Lines Matching full:d0
197 movel OR1, %d0
198 andl #0xF00007FF, %d0 // mask AMxx bits
199 orl #0xFFFF800 & ~(MAX_RAM_SIZE - 1), %d0 // update RAM bank size
200 movel %d0, OR1
204 clrl %d0 // D0 = 4 * port
205 init_1: tstl ch_status_addr(%d0)
207 addl #VALUE_WINDOW, ch_status_addr(%d0)
208 init_2: addl #4, %d0
209 cmpl #4 * 4, %d0
258 main_1: clrl %d0 // D0 = 4 * port
281 addl #4, %d0 // D0 = 4 * next port
282 cmpl #4 * 4, %d0
290 open_port: // D0 = 4 * port, D6 = doorbell to host
291 movel ch_status_addr(%d0), %a0 // A0 = port status address
296 clrl tx_in(%d0)
297 clrl tx_out(%d0)
298 clrl tx_count(%d0)
299 clrl rx_in(%d0)
302 andl clocking_mask(%d0), %d1
305 orl clocking_txfromrx(%d0), %d1
309 orl clocking_ext(%d0), %d1
313 orw #STATUS_CABLE_DTR, csr_output(%d0) // DTR on
317 movel first_buffer(%d0), %d1 // D1 = starting buffer address
318 movel tx_first_bd(%d0), %a1 // A1 = starting TX BD address
346 movel scc_base_addr(%d0), %a1 // A1 = SCC_BASE address
347 movel scc_reg_addr(%d0), %a2 // A2 = SCC_REGS address
352 movel tx_first_bd(%d0), %d1
366 movew #2, parity_bytes(%d0)
376 movew #4, parity_bytes(%d0)
386 movew #2, parity_bytes(%d0)
396 movew #4, parity_bytes(%d0)
404 clrw parity_bytes(%d0)
417 movel %d0, %d1
432 close_port: // D0 = 4 * port, D6 = doorbell to host
433 movel scc_reg_addr(%d0), %a0 // A0 = SCC_REGS address
437 andw #~STATUS_CABLE_DTR, csr_output(%d0) // DTR off
440 movel ch_status_addr(%d0), %d1
447 tx: // D0 = 4 * port, D6 = doorbell to host
448 cmpl #TX_BUFFERS, tx_count(%d0)
451 movel tx_out(%d0), %d1
454 addl ch_status_addr(%d0), %d2
462 addl tx_first_bd(%d0), %d1 // D1 = current tx_out BD addr
471 movel tx_out(%d0), %d1
476 tx_1: movel %d1, tx_out(%d0)
478 addl #1, tx_count(%d0)
486 // Service receive buffers // D0 = 4 * port, D6 = doorbell to host
487 rx: movel rx_in(%d0), %d1 // D1 = rx_in BD#
489 addl rx_first_bd(%d0), %d1 // D1 = current rx_in BD address
497 tstw parity_bytes(%d0)
506 subw parity_bytes(%d0), %d3 // D3 = packet length
524 movel packet_full(%d0), (%d2) // update desc stat
539 movel rx_in(%d0), %d1
544 rx_2: movel %d1, rx_in(%d0)
548 movel ch_status_addr(%d0), %d2
553 movel ch_status_addr(%d0), %d2
562 // Service transmit buffers // D0 = 4 * port, D6 = doorbell to host
563 tx_end: tstl tx_count(%d0)
566 movel tx_in(%d0), %d1
569 addl tx_first_bd(%d0), %d1 // D1 = current tx_in BD address
575 orl bell_tx(%d0), %d6 // signal host that TX desc freed
576 subl #1, tx_count(%d0)
577 movel tx_in(%d0), %d1
583 movel %d1, tx_in(%d0)
587 addl ch_status_addr(%d0), %d2
606 movel %d0, -(%sp)
609 movel PLX_DMA_CMD_STS, %d0 // do not btst PLX register directly
610 btstl #4, %d0 // transfer done?
617 movel %d0, -(%sp)
620 movel PLX_DMA_CMD_STS, %d0 // do not btst PLX register directly
621 btstl #12, %d0 // transfer done?
629 movel (%sp)+, %d0
641 movel %d0, -(%sp)
643 movel PLX_DOORBELL_TO_CARD, %d0
644 movel %d0, PLX_DOORBELL_TO_CARD // confirm all requests
645 orl %d0, channel_stats
649 movel (%sp)+, %d0
685 movel %d0, -(%sp)
691 clrl %d0 // D0 = 4 * port
726 movew csr_output(%d0), %d2
732 cmpw old_csr_output(%d0), %d1
734 movew %d1, old_csr_output(%d0)
739 andw dcd_mask(%d0), %d1
750 movel ch_status_addr(%d0), %a1
754 movel bell_cable(%d0), PLX_DOORBELL_FROM_CARD // signal the host
758 addl #4, %d0 // D0 = 4 * next port
759 cmpl #4 * 4, %d0
766 movel (%sp)+, %d0
782 movel #128 * 1024, %d0 // D0 = RAM size tested
784 cmpl #MAX_RAM_SIZE, %d0
786 movel %d0, %a0
791 lsll #1, %d0
800 ram_test_size_found: // D0 = RAM size
801 movel %d0, %a0 // A0 = fill ptr
802 subl #firmware_end + 4, %d0
803 lsrl #2, %d0
804 movel %d0, %d1 // D1 = DBf counter
812 ram_test_loop: // D0 = DBf counter
814 dbnew %d0, ram_test_loop
816 subl #0x10000, %d0
817 cmpl #0xFFFFFFFF, %d0