Lines Matching +full:3 +full:x12
16 0, 0, ebx, 31:0, cpu_vendorid_0 , CPU vendor ID string bytes 0 - 3
23 1, 0, eax, 3:0, stepping , Stepping ID
33 1, 0, ecx, 0, pni , Streaming SIMD Extensions 3 (SSE3)
36 1, 0, ecx, 3, monitor , MONITOR/MWAIT support
67 1, 0, edx, 3, pse , Page Size Extension
101 2, 0, eax, 30:24, desc3 , Descriptor #3
102 2, 0, eax, 31, eax_invalid , Descriptors 1-3 are invalid if set
143 …5, 0, edx, 3:0, n_c0_substates , Number of C0 sub C-states supported using…
176 6, 0, ebx, 3:0, n_therm_thresholds , Digital thermometer thresholds
178 6, 0, ecx, 3, epb , IA32_ENERGY_PERF_BIAS MSR support
192 … 7, 0, ebx, 3, bmi1 , Bit manipulation extensions group 1
223 7, 0, ecx, 3, pku , Protection keys for user-space
248 …7, 0, edx, 3, avx512_4fmaps , AVX-512 multiply accumulation single prec…
297 7, 2, edx, 3, ddp_ctrl , MSR bit IA32_SPEC_CTRL.DDPD_U
317 0xa, 0, ebx, 3, no_llc_ref_evt , LLC-reference event not available
342 …0xd, 0, eax, 3, xcr0_mpx_bndregs , XCR0.BNDREGS (bit 3) supported (MPX BND…
358 …0xd, 1, eax, 3, xsaves , XSAVES/XRSTORS instructions (and XSS MS…
392 … 0x10, 0, ebx, 3, mba , Memory Bandwidth Allocation supported
397 …0x10, 2:1, ecx, 3, cat_sparse_1s , L3/L2_CAT non-contiguous 1s value supp…
399 …0x10, 3, eax, 11:0, mba_max_delay , Max MBA throttling value; minus-one no…
400 … 0x10, 3, ecx, 0, per_thread_mba , Per-thread MBA controls are supported
401 0x10, 3, ecx, 2, mba_delay_linear , Delay values are linear
402 0x10, 3, edx, 15:0, mba_cos_max , MBA max Class of Service supported
407 0x12, 0, eax, 0, sgx1 , SGX1 leaf functions supported
408 0x12, 0, eax, 1, sgx2 , SGX2 leaf functions supported
409 …0x12, 0, eax, 5, enclv_leaves , ENCLV leaves (E{INC,DEC}VIRTCHILD, ESE…
410 …0x12, 0, eax, 6, encls_leaves , ENCLS leaves (ENCLS ETRACKC, ERDINFO, …
411 … 0x12, 0, eax, 7, enclu_everifyreport2 , ENCLU leaf EVERIFYREPORT2 supported
412 0x12, 0, eax, 10, encls_eupdatesvn , ENCLS leaf EUPDATESVN supported
413 0x12, 0, eax, 11, sgx_edeccssa , ENCLU leaf EDECCSSA supported
414 …0x12, 0, ebx, 0, miscselect_exinfo , SSA.MISC frame: reporting #PF and #GP …
415 …0x12, 0, ebx, 1, miscselect_cpinfo , SSA.MISC frame: reporting #CP exceptio…
416 …0x12, 0, edx, 7:0, max_enclave_sz_not64 , Maximum enclave size in non-64-bit mod…
417 …0x12, 0, edx, 15:8, max_enclave_sz_64 , Maximum enclave size in 64-bit mode (l…
418 …0x12, 1, eax, 0, secs_attr_init , ATTRIBUTES.INIT supported (enclave ini…
419 …0x12, 1, eax, 1, secs_attr_debug , ATTRIBUTES.DEBUG supported (enclave pe…
420 …0x12, 1, eax, 2, secs_attr_mode64bit , ATTRIBUTES.MODE64BIT supported (enclav…
421 …0x12, 1, eax, 4, secs_attr_provisionkey , ATTRIBUTES.PROVISIONKEY supported (pro…
422 …0x12, 1, eax, 5, secs_attr_einittoken_key, ATTRIBUTES.EINITTOKEN_KEY supported (…
423 …0x12, 1, eax, 6, secs_attr_cet , ATTRIBUTES.CET supported (enable CET a…
424 …0x12, 1, eax, 7, secs_attr_kss , ATTRIBUTES.KSS supported (Key Separati…
425 …0x12, 1, eax, 10, secs_attr_aexnotify , ATTRIBUTES.AEXNOTIFY supported (enclav…
426 0x12, 1, ecx, 0, xfrm_x87 , Enclave XFRM.X87 (bit 0) supported
427 0x12, 1, ecx, 1, xfrm_sse , Enclave XFRM.SEE (bit 1) supported
428 0x12, 1, ecx, 2, xfrm_avx , Enclave XFRM.AVX (bit 2) supported
429 …0x12, 1, ecx, 3, xfrm_mpx_bndregs , Enclave XFRM.BNDREGS (bit 3) supported…
430 …0x12, 1, ecx, 4, xfrm_mpx_bndcsr , Enclave XFRM.BNDCSR (bit 4) supported …
431 …0x12, 1, ecx, 5, xfrm_avx512_opmask , Enclave XFRM.OPMASK (bit 5) supported …
432 …0x12, 1, ecx, 6, xfrm_avx512_zmm_hi256 , Enclave XFRM.ZMM_Hi256 (bit 6) support…
433 …0x12, 1, ecx, 7, xfrm_avx512_hi16_zmm , Enclave XFRM.HI16_ZMM (bit 7) supporte…
434 …0x12, 1, ecx, 9, xfrm_pkru , Enclave XFRM.PKRU (bit 9) supported (X…
435 …0x12, 1, ecx, 17, xfrm_tileconfig , Enclave XFRM.TILECONFIG (bit 17) suppo…
436 …0x12, 1, ecx, 18, xfrm_tiledata , Enclave XFRM.TILEDATA (bit 18) support…
437 … 0x12, 31:2, eax, 3:0, subleaf_type , Subleaf type (dictates output layout)
438 0x12, 31:2, eax, 31:12, epc_sec_base_addr_0 , EPC section base addr, bits[12:31]
439 0x12, 31:2, ebx, 19:0, epc_sec_base_addr_1 , EPC section base addr, bits[32:51]
440 … 0x12, 31:2, ecx, 3:0, epc_sec_type , EPC section type / property encoding
441 0x12, 31:2, ecx, 31:12, epc_sec_size_0 , EPC section size, bits[12:31]
442 0x12, 31:2, edx, 19:0, epc_sec_size_1 , EPC section size, bits[32:51]
451 …0x14, 0, ebx, 3, mtc_timing , MTC timing packet; COFI-based packets …
460 …0x14, 0, ecx, 3, trance_transport_output, Trace Transport subsystem output suppo…
489 …0x17, 3:1, eax, 31:0, vendor_brand_a , Vendor Brand ID string, bytes subleaf_…
490 …0x17, 3:1, ebx, 31:0, vendor_brand_b , Vendor Brand ID string, bytes subleaf_…
491 …0x17, 3:1, ecx, 31:0, vendor_brand_c , Vendor Brand ID string, bytes subleaf_…
492 …0x17, 3:1, edx, 31:0, vendor_brand_d , Vendor Brand ID string, bytes subleaf_…
501 0x18, 31:0, ebx, 3, tlb_1g_page , TLB 1GB-page entries supported
542 …0x1c, 0, eax, 3, lbr_depth_32 , Max stack depth (number of LBR entries…
551 …0x1c, 0, ebx, 2, lbr_call_stack , Call-stack mode (IA32_LBR_CTL[3] = 1) …
591 0x21, 0, ebx, 31:0, tdx_vendorid_0 , TDX vendor ID string bytes 0 - 3
599 …0x23, 0, eax, 3, subleaf_3_events , Subleaf 3, PMU events bitmaps, is valid
604 0x23, 3, eax, 0, core_cycles_evt , Core cycles event supported
605 … 0x23, 3, eax, 1, insn_retired_evt , Instructions retired event supported
606 0x23, 3, eax, 2, ref_cycles_evt , Reference cycles event supported
607 …0x23, 3, eax, 3, llc_refs_evt , Last-level cache references event supp…
608 …0x23, 3, eax, 4, llc_misses_evt , Last-level cache misses event supported
609 …0x23, 3, eax, 5, br_insn_ret_evt , Branch instruction retired event suppo…
610 …0x23, 3, eax, 6, br_mispr_evt , Branch mispredict retired event suppor…
611 0x23, 3, eax, 7, td_slots_evt , Topdown slots event supported
612 … 0x23, 3, eax, 8, td_backend_bound_evt , Topdown backend bound event supported
613 …0x23, 3, eax, 9, td_bad_spec_evt , Topdown bad speculation event supported
614 … 0x23, 3, eax, 10, td_frontend_bound_evt , Topdown frontend bound event supported
615 0x23, 3, eax, 11, td_retiring_evt , Topdown retiring event support
621 0x40000000, 0, ebx, 31:0, hypervisor_id_0 , Hypervisor ID string bytes 0 - 3
629 0x80000000, 0, ebx, 31:0, cpu_vendorid_0 , Vendor ID string bytes 0 - 3
636 0x80000001, 0, eax, 3:0, e_stepping_id , Stepping ID
646 0x80000001, 0, ecx, 3, extapic , Extended APIC space
651 0x80000001, 0, ecx, 8, 3dnowprefetch , 3DNow PREFETCH/PREFETCHW support
673 0x80000001, 0, edx, 3, e_pse , Page Size Extension
695 0x80000001, 0, edx, 30, 3dnowext , AMD 3DNow extensions
696 0x80000001, 0, edx, 31, 3dnow , 3DNow instructions
701 0x80000002, 0, eax, 31:0, cpu_brandid_0 , CPU brand ID string, bytes 0 - 3
768 0x80000007, 0, ebx, 3, smca , Scalable MCA (MCAX MSRs)
773 0x80000007, 0, edx, 3, thermal_trip , THERMTRIP (Thermal Trip)
795 0x80000008, 0, ebx, 3, invlpgb , INVLPGB broadcasts a TLB invalida…
833 0x8000000a, 0, edx, 3, nrip_save , NRIP save support on #VMEXIT
880 0x8000001b, 0, eax, 3, ibs_rdwr_op_counter , IBS read/write of op counter supp…
896 0x8000001c, 0, eax, 3, os_lwp_bre , Branch Retired Event (EventId=3) …
919 0x8000001c, 0, edx, 3, hw_lwp_bre , Branch Retired Event (EventId=3) …
957 0x8000001f, 0, eax, 3, sev_es , SEV Encrypted State supported
989 0x80000020, 0, ebx, 3, bmec , Bandwidth Monitoring Event Config…
995 0x80000020, 3, ebx, 7:0, bmec_num_events , BMEC number of bandwidth events a…
996 0x80000020, 3, ecx, 0, bmec_local_reads , Local NUMA reads can be tracked
997 0x80000020, 3, ecx, 1, bmec_remote_reads , Remote NUMA reads can be tracked
998 0x80000020, 3, ecx, 2, bmec_local_nontemp_wr , Local NUMA non-temporal writes ca…
999 0x80000020, 3, ecx, 3, bmec_remote_nontemp_wr , Remote NUMA non-temporal writes c…
1000 0x80000020, 3, ecx, 4, bmec_local_slow_mem_rd , Local NUMA slow-memory reads can …
1001 0x80000020, 3, ecx, 5, bmec_remote_slow_mem_rd, Remote NUMA slow-memory reads can…
1002 0x80000020, 3, ecx, 6, bmec_all_dirty_victims , Dirty QoS victims to all types of…
1010 0x80000021, 0, eax, 3, smm_page_cfg_lock , SMM paging configuration lock is …
1028 0x80000022, 0, ebx, 3:0, n_pmc_core , Number of core perfomance counters
1043 0x80000026, 3:0, eax, 4:0, x2apic_id_shift , Bit width of this level (previous…
1044 0x80000026, 3:0, eax, 29, core_has_pwreff_ranking, This core has a power efficiency …
1045 0x80000026, 3:0, eax, 30, domain_has_hybrid_cores, This domain level has hybrid (E, …
1046 0x80000026, 3:0, eax, 31, domain_core_count_asymm, The 'Core' domain has asymmetric …
1047 0x80000026, 3:0, ebx, 15:0, domain_lcpus_count , Number of logical CPUs at this do…
1048 0x80000026, 3:0, ebx, 23:16, core_pwreff_ranking , This core's static power efficien…
1049 0x80000026, 3:0, ebx, 27:24, core_native_model_id , This core's native model ID
1050 0x80000026, 3:0, ebx, 31:28, core_type , This core's type
1051 0x80000026, 3:0, ecx, 7:0, domain_level , This domain level (subleaf ID)
1052 0x80000026, 3:0, ecx, 15:8, domain_type , This domain type
1053 0x80000026, 3:0, edx, 31:0, x2apic_id , x2APIC ID of current logical CPU