xref: /linux/tools/testing/selftests/net/l2_tos_ttl_inherit.sh (revision 9a87ffc99ec8eb8d35eed7c4f816d75f5cc9662e)
2# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
4# Author: Matthias May <matthias.may@westermo.com>
6# This script evaluates ip tunnels that are capable of carrying L2 traffic
7# if they inherit or set the inheritable fields.
8# Namely these tunnels are: 'gretap', 'vxlan' and 'geneve'.
9# Checked inheritable fields are: TOS and TTL.
10# The outer tunnel protocol of 'IPv4' or 'IPv6' is verified-
11# As payload frames of type 'IPv4', 'IPv6' and 'other'(ARP) are verified.
12# In addition this script also checks if forcing a specific field in the
13# outer header is working.
15# Return 4 by default (Kselftest SKIP code)
18if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then
19	echo "Please run as root."
20	exit $ERR
22if ! which tcpdump > /dev/null 2>&1; then
23	echo "No tcpdump found. Required for this test."
24	exit $ERR
31readonly NS0=$(mktemp -u ns0-XXXXXXXX)
32readonly NS1=$(mktemp -u ns1-XXXXXXXX)
34RUN_NS0="ip netns exec ${NS0}"
36get_random_tos() {
37	# Get a random hex tos value between 0x00 and 0xfc, a multiple of 4
38	echo "0x$(tr -dc '0-9a-f' < /dev/urandom | head -c 1)\
39$(tr -dc '048c' < /dev/urandom | head -c 1)"
41get_random_ttl() {
42	# Get a random dec value between 0 and 255
43	printf "%d" "0x$(tr -dc '0-9a-f' < /dev/urandom | head -c 2)"
45get_field() {
46	# Expects to get the 'head -n 1' of a captured frame by tcpdump.
47	# Parses this first line and returns the specified field.
48	local field="$1"
49	local input="$2"
50	local found=false
51	input="$(echo "$input" | tr -d '(),')"
52	for input_field in $input; do
53		if $found; then
54			echo "$input_field"
55			return
56		fi
57		# The next field that we iterate over is the looked for value
58		if [ "$input_field" = "$field" ]; then
59			found=true
60		fi
61	done
62	echo "0"
64setup() {
65	local type="$1"
66	local outer="$2"
67	local inner="$3"
68	local tos_ttl="$4"
69	local vlan="$5"
70	local test_tos="0x00"
71	local test_ttl="0"
73	# We don't want a test-tos of 0x00,
74	# because this is the value that we get when no tos is set.
75	expected_tos="$(get_random_tos)"
76	while [ "$expected_tos" = "0x00" ]; do
77		expected_tos="$(get_random_tos)"
78	done
79	if [ "$tos_ttl" = "random" ]; then
80		test_tos="$expected_tos"
81		tos="fixed $test_tos"
82	elif [ "$tos_ttl" = "inherit" ]; then
83		test_tos="$tos_ttl"
84		tos="inherit $expected_tos"
85	fi
87	# We don't want a test-ttl of 64 or 0,
88	# because 64 is when no ttl is set and 0 is not a valid ttl.
89	expected_ttl="$(get_random_ttl)"
90	while [ "$expected_ttl" = "64" ] || [ "$expected_ttl" = "0" ]; do
91		expected_ttl="$(get_random_ttl)"
92	done
94	if [ "$tos_ttl" = "random" ]; then
95		test_ttl="$expected_ttl"
96		ttl="fixed $test_ttl"
97	elif [ "$tos_ttl" = "inherit" ]; then
98		test_ttl="$tos_ttl"
99		ttl="inherit $expected_ttl"
100	fi
101	printf "│%7s │%6s │%6s │%13s │%13s │%6s │" \
102	"$type" "$outer" "$inner" "$tos" "$ttl" "$vlan"
104	# Create netns NS0 and NS1 and connect them with a veth pair
105	ip netns add "${NS0}"
106	ip netns add "${NS1}"
107	ip link add name veth0 netns "${NS0}" type veth \
108		peer name veth1 netns "${NS1}"
109	ip -netns "${NS0}" link set dev veth0 up
110	ip -netns "${NS1}" link set dev veth1 up
111	ip -netns "${NS0}" address flush dev veth0
112	ip -netns "${NS1}" address flush dev veth1
114	local local_addr1=""
115	local local_addr2=""
116	if [ "$type" = "gre" ] || [ "$type" = "vxlan" ]; then
117		if [ "$outer" = "4" ]; then
118			local_addr1="local"
119			local_addr2="local"
120		elif [ "$outer" = "6" ]; then
121			local_addr1="local fdd1:ced0:5d88:3fce::1"
122			local_addr2="local fdd1:ced0:5d88:3fce::2"
123		fi
124	fi
125	local vxlan=""
126	if [ "$type" = "vxlan" ]; then
127		vxlan="vni 100 dstport 4789"
128	fi
129	local geneve=""
130	if [ "$type" = "geneve" ]; then
131		geneve="vni 100"
132	fi
133	# Create tunnel and assign outer IPv4/IPv6 addresses
134	if [ "$outer" = "4" ]; then
135		if [ "$type" = "gre" ]; then
136			type="gretap"
137		fi
138		ip -netns "${NS0}" address add dev veth0
139		ip -netns "${NS1}" address add dev veth1
140		ip -netns "${NS0}" link add name tep0 type $type $local_addr1 \
141			remote tos $test_tos ttl $test_ttl         \
142			$vxlan $geneve
143		ip -netns "${NS1}" link add name tep1 type $type $local_addr2 \
144			remote tos $test_tos ttl $test_ttl         \
145			$vxlan $geneve
146	elif [ "$outer" = "6" ]; then
147		if [ "$type" = "gre" ]; then
148			type="ip6gretap"
149		fi
150		ip -netns "${NS0}" address add fdd1:ced0:5d88:3fce::1/64 \
151			dev veth0 nodad
152		ip -netns "${NS1}" address add fdd1:ced0:5d88:3fce::2/64 \
153			dev veth1 nodad
154		ip -netns "${NS0}" link add name tep0 type $type $local_addr1 \
155			remote fdd1:ced0:5d88:3fce::2 tos $test_tos           \
156			ttl $test_ttl $vxlan $geneve
157		ip -netns "${NS1}" link add name tep1 type $type $local_addr2 \
158			remote fdd1:ced0:5d88:3fce::1 tos $test_tos           \
159			ttl $test_ttl $vxlan $geneve
160	fi
162	# Bring L2-tunnel link up and create VLAN on top
163	ip -netns "${NS0}" link set tep0 up
164	ip -netns "${NS1}" link set tep1 up
165	ip -netns "${NS0}" address flush dev tep0
166	ip -netns "${NS1}" address flush dev tep1
167	local parent
168	if $vlan; then
169		parent="vlan99-"
170		ip -netns "${NS0}" link add link tep0 name ${parent}0 \
171			type vlan id 99
172		ip -netns "${NS1}" link add link tep1 name ${parent}1 \
173			type vlan id 99
174		ip -netns "${NS0}" link set dev ${parent}0 up
175		ip -netns "${NS1}" link set dev ${parent}1 up
176		ip -netns "${NS0}" address flush dev ${parent}0
177		ip -netns "${NS1}" address flush dev ${parent}1
178	else
179		parent="tep"
180	fi
182	# Assign inner IPv4/IPv6 addresses
183	if [ "$inner" = "4" ] || [ "$inner" = "other" ]; then
184		ip -netns "${NS0}" address add brd + dev ${parent}0
185		ip -netns "${NS1}" address add brd + dev ${parent}1
186	elif [ "$inner" = "6" ]; then
187		ip -netns "${NS0}" address add fdd4:96cf:4eae:443b::1/64 \
188			dev ${parent}0 nodad
189		ip -netns "${NS1}" address add fdd4:96cf:4eae:443b::2/64 \
190			dev ${parent}1 nodad
191	fi
194verify() {
195	local outer="$1"
196	local inner="$2"
197	local tos_ttl="$3"
198	local vlan="$4"
200	local ping_pid out captured_tos captured_ttl result
202	local ping_dst
203	if [ "$inner" = "4" ]; then
204		ping_dst=""
205	elif [ "$inner" = "6" ]; then
206		ping_dst="fdd4:96cf:4eae:443b::2"
207	elif [ "$inner" = "other" ]; then
208		ping_dst="" # Generates ARPs which are not IPv4/IPv6
209	fi
210	if [ "$tos_ttl" = "inherit" ]; then
211		${RUN_NS0} ping -i 0.1 $ping_dst -Q "$expected_tos"          \
212			 -t "$expected_ttl" 2>/dev/null 1>&2 & ping_pid="$!"
213	else
214		${RUN_NS0} ping -i 0.1 $ping_dst 2>/dev/null 1>&2 & ping_pid="$!"
215	fi
216	local tunnel_type_offset tunnel_type_proto req_proto_offset req_offset
217	if [ "$type" = "gre" ]; then
218		tunnel_type_proto="0x2f"
219	elif [ "$type" = "vxlan" ] || [ "$type" = "geneve" ]; then
220		tunnel_type_proto="0x11"
221	fi
222	if [ "$outer" = "4" ]; then
223		tunnel_type_offset="9"
224		if [ "$inner" = "4" ]; then
225			req_proto_offset="47"
226			req_offset="58"
227			if [ "$type" = "vxlan" ] || [ "$type" = "geneve" ]; then
228				req_proto_offset="$((req_proto_offset + 12))"
229				req_offset="$((req_offset + 12))"
230			fi
231			if $vlan; then
232				req_proto_offset="$((req_proto_offset + 4))"
233				req_offset="$((req_offset + 4))"
234			fi
235			out="$(${RUN_NS0} tcpdump --immediate-mode -p -c 1 -v \
236				-i veth0 -n                                   \
237				ip[$tunnel_type_offset] = $tunnel_type_proto and \
238				ip[$req_proto_offset] = 0x01 and              \
239				ip[$req_offset] = 0x08 2>/dev/null            \
240				| head -n 1)"
241		elif [ "$inner" = "6" ]; then
242			req_proto_offset="44"
243			req_offset="78"
244			if [ "$type" = "vxlan" ] || [ "$type" = "geneve" ]; then
245				req_proto_offset="$((req_proto_offset + 12))"
246				req_offset="$((req_offset + 12))"
247			fi
248			if $vlan; then
249				req_proto_offset="$((req_proto_offset + 4))"
250				req_offset="$((req_offset + 4))"
251			fi
252			out="$(${RUN_NS0} tcpdump --immediate-mode -p -c 1 -v \
253				-i veth0 -n                                   \
254				ip[$tunnel_type_offset] = $tunnel_type_proto and \
255				ip[$req_proto_offset] = 0x3a and              \
256				ip[$req_offset] = 0x80 2>/dev/null            \
257				| head -n 1)"
258		elif [ "$inner" = "other" ]; then
259			req_proto_offset="36"
260			req_offset="45"
261			if [ "$type" = "vxlan" ] || [ "$type" = "geneve" ]; then
262				req_proto_offset="$((req_proto_offset + 12))"
263				req_offset="$((req_offset + 12))"
264			fi
265			if $vlan; then
266				req_proto_offset="$((req_proto_offset + 4))"
267				req_offset="$((req_offset + 4))"
268			fi
269			if [ "$tos_ttl" = "inherit" ]; then
270				expected_tos="0x00"
271				expected_ttl="64"
272			fi
273			out="$(${RUN_NS0} tcpdump --immediate-mode -p -c 1 -v \
274				-i veth0 -n                                   \
275				ip[$tunnel_type_offset] = $tunnel_type_proto and \
276				ip[$req_proto_offset] = 0x08 and              \
277				ip[$((req_proto_offset + 1))] = 0x06 and      \
278				ip[$req_offset] = 0x01 2>/dev/null            \
279				| head -n 1)"
280		fi
281	elif [ "$outer" = "6" ]; then
282		if [ "$type" = "gre" ]; then
283			tunnel_type_offset="40"
284		elif [ "$type" = "vxlan" ] || [ "$type" = "geneve" ]; then
285			tunnel_type_offset="6"
286		fi
287		if [ "$inner" = "4" ]; then
288			local req_proto_offset="75"
289			local req_offset="86"
290			if [ "$type" = "vxlan" ] || [ "$type" = "geneve" ]; then
291				req_proto_offset="$((req_proto_offset + 4))"
292				req_offset="$((req_offset + 4))"
293			fi
294			if $vlan; then
295				req_proto_offset="$((req_proto_offset + 4))"
296				req_offset="$((req_offset + 4))"
297			fi
298			out="$(${RUN_NS0} tcpdump --immediate-mode -p -c 1 -v \
299				-i veth0 -n                                   \
300				ip6[$tunnel_type_offset] = $tunnel_type_proto and \
301				ip6[$req_proto_offset] = 0x01 and             \
302				ip6[$req_offset] = 0x08 2>/dev/null           \
303				| head -n 1)"
304		elif [ "$inner" = "6" ]; then
305			local req_proto_offset="72"
306			local req_offset="106"
307			if [ "$type" = "vxlan" ] || [ "$type" = "geneve" ]; then
308				req_proto_offset="$((req_proto_offset + 4))"
309				req_offset="$((req_offset + 4))"
310			fi
311			if $vlan; then
312				req_proto_offset="$((req_proto_offset + 4))"
313				req_offset="$((req_offset + 4))"
314			fi
315			out="$(${RUN_NS0} tcpdump --immediate-mode -p -c 1 -v \
316				-i veth0 -n                                   \
317				ip6[$tunnel_type_offset] = $tunnel_type_proto and \
318				ip6[$req_proto_offset] = 0x3a and             \
319				ip6[$req_offset] = 0x80 2>/dev/null           \
320				| head -n 1)"
321		elif [ "$inner" = "other" ]; then
322			local req_proto_offset="64"
323			local req_offset="73"
324			if [ "$type" = "vxlan" ] || [ "$type" = "geneve" ]; then
325				req_proto_offset="$((req_proto_offset + 4))"
326				req_offset="$((req_offset + 4))"
327			fi
328			if $vlan; then
329				req_proto_offset="$((req_proto_offset + 4))"
330				req_offset="$((req_offset + 4))"
331			fi
332			if [ "$tos_ttl" = "inherit" ]; then
333				expected_tos="0x00"
334				expected_ttl="64"
335			fi
336			out="$(${RUN_NS0} tcpdump --immediate-mode -p -c 1 -v \
337				-i veth0 -n                                   \
338				ip6[$tunnel_type_offset] = $tunnel_type_proto and \
339				ip6[$req_proto_offset] = 0x08 and             \
340				ip6[$((req_proto_offset + 1))] = 0x06 and     \
341				ip6[$req_offset] = 0x01 2>/dev/null           \
342				| head -n 1)"
343		fi
344	fi
345	kill -9 $ping_pid
346	wait $ping_pid 2>/dev/null || true
347	result="FAIL"
348	if [ "$outer" = "4" ]; then
349		captured_ttl="$(get_field "ttl" "$out")"
350		captured_tos="$(printf "0x%02x" "$(get_field "tos" "$out")")"
351		if [ "$captured_tos" = "$expected_tos" ] &&
352		   [ "$captured_ttl" = "$expected_ttl" ]; then
353			result="OK"
354		fi
355	elif [ "$outer" = "6" ]; then
356		captured_ttl="$(get_field "hlim" "$out")"
357		captured_tos="$(printf "0x%02x" "$(get_field "class" "$out")")"
358		if [ "$captured_tos" = "$expected_tos" ] &&
359		   [ "$captured_ttl" = "$expected_ttl" ]; then
360			result="OK"
361		fi
362	fi
364	printf "%7s │\n" "$result"
365	if [ "$result" = "FAIL" ]; then
366		failed=true
367		if [ "$captured_tos" != "$expected_tos" ]; then
368			printf "│%43s%27s │\n" \
369			"Expected TOS value: $expected_tos" \
370			"Captured TOS value: $captured_tos"
371		fi
372		if [ "$captured_ttl" != "$expected_ttl" ]; then
373			printf "│%43s%27s │\n" \
374			"Expected TTL value: $expected_ttl" \
375			"Captured TTL value: $captured_ttl"
376		fi
377		printf "│%71s│\n" " "
378	fi
381cleanup() {
382	ip netns del "${NS0}" 2>/dev/null
383	ip netns del "${NS1}" 2>/dev/null
386exit_handler() {
387	# Don't exit immediately if one of the intermediate commands fails.
388	# We might be called at the end of the script, when the network
389	# namespaces have already been deleted. So cleanup() may fail, but we
390	# still need to run until 'exit $ERR' or the script won't return the
391	# correct error code.
392	set +e
394	cleanup
396	exit $ERR
399# Restore the default SIGINT handler (just in case) and exit.
400# The exit handler will take care of cleaning everything up.
401interrupted() {
402	trap - INT
404	exit $ERR
407set -e
408trap exit_handler EXIT
409trap interrupted INT
411printf "┌────────┬───────┬───────┬──────────────┬"
412printf "──────────────┬───────┬────────┐\n"
413for type in gre vxlan geneve; do
414	if ! $(modprobe "$type" 2>/dev/null); then
415		continue
416	fi
417	for outer in 4 6; do
418		printf "├────────┼───────┼───────┼──────────────┼"
419		printf "──────────────┼───────┼────────┤\n"
420		printf "│  Type  │ outer | inner │     tos      │"
421		printf "      ttl     │  vlan │ result │\n"
422		for inner in 4 6 other; do
423			printf "├────────┼───────┼───────┼──────────────┼"
424			printf "──────────────┼───────┼────────┤\n"
425			for tos_ttl in inherit random; do
426				for vlan in false true; do
427					setup "$type" "$outer" "$inner" \
428					"$tos_ttl" "$vlan"
429					verify "$outer" "$inner" "$tos_ttl" \
430					"$vlan"
431					cleanup
432				done
433			done
434		done
435	done
437printf "└────────┴───────┴───────┴──────────────┴"
438printf "──────────────┴───────┴────────┘\n"
440# All tests done.
441# Set ERR appropriately: it will be returned by the exit handler.
442if $failed; then
443	ERR=1
445	ERR=0