Lines Matching full:average

210 …"BriefDescription": "Average latency of a last level cache (LLC) demand data read miss (read memor…
216 …"BriefDescription": "Average latency of a last level cache (LLC) demand data read miss (read memor…
222 …"BriefDescription": "Average latency of a last level cache (LLC) demand data read miss (read memor…
228 …"BriefDescription": "Average latency of a last level cache (LLC) demand data read miss (read memor…
234 …"BriefDescription": "Average latency of a last level cache (LLC) demand data read miss (read memor…
949 …"BriefDescription": "Instruction-Level-Parallelism (average number of uops executed when there is …
963 …"BriefDescription": "Average number of cycles of a switch from the DSB fetch-unit to MITE fetch un…
969 "BriefDescription": "Average number of Uops issued by front-end when it issued something",
975 "BriefDescription": "Average Latency for L1 instruction cache misses",
1006 …"BriefDescription": "Average number of cycles the front-end was delayed due to an Unknown Branch d…
1010 …"PublicDescription": "Average number of cycles the front-end was delayed due to an Unknown Branch …
1138 "BriefDescription": "Average per-core data fill bandwidth to the L1 data cache [GB / sec]",
1144 "BriefDescription": "Average per-core data fill bandwidth to the L2 cache [GB / sec]",
1162 "BriefDescription": "Average per-core data access bandwidth to the L3 cache [GB / sec]",
1168 "BriefDescription": "Average per-core data fill bandwidth to the L3 cache [GB / sec]",
1180 … "BriefDescription": "Average per-thread data fill bandwidth to the L1 data cache [GB / sec]",
1198 "BriefDescription": "Average per-thread data fill bandwidth to the L2 cache [GB / sec]",
1240 "BriefDescription": "Average per-thread data access bandwidth to the L3 cache [GB / sec]",
1246 "BriefDescription": "Average per-thread data fill bandwidth to the L3 cache [GB / sec]",
1258 "BriefDescription": "Average Parallel L2 cache miss data reads",
1264 "BriefDescription": "Average Latency for L2 cache miss demand Loads",
1270 "BriefDescription": "Average Parallel L2 cache miss demand Loads",
1276 "BriefDescription": "Average Latency for L3 cache miss demand Loads",
1282 …"BriefDescription": "Actual Average Latency for L1 data-cache miss demand load operations (in core…
1318 …"BriefDescription": "Memory-Level-Parallelism (average number of L1 miss demand load when there is…
1322 …"PublicDescription": "Memory-Level-Parallelism (average number of L1 miss demand load when there i…
1325 …"BriefDescription": "Average DRAM BW for Reads-to-Core (R2C) covering for memory attached to local…
1329 …"PublicDescription": "Average DRAM BW for Reads-to-Core (R2C) covering for memory attached to loca…
1332 "BriefDescription": "Average L3-cache miss BW for Reads-to-Core (R2C)",
1336 …"PublicDescription": "Average L3-cache miss BW for Reads-to-Core (R2C). This covering going to DRA…
1339 "BriefDescription": "Average Off-core access BW for Reads-to-Core (R2C)",
1343 …"PublicDescription": "Average Off-core access BW for Reads-to-Core (R2C). R2C account for demand o…
1371 …"BriefDescription": "Instruction-Level-Parallelism (average number of uops executed when there is …
1377 "BriefDescription": "Average number of uops fetched from DSB per cycle",
1383 "BriefDescription": "Average number of uops fetched from MITE per cycle",
1397 …"BriefDescription": "Average number of Uops retired in cycles where at least one uop has retired.",
1417 "BriefDescription": "Measured Average Core Frequency for unhalted processors [GHz]",
1423 "BriefDescription": "Average CPU Utilization (percentage)",
1429 "BriefDescription": "Average number of utilized CPUs",
1435 "BriefDescription": "Average external Memory Bandwidth Use for reads and writes [GB / sec]",
1439 …"PublicDescription": "Average external Memory Bandwidth Use for reads and writes [GB / sec]. Relat…
1449 "BriefDescription": "Average IO (network or disk) Bandwidth Use for Reads [GB / sec]",
1453 …"PublicDescription": "Average IO (network or disk) Bandwidth Use for Reads [GB / sec]. Bandwidth o…
1456 "BriefDescription": "Average IO (network or disk) Bandwidth Use for Writes [GB / sec]",
1460 …"PublicDescription": "Average IO (network or disk) Bandwidth Use for Writes [GB / sec]. Bandwidth …
1483 …"BriefDescription": "Average latency of data read request to external DRAM memory [in nanoseconds]…
1487 …"PublicDescription": "Average latency of data read request to external DRAM memory [in nanoseconds…
1490 "BriefDescription": "Average number of parallel data read requests to external memory",
1494 …"PublicDescription": "Average number of parallel data read requests to external memory. Accounts f…
1497 …"BriefDescription": "Average latency of data read request to external 3D X-Point memory [in nanose…
1501 …"PublicDescription": "Average latency of data read request to external 3D X-Point memory [in nanos…
1504 … "BriefDescription": "Average latency of data read request to external memory (in nanoseconds)",
1509 …"PublicDescription": "Average latency of data read request to external memory (in nanoseconds). Ac…
1512 "BriefDescription": "Average 3DXP Memory Bandwidth Use for reads [GB / sec]",
1518 "BriefDescription": "Average 3DXP Memory Bandwidth Use for Writes [GB / sec]",
1536 "BriefDescription": "Average Frequency Utilization relative nominal frequency",
1542 "BriefDescription": "Measured Average Uncore Frequency for the SoC [GHz]",