Lines Matching full:counts
3 "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of branch instructions retired (Precise Event)",
11 … "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of near CALL branch instructions retired. (Precise Event)",
20 "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of far branch instructions retired. (Precise Event)",
29 …"BriefDescription": "Counts the number of near indirect CALL branch instructions retired. (Precise…
38 …"BriefDescription": "Counts the number of branch instructions retired that were conditional jumps.…
47 …"BriefDescription": "Counts the number of branch instructions retired that were near indirect CALL…
56 …"BriefDescription": "Counts the number of near relative CALL branch instructions retired. (Precise…
65 … "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of near RET branch instructions retired. (Precise Event)",
74 …"BriefDescription": "Counts the number of branch instructions retired that were conditional jumps …
83 …"BriefDescription": "Counts the number of mispredicted branch instructions retired (Precise Event)…
91 …"BriefDescription": "Counts the number of mispredicted near CALL branch instructions retired. (Pre…
100 …"BriefDescription": "Counts the number of mispredicted far branch instructions retired. (Precise E…
109 …"BriefDescription": "Counts the number of mispredicted near indirect CALL branch instructions reti…
118 …"BriefDescription": "Counts the number of mispredicted branch instructions retired that were condi…
127 …"BriefDescription": "Counts the number of mispredicted branch instructions retired that were near …
136 …"BriefDescription": "Counts the number of mispredicted near relative CALL branch instructions reti…
145 …"BriefDescription": "Counts the number of mispredicted near RET branch instructions retired. (Prec…
154 …"BriefDescription": "Counts the number of mispredicted branch instructions retired that were condi…
163 "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of unhalted reference clock cycles",
171 "BriefDescription": "Fixed Counter: Counts the number of unhalted reference clock cycles",
178 "BriefDescription": "Fixed Counter: Counts the number of unhalted core clock cycles",
181 …"PublicDescription": "This event counts the number of core cycles while the thread is not in a hal…
186 "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of unhalted core clock cycles",
197 …counts cycles when the divider is busy. More specifically cycles when the divide unit is unable to…
202 "BriefDescription": "Fixed Counter: Counts the number of instructions retired",
205 …on": "This event counts the number of instructions that retire. For instructions that consist of …
210 "BriefDescription": "Counts the total number of instructions retired",
217 "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of instructions retired (Precise Event)",
225 "BriefDescription": "Counts all machine clears",
233 …"BriefDescription": "Counts the number of times that the machine clears due to program modifying d…
241 …"BriefDescription": "Counts the total number of core cycles when no micro-ops are allocated for an…
249 …"BriefDescription": "Counts the number of core cycles when no micro-ops are allocated and the allo…
253 …"PublicDescription": "This event counts the number of core cycles when no uops are allocated and t…
258 …"BriefDescription": "Counts the number of core cycles when no micro-ops are allocated, the IQ is e…
262 …"PublicDescription": "This event counts the number of core cycles when no uops are allocated, the …
267 …"BriefDescription": "Counts the number of core cycles when no micro-ops are allocated and a RATsta…
275 …"BriefDescription": "Counts the number of core cycles when no micro-ops are allocated and the ROB …
283 …"BriefDescription": "Counts any retired load that was pushed into the recycle queue for any reason…
291 …"BriefDescription": "Counts any retired store that was pushed into the recycle queue for any reaso…
299 …"BriefDescription": "Counts the number of occurrences a retired load gets blocked because its addr…
307 …"BriefDescription": "Counts the number of occurrences a retired load gets blocked because its addr…
313 …"PublicDescription": "This event counts the number of retired loads that were prohibited from rece…
318 …"BriefDescription": "Counts the number of occurrences a retired load was pushed into the rehab que…
324 …"PublicDescription": "This event counts the number of retired loads which was pushed into the recy…
329 …"BriefDescription": "Counts all the retired locked loads. It does not include stores because we wo…
337 …"BriefDescription": "Counts the store micro-ops retired that were pushed in the rehab queue becaus…
345 …"BriefDescription": "Counts the number of occurrences a retired store that is a cache line split. …
349 …"PublicDescription": "This event counts the number of retired store that experienced a cache line …
354 …"BriefDescription": "Counts the total number of core cycles allocation pipeline is stalled when an…
362 …"BriefDescription": "Counts the number of core cycles when allocation pipeline is stalled and is w…
370 "BriefDescription": "Counts the number of micro-ops retired",
374 …"PublicDescription": "This event counts the number of micro-ops (uops) retired. The processor deco…
379 …"BriefDescription": "Counts the number of micro-ops retired that are from the complex flows issued…
383 …"PublicDescription": "This event counts the number of micro-ops retired that were supplied from MS…