   const int num_iter = NumberOfFrames(stack_size_log, class_id);
95   u8 *flags = GetFlags(stack_size_log, class_id);
96   for (int i = 0; i < num_iter; i++) {
97     uptr pos = ModuloNumberOfFrames(stack_size_log, class_id, hint_position++);
98     // This part is tricky. On one hand, checking and setting flags[pos]
99     // should be atomic to ensure async-signal safety. But on the other hand,
100     // if the signal arrives between checking and setting flags[pos], the
101     // signal handler's fake stack will start from a different hint_position
102     // and so will not touch this particular byte. So, it is safe to do this
103     // with regular non-atomic load and store (at least I was not able to make
104     // this code crash).
105     if (flags[pos]) continue;
106     flags[pos] = 1;
107     FakeFrame *res = reinterpret_cast<FakeFrame *>(
108         GetFrame(stack_size_log, class_id, pos));
109     res->real_stack = real_stack;
110     *SavedFlagPtr(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(res), class_id) = &flags[pos];
111     return res;
112   }
113   return nullptr; // We are out of fake stack.
114 }
116 uptr FakeStack::AddrIsInFakeStack(uptr ptr, uptr *frame_beg, uptr *frame_end) {
117   uptr stack_size_log = this->stack_size_log();
118   uptr beg = reinterpret_cast<uptr>(GetFrame(stack_size_log, 0, 0));
119   uptr end = reinterpret_cast<uptr>(this) + RequiredSize(stack_size_log);
120   if (ptr < beg || ptr >= end) return 0;
121   uptr class_id = (ptr - beg) >> stack_size_log;
122   uptr base = beg + (class_id << stack_size_log);
123   CHECK_LE(base, ptr);
124   CHECK_LT(ptr, base + (((uptr)1) << stack_size_log));
125   uptr pos = (ptr - base) >> (kMinStackFrameSizeLog + class_id);
126   uptr res = base + pos * BytesInSizeClass(class_id);
127   *frame_end = res + BytesInSizeClass(class_id);
128   *frame_beg = res + sizeof(FakeFrame);
129   return res;
130 }
132 void FakeStack::HandleNoReturn() {
133   needs_gc_ = true;
134 }
136 // Hack: The statement below is not true if we take into account sigaltstack or
137 // makecontext. It should be possible to make GC to discard wrong stack frame if
138 // we use these tools. For now, let's support the simplest case and allow GC to
139 // discard only frames from the default stack, assuming there is no buffer on
140 // the stack which is used for makecontext or sigaltstack.
141 //
142 // When throw, longjmp or some such happens we don't call OnFree() and
143 // as the result may leak one or more fake frames, but the good news is that
144 // we are notified about all such events by HandleNoReturn().
145 // If we recently had such no-return event we need to collect garbage frames.
146 // We do it based on their 'real_stack' values -- everything that is lower
147 // than the current real_stack is garbage.
148 NOINLINE void FakeStack::GC(uptr real_stack) {
149   AsanThread *curr_thread = GetCurrentThread();
150   if (!curr_thread)
151     return;  // Try again when we have a thread.
152   auto top = curr_thread->stack_top();
153   auto bottom = curr_thread->stack_bottom();
154   if (real_stack < bottom || real_stack > top)
155     return;  // Not the default stack.
157   for (uptr class_id = 0; class_id < kNumberOfSizeClasses; class_id++) {
158     u8 *flags = GetFlags(stack_size_log(), class_id);
159     for (uptr i = 0, n = NumberOfFrames(stack_size_log(), class_id); i < n;
160          i++) {
161       if (flags[i] == 0) continue;  // not allocated.
162       FakeFrame *ff = reinterpret_cast<FakeFrame *>(
163           GetFrame(stack_size_log(), class_id, i));
164       // GC only on the default stack.
165       if (bottom < ff->real_stack && ff->real_stack < real_stack) {
166         flags[i] = 0;
167         // Poison the frame, so the any access will be reported as UAR.
168         SetShadow(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(ff), BytesInSizeClass(class_id),
169                   class_id, kMagic8);
170       }
171     }
172   }
173   needs_gc_ = false;
174 }
176 void FakeStack::ForEachFakeFrame(RangeIteratorCallback callback, void *arg) {
177   for (uptr class_id = 0; class_id < kNumberOfSizeClasses; class_id++) {
178     u8 *flags = GetFlags(stack_size_log(), class_id);
179     for (uptr i = 0, n = NumberOfFrames(stack_size_log(), class_id); i < n;
180          i++) {
181       if (flags[i] == 0) continue;  // not allocated.
182       FakeFrame *ff = reinterpret_cast<FakeFrame *>(
183           GetFrame(stack_size_log(), class_id, i));
184       uptr begin = reinterpret_cast<uptr>(ff);
185       callback(begin, begin + FakeStack::BytesInSizeClass(class_id), arg);
186     }
187   }
188 }
191 static THREADLOCAL FakeStack *fake_stack_tls;
193 FakeStack *GetTLSFakeStack() {
194   return fake_stack_tls;
195 }
196 void SetTLSFakeStack(FakeStack *fs) {
197   fake_stack_tls = fs;
198 }
199 #else
200 FakeStack *GetTLSFakeStack() { return 0; }
201 void SetTLSFakeStack(FakeStack *fs) { }
204 static FakeStack *GetFakeStack() {
205   AsanThread *t = GetCurrentThread();
206   if (!t) return nullptr;
207   return t->get_or_create_fake_stack();
208 }
210 static FakeStack *GetFakeStackFast() {
211   if (FakeStack *fs = GetTLSFakeStack())
212     return fs;
213   if (!__asan_option_detect_stack_use_after_return)
214     return nullptr;
215   return GetFakeStack();
216 }
218 static FakeStack *GetFakeStackFastAlways() {
219   if (FakeStack *fs = GetTLSFakeStack())
220     return fs;
221   return GetFakeStack();
222 }
224 static ALWAYS_INLINE uptr OnMalloc(uptr class_id, uptr size) {
225   FakeStack *fs = GetFakeStackFast();
226   if (!fs)
227     return 0;
228   FakeFrame *ff =
229       fs->Allocate(fs->stack_size_log(), class_id, GET_CURRENT_FRAME());
230   if (!ff)
231     return 0;  // Out of fake stack.
232   uptr ptr = reinterpret_cast<uptr>(ff);
233   SetShadow(ptr, size, class_id, 0);
234   return ptr;
235 }
237 static ALWAYS_INLINE uptr OnMallocAlways(uptr class_id, uptr size) {
238   FakeStack *fs = GetFakeStackFastAlways();
239   if (!fs)
240     return 0;
241   FakeFrame *ff =
242       fs->Allocate(fs->stack_size_log(), class_id, GET_CURRENT_FRAME());
243   if (!ff)
244     return 0;  // Out of fake stack.
245   uptr ptr = reinterpret_cast<uptr>(ff);
246   SetShadow(ptr, size, class_id, 0);
247   return ptr;
248 }
250 static ALWAYS_INLINE void OnFree(uptr ptr, uptr class_id, uptr size) {
251   FakeStack::Deallocate(ptr, class_id);
252   SetShadow(ptr, size, class_id, kMagic8);
253 }
255 } // namespace __asan
257 // ---------------------- Interface ---------------- {{{1
258 using namespace __asan;
259 #define DEFINE_STACK_MALLOC_FREE_WITH_CLASS_ID(class_id)                      \
260   extern "C" SANITIZER_INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTE uptr                               \
261       __asan_stack_malloc_##class_id(uptr size) {                             \
262     return OnMalloc(class_id, size);                                          \
263   }                                                                           \
264   extern "C" SANITIZER_INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTE uptr                               \
265       __asan_stack_malloc_always_##class_id(uptr size) {                      \
266     return OnMallocAlways(class_id, size);                                    \
267   }                                                                           \
268   extern "C" SANITIZER_INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTE void __asan_stack_free_##class_id( \
269       uptr ptr, uptr size) {                                                  \
270     OnFree(ptr, class_id, size);                                              \
271   }
285 extern "C" {
286 // TODO: remove this method and fix tests that use it by setting
287 // -asan-use-after-return=never, after modal UAR flag lands
288 // (https://github.com/google/sanitizers/issues/1394)
290 void *__asan_get_current_fake_stack() { return GetFakeStackFast(); }
293 void *__asan_addr_is_in_fake_stack(void *fake_stack, void *addr, void **beg,
294                                    void **end) {
295   FakeStack *fs = reinterpret_cast<FakeStack*>(fake_stack);
296   if (!fs) return nullptr;
297   uptr frame_beg, frame_end;
298   FakeFrame *frame = reinterpret_cast<FakeFrame *>(fs->AddrIsInFakeStack(
299       reinterpret_cast<uptr>(addr), &frame_beg, &frame_end));
300   if (!frame) return nullptr;
301   if (frame->magic != kCurrentStackFrameMagic)
302     return nullptr;
303   if (beg) *beg = reinterpret_cast<void*>(frame_beg);
304   if (end) *end = reinterpret_cast<void*>(frame_end);
305   return reinterpret_cast<void*>(frame->real_stack);
306 }
309 void __asan_alloca_poison(uptr addr, uptr size) {
310   uptr LeftRedzoneAddr = addr - kAllocaRedzoneSize;
311   uptr PartialRzAddr = addr + size;
312   uptr RightRzAddr = (PartialRzAddr + kAllocaRedzoneMask) & ~kAllocaRedzoneMask;
313   uptr PartialRzAligned = PartialRzAddr & ~(ASAN_SHADOW_GRANULARITY - 1);
314   FastPoisonShadow(LeftRedzoneAddr, kAllocaRedzoneSize, kAsanAllocaLeftMagic);
315   FastPoisonShadowPartialRightRedzone(
316       PartialRzAligned, PartialRzAddr % ASAN_SHADOW_GRANULARITY,
317       RightRzAddr - PartialRzAligned, kAsanAllocaRightMagic);
318   FastPoisonShadow(RightRzAddr, kAllocaRedzoneSize, kAsanAllocaRightMagic);
319 }
322 void __asan_allocas_unpoison(uptr top, uptr bottom) {
323   if ((!top) || (top > bottom)) return;
324   REAL(memset)
325   (reinterpret_cast<void *>(MemToShadow(top)), 0,
326    (bottom - top) / ASAN_SHADOW_GRANULARITY);
327 }
328 } // extern "C"