Lines Matching defs:testruns

3289 #	 testruns: the array of Data objects obtained from parseKernelLog
3290 def appendIncompleteTraceLog(testruns):
3292 testcnt = len(testruns)
3295 for data in testruns:
3467 testruns, testdata = [], []
3486 testruns.append(testrun)
3748 for test in testruns:
3772 for i in range(len(testruns)):
3773 test = testruns[i]
3777 if i < len(testruns) - 1:
3778 tle = testruns[i+1].data.start
3921 testruns = []
3938 testruns.append(data)
3939 data = Data(len(testruns))
3959 testruns.append(data)
3960 if len(testruns) < 1:
3965 for data in testruns:
3976 return testruns
4331 # testruns: array of Data objects from parseTraceLog
4332 def createHTMLSummarySimple(testruns, htmlfile, title):
4344 for data in sorted(testruns, key=lambda v:(v['mode'], v['host'], v['kernel'], v['time'])):
4406 html += '<div class="stamp">%s (%d tests: %s)</div>\n' % (title, len(testruns), ', '.join(desc))
4503 def createHTMLDeviceSummary(testruns, htmlfile, title):
4508 for data in testruns:
4569 def createHTMLIssuesSummary(testruns, issues, htmlfile, title, extra=''):
4572 total = len(testruns)
4628 # testruns: array of Data objects from parseKernelLog or parseTraceLog
4631 def createHTML(testruns, testfail):
4632 if len(testruns) < 1:
4637 for data in testruns:
4641 data.trimFreezeTime(testruns[-1].tSuspended)
4676 devtl.createHeader(sysvals, testruns[0].stamp)
4679 for data in testruns:
4689 if(len(testruns) > 1):
4712 if(len(testruns) > 1):
4746 t0 = testruns[0].start
4747 tMax = testruns[-1].end
4755 for data in testruns:
4781 d = testruns[0].addHorizontalDivider(msg, testruns[-1].end)
4785 d = testruns[0].addHorizontalDivider('asynchronous kernel threads', testruns[-1].end)
4791 devtl.createZoomBox(sysvals.suspendmode, len(testruns))
4792 for data in testruns:
4812 if len(testruns) > 1 and data.testnumber == 0:
4813 mMax = testruns[1].start
4909 phasedef = testruns[-1].phasedef
4923 addCSS(hf, sysvals, len(testruns), kerror)
4930 for data in testruns:
4950 if sysvals.cgtest >= 0 and len(testruns) > sysvals.cgtest:
4951 data = testruns[sysvals.cgtest]
4953 data = testruns[-1]
4979 addScriptCode(hf, testruns)
5085 # testruns: array of Data objects from parseKernelLog or parseTraceLog
5086 def addScriptCode(hf, testruns):
5087 t0 = testruns[0].start * 1000
5088 tMax = testruns[-1].end * 1000
5092 for data in testruns:
6180 testruns, error = parseTraceLog(live)
6182 for data in testruns:
6185 testruns = loadKernelLog()
6186 for data in testruns:
6189 appendIncompleteTraceLog(testruns)
6192 return (testruns, {'error': 'timeline generation failed'})
6200 for data in testruns:
6218 for data in testruns:
6221 if len(testruns) < 1:
6223 return (testruns, {'error': 'timeline generation failed'})
6225 createHTML(testruns, error)
6228 data = testruns[0]
6235 return (testruns, stamp)
6254 testruns, stamp = processData()
6286 testruns, stamp = processData(True, quiet)
6287 for data in testruns:
6496 target, issues, testruns = '', [], []
6507 testruns.append(data)
6518 createHTMLSummarySimple(testruns, os.path.join(outpath, 'summary.html'), title)
6520 createHTMLDeviceSummary(testruns, os.path.join(outpath, 'summary-devices.html'), title)
6522 createHTMLIssuesSummary(testruns, issues, os.path.join(outpath, 'summary-issues.html'), title)