Lines Matching +full:active +full:- +full:delay

1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */
46 #define AT91_DDRSDRC_OCD (1 << 12) /* Off-Chip Driver [SAM9 Only] */
48 #define AT91_DDRSDRC_ACTBST (1 << 18) /* Active Bank X to Burst Stop Read Access Bank Y [SAM9 Onl…
51 #define AT91_DDRSDRC_TRAS (0xf << 0) /* Active to Precharge delay */
52 #define AT91_DDRSDRC_TRCD (0xf << 4) /* Row to Column delay */
53 #define AT91_DDRSDRC_TWR (0xf << 8) /* Write recovery delay */
54 #define AT91_DDRSDRC_TRC (0xf << 12) /* Row cycle delay */
55 #define AT91_DDRSDRC_TRP (0xf << 16) /* Row precharge delay */
56 #define AT91_DDRSDRC_TRRD (0xf << 20) /* Active BankA to BankB */
57 #define AT91_DDRSDRC_TWTR (0x7 << 24) /* Internal Write to Read delay */
58 #define AT91_DDRSDRC_RED_WRRD (0x1 << 27) /* Reduce Write to Read Delay [SAM9 Only] */
59 #define AT91_DDRSDRC_TMRD (0xf << 28) /* Load mode to active/refresh delay */
62 #define AT91_DDRSDRC_TRFC (0x1f << 0) /* Row Cycle Delay */
63 #define AT91_DDRSDRC_TXSNR (0xff << 8) /* Exit self-refresh to non-read */
64 #define AT91_DDRSDRC_TXSRD (0xff << 16) /* Exit self-refresh to read */
65 #define AT91_DDRSDRC_TXP (0xf << 24) /* Exit power-down delay */
68 #define AT91_DDRSDRC_TXARD (0xf << 0) /* Exit active power down delay to read command in mode "F…
69 #define AT91_DDRSDRC_TXARDS (0xf << 4) /* Exit active power down delay to read command in mode "…
70 #define AT91_DDRSDRC_TRPA (0xf << 8) /* Row Precharge All delay */
71 #define AT91_DDRSDRC_TRTP (0x7 << 12) /* Read to Precharge delay */
74 #define AT91_DDRSDRC_LPCB (3 << 0) /* Low-power Configurations */
88 #define AT91_DDRSDRC_APDE (1 << 16) /* Active power down exit time */
104 #define AT91_DDRSDRC_MDINC (1 << 0) /* Master Delay increment */
105 #define AT91_DDRSDRC_MDDEC (1 << 1) /* Master Delay decrement */
106 #define AT91_DDRSDRC_MDOVF (1 << 2) /* Master Delay Overflow */
107 #define AT91_DDRSDRC_MDVAL (0xff << 8) /* Master Delay value */
112 #define AT91_DDRSDRC_DELAY(n) (0x30 + (0x4 * (n))) /* Delay I/O Register n */